Tuesday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  The paintings must be destroyed in a bonfire outside the parliament buildings.  A case of extreme diversity.

Trudeau’s Canada:  There is hope for the addicted in Alberta.  Apparently some blockades are legal.

Today In Islam:  Another case of mental illness.  The Seattle Muslim.  And Islamophobia in France.

Biden’s America:  Return of the enviro cult leader.  Justice Dept. hiding documents for the Biden crime family.  Are the Republicans ready?  Is Hunter Biden man of the year?  A frustrated teacher.  The 10 scandals to keep your eye on.  Your morning meme.

21 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re: Some blockades are legal

    I have no problem with First Nations objecting to mining and logging because they want to hunt, fish, and trap.

    However, they should use traditional tools. No metal traps, no guns. They use metals which come from mining.

    No log cabins like in the photo. Those logs were cut using metal axes and saws. They can stay in abodes made from spruce boughs and/or animal skins (made using stone tools).

    1. Yup. If they want to “protect” traditional territory, then do it in the traditional way. And no un-traditional money either, either from employment or government. Money is not traditional for them either.

      All traditional hunter-gatherer or all modern, you can’t have both.

    2. Nonsense!

      My ex-wife’s Indigenous Family has been night-hunting from the road with spotlights and semi-automatics since “Time Immemorial.”

    3. From a reading of Treaty 3 the blockaders are in violation by interfering in passage and trade. Cut payments to the reserve until the blockades are removed and the Band is back in compliance.

  2. My son just got back from out west…told me about “an Alberta shotgun”. Throw a handful of change out into traffic and watch the addicts run after it.

  3. I notice Erhlic isn’t volunteering to reduce the planet’s carbon footprint, living to a ripe old age.

    1. It is incredible that he has made a high-profile career of being wrong on every prediction he ever made.

  4. Re the blockades, the CBC reporter bio is the dream cocktail for a SJW “reporter”
    “Logan covers a range of stories focused on health, justice, Indigenous communities, racism and the environment.”

  5. Re: The blockades.

    I would LOVE to attend one of their Sacred Fire Burnings. Indigenous people are so noble compared to white nationalists.

    1. Pat, I can think of a veritable host of people I’d like to see attend one of their Sacred Fire Burnings. My tally would echo the lyin’, cheatin’, stealin’, etc., list on the other thread.

  6. My wife’s mother’s direct male line and other 18th century lines owned owned hundreds if not thousands of slaves in Jamaica. An ancestor was even governor for a short time. 40 or so years ago Jamaica did tourist ads saying, “Come back to the way it used to be.” My wife was excited until I told her they didn’t mean 200 years ago.

  7. Block logging then complain about not being treated well at the local hospital.
    Maybe services should only be for those who actually put into society, or are legitimately unable to do so.
    Cut or burn? The only two choices. A mature forest must die to make way for a new forest. Let it burn, don’t care anymore.

    1. “Maybe services should only be for those who actually put into society…”

      There go the lyin’, cheatin’, stealin’…

  8. In case anyone is wondering, Blackie is still laying on a beach in Jamaica. Although he will take a minute to talk on the phone with the president of Ukraine.

  9. Re:” Some blockades are legal ” Welcome to Winnipeg. The Brady Landfill has been Blockaded since December 18th. They are still picking up trash and recycling and hauling it to where I don’t know. It will surely cost the taxpayer’s a lot of extra money for this. I bet if some Whitey’s tried this they would have been in jail on the afternoon of Dec.18th.

  10. ‘The Guardian – originally called the Manchester Guardian – has not aged as well as one might think. The paper was founded by John Edward Taylor in 1821 who used profits from a cotton plantation that used slaves to start the business, according to British journalists.’


  11. How about about telling us the names of the judges that released osman the non-violent muzzie three times.
