175 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship: POEC Report”

  1. Commissioner Paul Rouleau is a substantial Liberal party contributor, and just as corrupt as you might expect.

    The fix was in on day one.

    1. So the government’s handpicked assemblage of court eunuchs, fart-catchers, and third-string assistant foreskin cleaners have pronounced the use of the Emergencies Act legitimate?

      Again, in other, equally shocking news:
      Elton John is gay
      Keith Richards has taken drugs
      Simon Le Bon slept with 80s supermodels

        1. Most people don’t know they’re being jobbed. Check Rouleau’s terms of reference to see the game was rigged from the start.

          He was tasked not to investigate, but to “examine and report on the circumstances of;”

          – “evolution of goals of the convoy,” without understanding the “intelligence” used was mostly supplied by biased CBC articles
          – “impact of domestic and foreign funding, including crowdsourcing,” the implications of which were all falsified by Trudeau.
          – “impact, role and sources of misinformation and disinformation, including the use of social media,” again by the state.
          – “impact of blockades, including their economic impact,” despite them being over and economic harm not a criteria of the EA.
          – “efforts of police and other responders prior to and after the declaration.” No mention of the absence of government’s “efforts.”

          Yet another inquiry where the government is specifically excluded from scrutiny, while blockade and foreign funding hobgoblins, despite being demonstrably false before the inquiry began, with Trudeau disinforming and misinforming Canadians, never looking into his motivation and the reality the martial law was invoked, whether or not it was imposed.

          The ignorance of Canadians on this matter is astounding, who don’t seem to understand they will be called a foreign funded Trump loving fringe minority with “unacceptable views” like disputing broken healthcare, futile carbon taxes and green misery.

          They have given Liberals license, aided and abetted by a compliant and willfully ignorant media, to destroy liberty without being required to submit to judicial authority, whether it be before, during or after trashing the Charter, with government establishment Laurentian apparatchiks like Rouleau and I fear the Supreme Court, deferring to statist overreach and abuse.

          That is why this a dark day for Canada and its diminishing hope of continuing, as the West is told to shut up and put up.
          Make no mistake of what is happening here – an imposition of a Central Canada run welfare state with an Atlantic appendage.

    2. YOU ARE 100% CORRECT…………the very minimal THRESHOLD WAS NEVER MET……honking in OTTAWA scared people and invoked the Emergencies Act????

      WHAT A BUNCH OF BS……….we all knew the fix was in from the get go, NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT………….


      1. Sure,Trudeau must go, but after this decision, which the LPC will hype up to make him look a statesman and noble leader, we’ll be lucky if he doesn’t hold another election this year and GO right into a solid majority government.

        This is a huge setback for Polievre and the CPC, and voters in eastern Canada will rally around their steadfast commander in the next election.

        If Trudeau calls an election this year he’ll win at least 180 seats.

        Hello Gun Control.

        1. don
          You said previously that election fraud is hard to accomplish in Canada. You were/ are wrong on that. Which defines you credibility on this matter.

          1. In this country election fraud isn’t necessary. The voters of Eastern Canada are inherently Liberal and they will vote for the LPC quite happily rather than take a chance on Those Horrible Conservatives.

            Polievre scares the hell outta eastern voters what with his cozying up to the Terrorist Truckers, promising to defund the sacred CBC, and impose mandatory minimum sentences on the victims of societal oppression who commit crimes out of desperation. Eastern voters just KNOW a CPC government will: ban gay marriage, bring back conversion therapy, outlaw critical race theory and drag queen story hour, make marijuana illegal again, outlaw abortions, and oppress the sainted First Nations.

            I don’t know what it will take to get Trudeau OUT of the PM’s Office, a lightning strike perhaps?

            Outside Western Canada Trudeau is quite popular and even those who don’t like him will vote for the devil they know.

        2. voters in eastern Canada will rally around their steadfast commander in the next election…he’ll win at least 180 seats

          Don Morris, you are having a very bad day. Trudeau is going to get nothing politically out of this. Canadians are a stupid lot, true, but no amount of official exoneration and media propaganda is going to convince even stupid easterners that horses stomping on disabled elderly aboriginal women was a noble thing deserving reward.

          Junior will have to rely on the tried and true methods to get votes. Like buying them.

          At any rate, 70% of Canadians are tired of him, and it will be hard to change their minds. Even the 30% that vote Liberal don’t like him, they’re just being loyal to their meal ticket.

          And for Mike who keeps saying his sister in law thinks he’s a dreamboat, well there will always be the deaf, dumb, and blind. But even among those she’s a shrinking minority.

          1. Hiya, no I’m not having a bad day, doing fairly well actually. But Trudeau will get a lot of political hay out of this decision, which I consider deeply corrupt.

            Outside the conservative world, Trudeau is a lot more popular than we imagine. Talk to liberals, visit liberal websites and blogs, you’ll get a far better picture of their support for Trudeau than you will hanging around conservative people and blogs.

            I know a lot of liberals (small “L” deliberate) and they just don’t like what they see as the party of punishment,the CPC. The CPC platform is to “fix” all the issues they disagree with the Liberals on. It will take a lot more negative Press to finally piss off a sufficient number of voters to remove Trudeau. It took 13 years of Chretien’s mafia-run government last time, and he was never as popular with voters as Trudeau.

            Conservatives’ strongest suit is underestimating the enemy, Harper did, so did Scheer, and O’Toole, and I get the impression that too many conservatives aren’t capable of the cliche “walking a mile in the other guy’s shoes”.

            Every Liberal I know is well educated and successful, in contrast to the widespread conservative view that LPC voters are basement dwelling morons with a low IQ.

