16 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming, Sparky Hummers”

  1. Meh.. Bring the stupid.. Bring the failure.. They certainly are not going to rethink anything I have a problem with..

  2. Psssst … listen … do you know why your Hummer has that FABULOUSLY long Range rating? It’s got TRIPLE the battery of most other EV’s … oh! You didn’t think it would take longer to charge 3x the battery mass?

    Seriously … if the EV owners were honest … and not rigid ideologues … they’d admit their buyers remorse

    1. I, like most EV owners, charge via a NEMA 14-50 plug which supplies 8x the power.

      Guess it’s time to throw away the stove and dryer since they don’t work on a standard 120V/12A plug.

      Look, the loss of range in winter is real and I wouldn’t want to get caught out in a winter storm in an EV. But so many of the arguments I see against EVs here are just not accurate.

      1. I just remodeled my home … and installed a brand new solar-ready Main Electrical panel … and … installed a dedicated 50 amp breaker and circuit with a massive 4-conductor wire size 3awg!!! … for an EV charging station in my garage. The wire alone cost me nearly $1,000 at Home Depot. But I will NEVER install solar on my roof, or hookup an EV charging station. No, I installed all of this because I live in N.CA … and anyone who can actually afford my remodeled home will likely want these features. So yes, the buyer will be able to charge his Tesla Model Y -double battery SUV faster than the schlub trying to do it on his oldy-fashioned 240V 40 amp. outlet … but just like my dryer … it will cost the equivalent of a tank of gasoline in electricity cost to fully recharge on that FAST 50amp circuit. PG&E is just getting LOTS more $$$$

  3. The obvious answer is to buy two hummer ev’s, then you can drive the other one while the other one is charging.

    Hell, buy three,they’re cheap.

    1. not as cheap as they are going to be, once owners discover the downside, and start unloading their nicely painted boat anchors. I predict an upsurge in insurance payouts due to mysterious fire happenings………

  4. One of those big jobsite generators that are mounted on a trailer ought to fix that problem.

  5. You’d think that the buyer, before dropping what? $200K? on an electric Hummer, would ask the salesman how long it will take to charge the thing off a 120V, 15-amp receptacle. But, no. They can read “volts” but their understanding of electricity stops right there.

    120 volts time 15 amps is 1800 watts. In an hour, that flow is 1800 watt-hours. Now, divide the 250,000 watt-hour battery’s capacity by that 1800, and get 138.89 hours, or 5.78 days. Basic electricity.

    And basic ignorance about electricity is going to hurt an awful lot of people. Our politicians are no better. In spite of the failures of wind and solar in Europe, they double down on it here as if wishful thinking and legislation will somehow force the wind to blow and the sun to shine.

    Of course, communism was a spectacular failure too, which must be why they pursue it as well.

    1. You beat me to it… In reality, he might be able to pull 20 amps from that 15 amp outlet without tripping the breaker, but if the wiring burns up, he might have some ‘splaining to do to his insurance company.

      And then there is the issue of cold weather (or even hot weather, I guess). Battery charging is most efficient within a fairly small window of temperature, and in very cold or very hot weather, that week of charging time might stretch out to 2 weeks, or even a month.

    1. Sorry to be O/T, but DB, did you hear anything further about your friends daughter, you mentioned, who lost consciousness?

    2. Isn’t Reader’s Tips a place to alert the moderators to relevant articles to post on SDA? If so, it did its job.
