Now Is The Time At SDA When We Pay Homage To The Las Vegas Nostradamus

“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”

35 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Pay Homage To The Las Vegas Nostradamus”

  1. Has anyone seen the new NHL Anti-Groomer jerseys?
    And when is the NHL Anti-Groomer night on TSN?
    When does the NHL’s ‘Just Say No To Child Molesters’ campaign kick off?
    I don’t see it on my schedule.

  2. A fat man, with a fat neck shouldn’t wear a shirt with that tight collar … it’s ugly … and he could choke himself

    1. PS … I’d characterize my life as quite lovely, despite his hateful, bullying statement about Religious faith. Perhaps less than 10 years ago he’d have been immediately FIRED and BANNED from broadcasting for saying such a hateful thing … now he will be celebrated for it.

    2. That’s not a shirt, it’s his long underwear, my granpappy used to have a pair like that as did most other prairie farmers. They had the common decency to wear a shirt with a collar over top. Maybe Sid thinks he’s channeling what’s his face in Ukraine running around in sweats and combat gear to show that he’s woke. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

  3. Bettman is among the world’s biggest assholes. Because he worships queers, everyone is supposed to worship queers.

    1. Id guess that he just might hate queers – but he does love the power and authority of his position – so there is no dlck he wont suck to keep his job.

  4. When I was a kid, hockey was about 30% of life. every day in winter, every weekend, every goal scored resulted in people jumping through the air just as Bobby Orr did (I saw this live on air, it’ll never fade from me).

    I can almost say, I don’t give a crap about it now. Hockey’s dead, and though there are a few reasons for its death, I doubt it’ll come back in any meaningful way. I like skating, a few other winter sports, but as a spectator, or declaring my lifelong love for the Bruins until they sold Bobby Orr, then to the Habs and then felt it die with a thud last decade, it’s gone.

    Takes talent, and grit, and strength, and training, and thinking on your feet/skates, but my “give a damn” is broken.

    Also, fat guys shouldn’t wear their shirts tight around their necks as it looks like they’re about to suffer a major cardiac event which I doubt I’ll care about, but it’ll probs make everyone late for getting back to work after break.

    If “inclusivity” is their goal, they could start by including those who disagree with it being jammed in our faces each and every day and on each and every media all across the spectrum day and night. Before all media turns to what’s happened to marc in calgary’s dream of hockey.

  5. If they’re doing this in the NHL how long before they start it in minor hockey leagues?
    I’m really disgusted that only one guy sat out the warmup.

  6. Inclusivity, diversity, human rights, yadda, yadda, yadda. I wonder if this commentator would be as upset if the sweaters had a religous symbol and someone refused to wear it? How about you get a life instead of stirring up a tempest in a tea cup. Since when did professional sports get involved in anything outside the sports arena? Where is the outrage over the drag queen story hour, oh yeah…. there isn’t any from his point of view. As far as Lefties are concerned we’re all supposed to shut up when we are outraged over anything, but they can rant and rage if we tie our shoe laces different from them. Well fill your boots, Buttercup, and professional sports can join your circus cause we’ve all had our fill of this faux outrage, and are sick and tired you and your ilk in trying to intimidate us.

    If professional sports continue cap in hand to submit to the vocal minority they are going to loose a greater percentage of the paying audience.

  7. A little off topic, but just can’t resist it!

    For the sake of inclusivity, the NHL tried to hire black Zamboni drivers – the cops kept pulling them over!

  8. Regarding the “throwing up at what you’d see” at someone’s private life when that someone uses religious beliefs to publicly refuse kowtowing to The Current Thing…
    Sid says he’s seen it a million times in a lot of different ways. Quite the charge, Sid. How about some names and dates. Your blanket statement can be validated, right?
    Also, can’t wait for the Calgary Flames to do the same with Nazem Khadri in their lineup.

  9. Sid is sounding like a communist.


    Not surprising considering the network he works for.

    Has Sid ever heard of the concept of compelled speech??? It’s what Marxists and Communists do!

    Stuff it, Sid… and I’m sure that there are those around me that can think of more colorful colloquialisms than that to direct at the Sinner Sid.

    1. “Has Sid ever heard of the concept of compelled speech???”
      Another right-wing conspiracy theory proven to be true.
      We’re batting 1.000.
      The NHL did issue a statement in his defense, so that is good. But not enough. The horrible officiating and dumb rule changes were pushing me to the edge. Playing games with no fans pushed me over. Never going back.

  10. “and he has a son who is an army ranger”…

    What a rambling mess that guy is.

  11. Can Gays not now play hockey in the NHL? Are there any players that refuse to play with homosexuals? No and No, then it sounds inclusive to me.

    Now lets do Hockey is for Muslims or Christians, or Conservatives. Any of their bugaboos.

  12. Hockey is for everyone if you afford the equipment and ice time for your kids.
    We warned people fifty years ago that if you gave ’em an inch they’d take a mile,and look how gay “rights” have expanded, to about -to- be -legalized pedophilia.

    Provorov was absolutely within his rights, no one should be forced to wear anything they don’t want to in this supposedly “free” country.

    Btw, who is that fat smug bastard in the video,he looks familiar?

    1. He was Sid on Rogers SportsNet’s Tim and Sid. Two idiots trying to pretend they were experts on sports.

  13. One of Don Cherry’s (and now Ivan Povrolov’s) turds has more class than the entire Rogers organisation.

  14. So he’s supposed to wear a jersey supporting a particular sexual orientation or perversion.
    What’s next, furries and beastiality?
    What is the furry flag anyway? Would the NHL furry jersey be made with fur?
    And what about necrophiliacs, why isn’t the NHL supporting them?
    Are they being hateful towards the necros?
    Is the NHL necrophobic? Does the N stand for necrophobic?

  15. That guy makes me sick.
    It’s not the decent gay person that bothers me because they wince at this crap like we do.
    It’s the useless idiots, that ruin things.
    Smile or its the gulag for you.
    There’s a reason I haven’t watched network TV as a whole for almost twenty years.
    What a mess they have weaved.

  16. “Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.”
    – Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

  17. What passionate emotional commentary. Compare this progressive passion to the toxic masculinity and h8 from Don Cherry!

  18. Oh, the poor gays. 1-800-WA WA This FILTHY Bully needs several Fatal Beatings until he understands what Liberty means. NHL is run by Marxists now. Whitey is the Oppressor, everyone and everything is Oppressed by White People. Stop watching. The hockey is pretty Gay now too. Too many sweethearts as the Great Don Cherry would rightfully say. Suck on that Sid.

  19. So “hockey is for everyone” unless you happen not to enthusiastically embrace the cause du jour in which case burn the witch.

  20. Who were those guys that had a gay penis forced into them?

    What about their Rights?

    That Indian Horse guy, Sheldon Kennedy, others I’m pretty sure.

    The nhl really has it’s head up it’s ass.

  21. Sid truly doesn’t understand what love actually looks like.

    Ivan has a deep respect and love for God. Ivan has come to a personal belief and that belief now determines his choices and the direction of where he chooses to spend his time and what he supports.

    A famous saying goes something like this: A man will will not be compelled to fight because of the enemy who is in front of him, but because of WHO is behind him.

  22. I don’t follow sports, but……Go woke go broke comes to mind. I could care less if those dumbasses want to destroy their source of income. It’s truly sad, because a lot of kids love sports, and Hockey in particular, and these “professional organizations” are in self destruct mode. History will not look back kindly on this woke/queer/trans idiocy!
