20 Replies to “Music from the Vietnam War”

    1. 1971 is the single greatest year EVER for music. EVER. No other single year comes close. I was a freshman in HS and had just discovered house parties, friends fancy turntables, drinking, and sex … with girls … really young beautiful 15 yo girls who were just as interested in exploring sex. TMI? Sorry … but this music takes me back. And I was never the least bit confused about my gender … or the gender of my girlfriends. How sad and EVIL what our society is degenerating into now. Oh! And I was always a solid B+ student. No, not an A+ student … but if any of you have read about my family life … I was essentially homeless as a 15 yo kid. Life was rough … but the music and girls kept me grounded.

  1. Denny nailed it.
    He wasn’t no senators son, ya’ll.
    Don’t know about you, but I am sick of hearing how vets have been treated after being suckered into unrighteous geopolitical wars that were orchestrated by elite money grubbing assholes, when said vets were called to do what they thought was right.
    They (the government and military industrial pig players) preyed upon sincere patriots like Denny.
    History proves that time and again.
    Cannon fodder writ orange.

  2. I’m getting a little sick of people fighting in wars that were a really bad idea, and expecting us to treat them like heroes. If I would get drafted to fight in Ukraine I would rather sit in jail rather than been a tool of globalist idiots. You got suckered in to fight a war? Then you are a sucker not a hero.

    1. Well even though I am a Canadian, I consider you a real dickhead for saying such a mean nasty comment about those who served. If you want to be sick of people, be sick of those dumb ass politicians for bad decisions.

      1. They served monsters who used them to kill for their political agenda. If the elites don’t have idiots who will fight their wars for them, they won’t start wars. When the tow companies wouldn’t tow the truckers from Ottawa, those were real heroes. When I was allowed to go to the hospital to help a grieving family member, even though the government said I wasn’t allowed, that was a hero that let me in.

        1. Paul, your comment would be better suited to castigate the Krauts who served their Nazi leaders, etc.

  3. Door’s apocalypse now is another great Nam piece!
    Friend did 7 tours in Nam as a seal, and when he came home he was treated like shit, till one day he was challenged in a bar. That fool (challenger) never repeated that mistake, as he was lucky to still be alive!

  4. When all is said and done it seems rather amazing that the Democrats tried to keep America out of WWII against Germany but were more than eager to keep the Vietnam war going for years and now they’re on the same stage playing the same song and dance for a war in Ukraine. It was the same scenario about the Arab Spring. To accomplish they’re efforts they resort to inundating the media with propaganda. It has been bizarredly apparent over the last few years America has interferred in countless countries courtesy of the CIA to control events beyond their borders and now we have reached the point that they cannot conduct safe and secure elections in America and cannot control their national borders. The beacon of Liberty and Freedom is being extinguished by self seeking politicians that are only interested in lining their own pockets.

    1. Well said Antenor!
      I shudder to think what can, or will, happen if the war-mongers down south and closer to home, here, get their way. Those in the “West” have no clue about what can or likely will happen if they drag us into a war with Russia to placate Zelenskii in Ukraine.
      Aircraft? How serviceable are our aged F-18s? (Purchased in the 1980s if I recall?)
      Our army? I suppose they are capable enough – Hell they were good enough to be teaching the Chinese some of our winter tactics, right?
      And our Navy! Subs that dare not sink and ships that are in dry-dock most of the time.
      Seems our only defense is accorded by the odd High pressure system in the winter and according to our weather experts, those “Highs” are weakening yearly if not daily.
      If the Nukes start taking off and then landing, there may not be anyone left to write songs.

  5. Vietnam, Afganistan and a few others were not wars to be won. There was no reason, whatsoever for them to be there. Just check how it ended. Communists and jihadists are in both places in power today.
    Those were production of military industrial complex with politicians getting their cut.
    Americans could, if they really wanted to, level the place.
    Being the ‘gentlemen’, they managed the optics, not unlike Putin does today. Ok, ok, not comparing the two, their actions and reasons, just how things look to the world.

    As things are with soldiers, they go where they are sent. However unlikely this may sound to some, they have to follow the orders. One difference is that there can be some sort of appeal.

    While being soldier in a country run by communists, the rule was, in peace time, refusal to follow an order was military court. In war time it was a bullet, right there, no questions asked. Period. End of story.
    The Americans handle those things different.

    If you want to see what America can do when it decides to go to war check with Operation Desert Shield following with Operation Desert Storm.
    General Schwarzkopf, most magnificent general, told the idiot politicians something to the effect, that he was out if they did not plan to win.

    If you follow the affairs of men, you may have noticed that the soldiers are pawns in the eyes of politicians. They, the politicians, don’t know dick as the saying goes, after all they are never in harm’s way, hiding in their stinking offices.

  6. Judge Tolentino
    6 months ago
    0:00 Fortunate Son
    2:22 Paint it black
    5:44 For what it’s worth
    8:22 We gotta get out of this place
    11:36 Bad moon rising
    13:56 Eve of destruction
    17:32 Somebody to love
    20:30 Surfin bird
    22:46 The house of the rising sun
    27:16 I wonder why
    29:36 Run through the jungle
    32:46 Gimme shelter
    37:16 War pigs
    45:10 I can’t help myself
    47:54 Swalbr
    50:28 White rabbit
    53:00 California dreamin
    55:49 Sympathy to the devil (Get to the boat Mason!)

    I was a MASSIVE Credence fan in the early 70’s. Have loved the Animals since about 1965 … and currently am OBSESSED with psychedelic guitar and music … from more than just The Jefferson Airplane. Superb song list … but there are numerous B-sides and less popular tunes that are simply superb from the era.

    Forgive me for waxing nostalgic … but Richard Nixon stopped the War right when my 18yo lottery number was drawn at under 100 … guaranteeing my call up to basic training and a trip to Nam. Perhaps a college deferment would have saved me … for a while … but this War consumed every young man’s life. There was no escape … unless you were the equivalent to what’s called “elite” today. I have nothing but respect for those who served … and know that only my birthday year and Richard Nixon saved me from a life of Nam PTSD.
