87 Replies to “January 22, 2023: Reader Tips”

        1. Even the best tanks in the world will fail if they’re not used properly. These were outdated 2A4s BTW.

          1. LOL, right. Russians are slowly but surely destroying the Ukrainian defensive lines setting stage a soon-to-be breakthrough. Taking that kind of “analysis” seriously requires having IQ below your body temp (in Celsius, of course).

            Here is another map of this war created specifically for your intellectual equals; you’re gonna like it for sure, as it’s compiled entirely from reports of the sources like the one you use.

      1. Given the turret tossing performance of Russian tanks in Ukraine, I’m wondering if a whole lot of armies that used to buy Russian tanks are considering other alternatives.

        1. Lots of hopium and copium around here.
          Your Uke Nazis are being turned into ground meat
          Now don’t you lot have windows to smash, Jews to beat, books to burn?

          1. Gregie yet again proving that orcs have the tech to abort the litter and raise a placenta. After almost a year of a three day war, orcs hold about half of the ground they held after first week.

            And what is your grand strategy now? What is your brilliant plant? The one of Zukov: throw more orcs into the orc grinder.

            You tried shock and awe and deep raids as your doctrine envisioned. Failed misserably loosing most of your best troops (especially love VDV being thronw into freezing waters and orc elites dying from hypothermia). Oh well that kind of operation is clearly beyond your evolutionally level. Back to the drawing board.

            How about the patented “f*** you artillery” tactic? Less ambitious than maneuver warfare but surely that will work. Oooopsie those darn Ukrainians have better, longer ranged ranged and more accurate artillery now. And they are blowing up our ammo stockpiles. And they are counterbattering our asses. And we are burning out barrels of anything produced this century. And replacement barrels look like bananas due to poor storage. And back to WWII (yes D-1s) we gradually go.

            Maneuver warfare did not work. Air supremacy hasn’t been established. Air blitz failed to break their will. Running out of artillery. What’s left? Well we’ll turn the better trained into sturmabteilung and the rest will do try to follow and plug their barrels with their bodies. Sounds like a plan, let’s put Wagner and Kadyrowitz blocking detachments behind them in case they entertain some sane notions of not sacrificing for the tsar.

          2. “And speaking of copium, that’s exactly what Ruϟϟischeschweinen troops weld to their tanks”

            Whoever designed those cope cages deserves a Ukrainian medal. Those a orc deep fryers. Hundreds of trained turret orc crews were prevented from jumping out of the burning tank by those contraptions and got extra crispy as result. The dumbest idea since the mobile personal shield of French WWI infantry.

        2. Good call. One would think the USA would be eager to put the M1 Abrams on display in the Ukraine showcase.

          1. P.S. On the topic of tanks, German Leopards won’t be rolling east is the latest news. There are still hurt feelings about German tanks rolling east the last go. Scholtz is calling on the USA to go first. So we may yet see the Abrams perform in a war that’s not against goat herders.

      1. Thanks Joe, Those are both excellent. I will share.
        It’s funny, I did a search on Google and got the result “’95% of EVs are still on the road. The other 5% made it all the way home’ meme – did not match any documents”. A Bing search yielded an image of graphs. Either their Algorithms are very clever and do not want such a search to be found, or more likely, they are like a climate models (or any mathematical model), if you have more than three variables they fall apart.

        1. My first search was “95% of all EVs are still on the road”, and got poor results.

          Then tried “95% of all EVs are still on the road meme” and voila.

          1. Thanks Joe. It looks like I did have too many words. I did have meme at the end. Thanks again.

            I love that meme. My clients in the energy business laugh out loud.

  1. The Debaters is a comedy show on CBC radio. It’s OK sometimes. Today’s debate was “Insects are the future of food”. Nikki Payne argued against this position. She made good points: “There’s not enough parsley in the world to make these things look edible”. “So we’re gonna starve out the bird population to save the planet? Good job David Suzuki”. “Now we are supposed to eat things that live under our sinks? Landlords will raise the rent because it’s now a bed and breakfast”. The host asked: “Why do experts say we should not eat slugs and snails?” She responds “Because they’re slugs and snails”.


  2. Does anyone have a link to the meme “95% of EVs are still on the road. The other 5% made it all the way home”.

  3. “The Biden Administration Finally Admits Its Mistake in Canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline

    By Tom Harris
    January 19, 2023
    At long last, the Biden administration is admitting what experts have always known: reckless energy policies have disastrous consequences. This time, the Department of Energy quietly released a report highlighting the positive economic benefits of developing the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, an energy project canceled by President Biden in the hours following his inauguration.

    But the DOE’s report is a proverbial day late and a dollar short. The cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline has already cost the United States thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth while families suffer under the weight of record high energy prices. It’s time for lawmakers to make American energy independence a top priority.

    Released without a formal announcement, the DOE’s report points out that the pipeline would have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobs and would have had an economic benefit of between $3.4 and 9.6 billion. That’s no small impact. Yet with one stroke of his pen, Biden slashed the project and instead focused his efforts on costly “green energy” goals. As a result of his executive action, 11,000 pipeline workers were promptly laid off and told to “go to work to make solar panels” instead.

    Two years into sowing its Green New Deal policies, the administration is reaping a bitter harvest. Due to Biden’s folly, oil, natural gas and electricity prices have more than doubled in just a single year. Meanwhile, more than 28 percent of Americans abstained from purchasing food or medicine to pay an energy bill in 2021. And now, the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act includes wind and solar spending that will cost Americans $369 billion.”

