13 Replies to “BDE”

    1. I don’t think they will make it mandatory. Too much fun and they can’t tax it. Oh dear, I hope I haven’t spoken too soon. They might try!

        1. It is not covered by my employer’s drug plan – something to do with recreational drugs

  1. Viagra is a refined version of what was a commonly prescribed heart medication back in the eighties.
    Not sure why this is news.
    Pfizer execs ears perked up when doctors told them about its wood enhancement side effects.

  2. Since I went on hormone replacement therapy I have been very horny. I told my Doc that I was taking up with a much younger woman. He said, “At your age?? I hope you know what you are doing. I recommend taking Viagra, for some extra protection.”

    I said, “No way, Doc. I don’t take any pills.”

    The Doc said, “Be sensible, please consider the increased risk of dying.”

    I said, “I hate to sound insensitive, Doc, but if she dies, she dies.”

  3. Good luck with trying to get a double blinded placebo controlled trial. Those in the treatment arm of the study will be fully aware!
