Sunday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  The Al Sharpton story.  Joe Biden’s stolen documents.  The Chinese government would make great parents.  Education in Florida.  More documents found.

Woke Britain:  I wonder if they have healing lodges?  Saying mummy is racist or something.

Island Prison Of New Zealand:  Country gets a new dictator.

666 News:  More on the prostitutes at Davos.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Big payout regarding residential schools- (Warning: CBC link).  Update on the student suspended for defending female only bathrooms.  The cost of asylum seekers.

24 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. I re-watched ‘Hunger Games’….
    Such a phenomenally excellent movie to enjoy!
    They went all out on the characters and set presentation.

  2. But … but … the ancient Egyptians had slaves.

    Rather the reverse, calling their dead “mummies” was surely very sexist oif the ancient Egyptians.

    1. Ancient Egyptians had slaves.

      I want reparations.

      $1 at 1% for 4000 years = $1.9 E17

      $1 at 5% for 4000 years = $5.7 E84

    2. BTW … nearly every TV program about “new discoveries” in Egyptology now insist that they didn’t use slaves … but that the pyramids were built by a well organized … almost UNIONIZED … middle class labor force. All the history we’ve learned has been, or is being revised. On flimsy, nonsensical, “evidence”. Up is down … male is female is male is nothing

  3. Which ones are the prostitutes at Davos again?

    With all the politicians and press there, I’m not quite sure…..The big crabby one from the other day????The invisible Flutist?????

    1. I suspect that almost everyone there is a prostitute. It’s just the females there getting paid for sex are the only honorable ones.

    2. That’s a fair question. Maybe another question to ask is which ones are the biggest whores.

      The answer is obvious. Eh?

      The college students are likely opportunists or mostly part time.

      The wef flunkeees are full time, all the time, money sluts.

  4. So of course the payout isn’t going to the individuals harmed, it’s going to the bands as a slush fund for them to use as they please… not at all surprising

  5. NZ.

    Where the Gubmint will HUNT you Down to enforce their version of MAID.
    Expect turd wonder here in Canuckistan to do the same. When that time comes, I for one will not go down like a lamb…

    Bring it on….you NAZI fks.

  6. “The Mummified Remains”
    starring Tom Cruise

    Catchy title…I assume woke Hollyweird will get right on this name update.

  7. RE Catholic School suspending Student who stood up for Female only Bathrooms.

    Asking the Catholic Church to uphold a women’s right is like asking a Buchenwald Commandant for a day pass. They’re too busy diddling little boys to give a damn about the issue.

    GARBAGE organization.

  8. Today on turtle Island
    Canada is a world leader in organ transplants from people it kills with its MAID (Final Solution) program.
    We trained Nazis and absolved ourselves of wrong doing.
    We have a corrupt, fascist government.
    We be condone and aid in the mutilation of children.
    We celebrate every perversion known to man

    I don’t want to hear shit from any of you about China.. or Russia, or for that matter any other part of the world, unless you preface it with “well they’re not as evil as us but” ever…again
    No I’m not leaving links.
    Nothing I’ve written is a lie.

    Greg Grandy

  9. Now I see why Bishop Henry was ousted. He didn’t let any liberal BS go on with the Calgary Catholic School Board. The Presstitutes howled until he was replaced.

  10. Re: More documents found. How is it that Bidden’s lawyers have spent two months going through his businesses and homes looking for documents that he was not empowered to have and now the FBI have found more. Only one of two conclusions to account for this. Either his lawyers are as incompetent as he is or there are so many documents missing it will take years for the Monuments Men to uncover them all, apologies to Clooney and his co-stars.

    1. Only one of two conclusions? Building on your list.

      1) the lawyers are as incompetent as Biden
      2) there are so many documents it will take years to go through
      3) the lawyers are attempting to help with the Biden cover up
      4) the lawyers are deliberately trying to drag out the process (death by 1000 cuts scenario)

      There may be other possibilities.

      And a reminder; the FBI or DOJ do not appear to be searching Biden’s papers at University of Delaware. How much classified material is there? Do the University officials ‘archiving’ the material have security clearances?

  11. I warned people that just because Jacinda Ardern resigned, it didn’t mean a victory. That just got someone worse as the clip from the article proves. He is going to hunt down the unvaccinated – from his own mouth.

  12. “I warned people that just because Jacinda Ardern resigned, it didn’t mean a victory. That just got someone worse as the clip from the article proves. He is going to hunt down the unvaccinated – from his own mouth.”

    Then he will go down in flames just as she did.

    The jig is up…people aren’t buying into it anymore.

    1. I’m afraid they ARE buying it, there and here in Australia… Less so and with a degree of more skepticism than previously, perhaps – I’ve heard people aver that they’ll settle for up to four shots, but no more (for now) – but they’ll still vote for the labor/greens here now and whatever Ardern was in Kiwiland, even when they KNOW they’ll be even more repressive!!!

      There’s nowhere I can flee to that’ll be better, either!

  13. Wow! $8.6 million for each “victim” of the BC residential school lottery this week (2.8 billion settlement/325 Indians). I had some really shitty teachers in public school and I can get fat and act entitled too. So where’s my lottery? Has anyone done a life expectancy of residential school attendees versus a control group? What if they are outliving the people who were left behind in the Rez? The last residential school closed 54 years ago making the youngest surviving attendees 71 today. Average life expectancy for FNs is 72-74 for Males and 78-80 for females. So many questions, so much money to be made by lawyers and grifters.

    Welcome to Canada New Immigrant. You will now be taxed to compensate mostly dead people who were banished to government funded racial ghettos for suffering alleged abuse within compulsory public education that ended before you were born and most of the money will go to white pimps and lawyers.

  14. $ 2.8 billion for getting an education in residential schools? I thought they all got their arse money about 10 years ago. Does this never end?