    Economic malaise, Joe built this! Not to mention borking the energy industry of one the USA’s putative “allies”.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

      1. Another thing you will not see on State Media.
        Our Government grovelled and praised the Demented one,when Keystone was cancelled.
        Our Liberals don’t give a damn about Resource development and export earning..
        They spend like Liberals,while killing every export industry..
        This is Treason.
        Western Canada should take Emperor Justine at its word..And “just transition” away from these Federal Fools and Thieves.

  4. It sure is fascinating to read some of the uninformed comments on the “war” in the Ukraine. I have rarely made a comment as I do not have any valid information about it. I did comment once on a historical fact or two but hey, how many people posting here actually know much about it?

    1. VOWG – I have a similar POV. I do know that many young men, and a number of young women, on both sides are having their futures eliminated, along with future generations they may have procreated, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time in history. That is a common trait of all wars. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in a strong military, partly for it’s deterrent effect.

  5. Apologies, no link, this on BCF:
    “The new internet will only be accessible to those with biometric digital ID.” Say What?

    1. Thats Can Ahh Duh.
      Now why would our “Government” Banks be cutting their own throats?
      What “service” do they imagine they provide?
      Let the run continue.
      If you currently keep more ,than day to day expenses,in these “Banks” you trust beyond reason.
      For they told us all how they see us..
      In their own words.
      And in their actions.
      “Freezing Bank accounts” without court order,without proof.
      Without respect.
      The Canadian Banks are a Government Agency.
      And they have made no secret of it.

      Canadian Tire Paper will soon have more value than Canadian Script and Canadian “Banks”.

  6. On the topic of tanks…
    over at that conservative news aggregator Citizen Free Press nation
    “One brave man left in Germany…”

    The feet dragging may have more to do with a blown pipeline than hurt feelings.

    1. Don’t watch or listen to ctv,cbc the red star etc all liberal propaganda.Zero viewership has brought CNN to its knees we can do that here as well

  7. NATO Leader stressed as he see NATO and EU sink.
    Weapons Are The Way To Peace. His big message in the Davos Echo Chamber of Davos Dildo’s.
    He is terrified of losing his gravy train.
    NATO and the EU are fracturing. The UkoNazi’s are being ground into the mud. This will be the 3rd Army raised up by NATO/US/UK to defeat Russia and he will grind them into the mud a well. You can smell the fear amongst these retards who think they rule the world.
    The Collective west, all of the EU and North America amounts to 1B people. Most of the remaining 7B people want nothing to do with the corrupt west or the war mongering of the UK/USA/NATO.

    The USD is being bypassed by China 15B, India 1.5B, Saudi Arabia all the ME and most of the Global South.

    The USA Empire of Lies is ending along with the Petro Dollar and the USD Reserve Currency Status.

    And unfortunately for Canada never have we had a PM who is such a slavish US Ass Kisser as Trudeau.
    Biden could shit on a plate and Trudeau would eat it hot.


      1. Let The Butthurt Flow Through You Allan.

        Ukraine is finished as a country. Poland is talking of taking back Galicia from what is now Ukraine. They are even showing this on Polish maps.
        Hungary also wants back their piece of Ukraine, given to Ukraine at the end of the WW2.
        Change channels Allan from the CBC brain washers and educate yourself.

  8. Dateline: LotusLand, BC
    My wife spotted a flashing digital sign on a passing bus yesterday in Vancouver. Mask mandates mandatory.

    When I mused that my travelling days may be over, my daughter attempted to console me, opining that it would soon be over. I said NOPE. NEVER.

    The brilliant Elon Musk said he felt like he was dying after the second booster. So, Elon is … quadrupled jabbed?!

    1. Error ?
      That mask mandate digital sign on the bus in Vancouver may have been a driver error. Not seen on other buses and nothing via google search.

  9. It was hilarious watching the NATO/UK/EU/USA freaks attack each other over the collapse of the Ukraine.
    NATO is breaking apart, this is the 3rd Army they have built up for Zelinsky and it will also be crushed by the Russians.

    Why do not all the Ukrainians in Canada go fight Russia. Get Trudeau to buy you a plane ticket.
    Ha Ha Ha

    1. Why do not all the Ukrainians in Canada go fight Russia. …..good question.

      But how about we send all the young male Ukrainian grifter “refugees” back to “assist” their country.

  10. Porsche-o-meter update.

    55 Caymans for sale (nationally across Canada), up from 51 last week, with 10 having price reductions, up from 6 last week. Translation … economy is trending downward as none of these cars are selling. Sure it’s winter, but we shall see.

  11. Davos Dildo Threatens Musk. He must censor.
    The Dildo’s are terrified of being exposed. So is Trudeau which is why he has his own censorship plans for Canadians.
    FJT and the Davos Dildo’s. No More Peaceful Convoys.

  12. The media cartel would like to tell everybody that it was a hate crime. You were to assume that it was some white thrash that was responsible.

    Well, if fell apart rather soon.
    The guy may have hated the other Asians, though he was an Asian hisself (sic).

    “California mass shooting suspect found dead after traffic stop”

    The man, Huu Can Tran, 72, died by suicide after being pulled over, authorities said. Ten people were killed Saturday at a Lunar New Year celebration in Monterey Park.
