32 Replies to “Voice Of Franky”

    1. Exactly. Frank sounds like a scared rabbit.
      He knows how deeply unpopular the Liberals are.
      He knows how massively disliked Justatwit and Jughead are by most of the country’s voters.
      He knows that half the voters want an election now, which means most of the country wants the Liberals booted out now.
      He also knows that Justatwit has been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to the public for the past several years.
      He also knows that when the Libs go down the layoffs at Ekos start, because the CPC has no use for Frankie and the Ekos Grifters.

      So yes, Frankie has reasons to squeal.

    2. Yup. He’s not playing the game by their rules, where they win.
      The rule is they rule, nobody has a right to question their competence.
      That’s an unacceptable view, threatening election victory, er “Canada as we know it.” though “Canada is not broken.”
      Just the thinking of its power lusting ruling class. who think they can get their way using the Constitution and our Charter.
      Think again revolting peasants. We are the government, we represent the Constitution. Badly, for our purposes, but still we rule.
      Big business, labour and government are allied against your dissidence, as we line their pockets. 30% to CRA I say.
      You’re so crude, and every one of you is a racist; in fact born that way whitie; and, as the WEF overlords say, you won’t behave.
      So we must disinform and misinform you so you will behave. Suspend your disbelief or we suspend your freedoms.
      When has radical statism, chasing fake issues, ever failed its people before? Oh? OK, name two. But it’s different this time; really.

      If you say something that offends progressives, that means someone else entirely could “likely” be incited to commit a crime, which means you’re committing a crime even though no crime was actually committed, just (there it is again) “likely” to be committed.

      That’s soon to be law, if not already. Don’t say the PM should be drawn and quartered unless you want a visit from CSIS.
      With big government as the governor of criminalizing speech and thought. All hail the dear leader. Welcome to dystopia.

      Rant over.

      Graves et al are a bit worried. In my opinion PP still has a mighty big hill to climb, which he’s willing do die on, to take on the media.
      If the 905 belt and Ontario don’t get their political acts straight and look around at our vast nation, our country is doomed to division.
      But the real thing, damn the totalitarian torpedoes. That is what PP must be determined to stop, using responsible government.

  1. Sounds like someone afraid of Laurentian irrelevance reminding his social circles that he’s still around and part of the team and here’s proof. As with his in-crowd, he can’t seem to muster an argument so defaults to an empty Ad Hominem barely worthy of a blog troll or msm editorial.

  2. I did a search of the last two fiscal years of the Public Accounts Canada, of federal government “contract services” for Ekos Research, and here are the results:

    1. $287, 611 Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
    2. $127,457 Department of Transport
    3. $111,856 Department of Veterans Affairs
    Total $526,924

    1. $297,237 Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
    2. $116,784 Department of Justice
    3. $129,537 Department of Public Works
    Total $ 543,563

    Money talks for grifters.

  3. “Franky never been wrong”? Wow, that is loaded with self serving arrogance, and God just loves a challenge.

    1. If I recall correctly, Franky was absolutely sure that Dion was going to thrash Harper and then the follow up, he was so confident that Iggy was going to beat Harper, he not only stated that Harper was going down, but used his position to give campaign advice to the libs.

    2. I’m sure his push poll questions always give him the desired conclusion…. why else would the government hire him to tell them what they want to hear?

  4. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/geoff-russ-ekos-boss-frank-graves-ill-advised-threat-to-keep-pierre-poilievre-from-winning

    Frank Graves has been called out on his bias since at least 2010, don’t know why any credible organization would hire EKOS, but then the Liberals aren’t credible, just serial liars.

    “Pierre Poilievre is an acolyte of authoritarian populism. This is never healthy. You are on notice. Going to make sure you are never going to lead my country. I don’t make idle threats,” Graves wrote on Twitter last week.” Quote from NP article dated April 22/22.

      1. So the racist liberal voters don’t want black, Latino and Chinese gangs and their families in their cities?
        Got it.

  5. In the scale up to success that Gandhi outlined that starts with “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you.”, where’s “Then they erase their tweets”?

  6. A few more shots of the booster juice might shut Franky up. It’s worked on quite a few others.

  7. What is truly tragic, graves has become the norm for Canadian media, drunk, stupid, parasitic, uninformed, morally devoid of any human standard and commie biatches. But he has how much of our money?

  8. Many times over the years I’ve seen him referred to as “Liberal pollster Frank Graves”…

  9. Memories Of Elizabeth May Dinner Speech?
    Maybe he just had a cold and it was the cough syrup talking?!

    “Blah, Blah, Omar Khadr, I’m relevant, look at Mee, Reeeee!”

