23 Replies to “The Summer Of Love Comes Early”

  1. Can anyone let me know when they get to CNN Headquarters?

    The best part about this is these are probably the teenaged children of all the globalist bankster mooks working at Deloitte.

  2. Yah?
    Demon Rats gotta demon rat.
    Another Democrat Enclave,were the residents have either voted solid Demon for decades,or have been too stupid to spot the election fraud and too lazy to move to a semisane city..
    Kinda like Canadians..
    After the Burn Loot Murder theatre,I am now convinced that this behaviour,is what democrat supporters want for their communities.
    Faster Harder.
    Can we have a wall built around these areas?

  3. I think there’s a bit of exaggeration here,I see a few broken windows and very few people on the street.

    The famous Saint George Floyd riots were much more destructive.

    1. They have to be wild, but not too wild. The object is to distract from DOJ Document searches or something.

  4. I guess that means Roger Goodell will be cheering for the Cincinnati Bengals tomorrow against the Buffalo Bills. If the Bills win, next week’s AFC Conference final against the KC Chiefs will be played in Atlanta. That should be fun.

  5. Perhaps we could send the pictures of burning cars, rocks and smashed windows to Justin so he knows what violent demonstrations look like. Not bouncy castles and hot tubs and truck horns.

  6. Just curious – is there a particular event that set them off this time? (Other than their masters wanting some distraction from Joe’s documents)
    The word “protest” gets tossed around a lot, now that “riot” is a dirty word. Ok….protesting what?
    Or is it just a case of antifas gonna antifa?

    1. Ancient and difficult to find ammo for it. A nice BAR would be preferable, especially in the USA where the ammo is cheap and plentiful.

  7. Hey! Big Joe Blow or one of his minions said that antifa was “just an idea”. Those aren’t real shattered windows. It’s a figment of someone’s imagination. Kind of like “spawn of joe” and his hookers. Kind of like the list of people that went to pedophile island.
    Kind of like joe the plagiarist. It’s all in your head. There’s a string of wooden box cars down at the station. The demonratten
    will be happy to transport you to a place of rest. Bon Voyage.

  8. Anyone miss the “Proud Boys” yet?

    They were the ONLY folks who put the fear of God into the Antifa pussies. Antifa isn’t afraid of the cops; they were afraid of a bunch of men who were willing to swing a fist to stop the rock throwing and destruction of cities.

  9. CNN near ground zero during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions: A large infrared lamp under development by the Americans was momentarily turned on. Some people got a bad sun tan………….

    The ensuing silence showed that it was a peaceful experiment.

  10. Just shoot them all. Tired of their shit. They riot for revenge because the cops killed their guy that shot a cop, who was disputing their claim to an “autonomous zone” on land owned by the city. WTF.