            The enemy is formidable, we have to understand that. The bastards know how to win an election, and NOT by fixing it. They just campaign a lot better,and govern a lot worse. The only way to victory over Trudeau I can see is if the plight of the average person gets a hell of a lot worse and voters finally revolt via the election.

            Western separation would be a good idea, but we don’t have the leaders to get a movement going,and probably never will.

          2. I’m glad you’re having a great day.

            I like your comment about hanging around conservative blogs and being out of touch. If i paid any attention to most commenters on here, I’d think Junior could part the Red Sea and raise the dead. The hatred is so palpable they have invested the enemy with super (divine?) powers and believe he’s capable of doing anything. The only person who consistently gets it is the person with the Japanese handle (no disrespect, just can’t remember the name). She knows he’s a loser in every respect, and beneath contempt.

            Trudeau Junior reminds me a lot of Hitlery down in the states. Like Hitlery, Junior has all the advantages of the establishment, the power elites, the media complex, and the deep state behind him, and he still can’t get the damned ball over the touch line. He’s a weakling. He’s inept. He’s a cypher. And it’s laughable that the elites of the GTA have made this maroon their champion. Well, there’s no accounting for taste among our betters, is there?

            If Junior didn’t have the allure or expectation of power behind him, what little support he does have would evaporate altogether. The cocktail party GTA set would move on to the next bright young thing that strokes their considerable egos.

            Trudeau senior had a bad election when he hovered around the low 40s. Junior can’t muster above 32. He’s not popular. Mr. Morris, do yourself a kindness and remove yourself from the GTA. Your friends and acquaintances are not intelligent. Like their American lib cousins, they are simply floating on the putrid waves of their own self-satisfaction, assuring themselves that the flatus is actual brilliance. The GTA is irrelevant detritus that lies at the bottom of a scummy pond. They are Detroit North. They are so unworthy of attention or concern that the Chinese spy balloons steer hundreds of kilometers away from their precincts.

        1. This is an easy mistake to make. I have done it myself and would like to correct my error. I do not have evidence that Justice Rouleau is related to JT through marriage or otherwise. He appears to be a bought and paid for member of the Liberal Party of Canada family — was a Liberal staffer. He is also a longtime member of the Canadian deep state that crosses any party lines. They are a class that takes care of themselves.

      1. This relationship..Is it true?
        Is Uncle Paul brother to Justine’s Uncle?
        I did a brief search with conflicting results.

        But of this is the relationship..
        Oh Boy,the Libtards are not even trying to pretend to be honest anymore.

        With all the Liberal Hack Judges infesting Can Ahh Duh’s Just Us System,they chose a relative?
        American myth has “Uncle Tom”..
        But we Canadians have Uncle Pauls,for every person who still supports our Liberal/ NDP dictatorship is an “Uncle Paul”.

        So naked of ethical standards and decency they need their relatives to bail them out.
        So corrupt as to be insufferable.

        If Mr Rouleau is “Uncle Paul” to Dear Leader,then every member of Parliament is unfit for office.
        every “Investigative Journalist” needs to be hanged.
        And every Senior Bureaucrat should be up against the wall.
        And the Good Justice himself?
        Has negative integrity.

        So what is the true relationship?

        For if the accusation holds true,we have no one in office or the halls of power fit for function.
        None who even vaguely comprehend conflict of interest.
        Which would not surprise me at all.
        Canada is not just broken.
        It is beyond salvage.

          1. Bob

            Lmao…and utterly true.!!

            By the way did ANYONE here actually believe the outcome would be anything other than , well of course it was justified..??

    3. Sorry Canada … but you’ll need to EXILE more than just your immature, petulant, spoiled PM. You’ve got an entire Parliament to BANISH to Haiti. Isn’t that why the Canadian military is surveilling Haiti right now?

    4. Fred2,

      I hear that Rouleau is also Justin’s uncle.

      I figured from the start that it would be a whitewash so no surprise.

      He has just handed near-dictatorial powers to Trudeau.

      Back when Trudeau Sr. implemented the war measures act for an actual insurrection, it was called an overreaction.

      1. Back when Trudeau Sr. implemented the war measures act for an actual insurrection, it was called an overreaction.

        Yes, that’s true. That’s why as soon as Trudeau was out of office the next government repealed the law and brought in the new Emergencies Act. But having a Trudeau in government means your country can never have nice things. Trudeaus are always and forever effing up the works.

        PS — 55 years in retrospect, more people are beginning to wonder whether the FLQ Crisis wasn’t an RCMP set up. They were caught in a lot of flagrant illegalities back then that resulted in getting intelligence work taken away from them and given to the new CSIS outfit. The FLQ kidnappings were a lot like the FBI entrapment in the Governor Whitmer kidnapping farce. At any rate, after using the War Measures Act to violate any number of civil rights, Trudeau eventually treated the perpetrators with kid gloves. No rebels were hanged, right?

      2. Dirtman – Pierre Rouleau was married to Pierre Trudeau’s older sister. He is also Paul Rouleau’s older brother. Way to close to have any appearance of independence and would be a position no judge with any integrity would accept. I was called to jury duty and knowing the prosecutor excluded me immediately from serving.

    5. Imagine my surprise when the Liberal Liberl government appointee announced that the Liberal Government was right. Gosh, you could have not me down with a feather.

  2. This is the kind of thing that, in the end, results in the breakup of a country into smaller regions.

        1. Lived there for 13 years, Ralph Klein era. Loved the place. Biggest mistake I ever made was moving back to the woke cesspool of Onscaryo.

  3. Liberal Party judge oks fascism in Canada. And its the provinces fault that Dear Leader Kim Sung Trudeau had to act.

    1. But that is alright because every real Canadian loves Chairman Justin!

      Not to love Chairman Justin is to be a suppressive personality who needs re-education.

      1. The following is Chinese propaganda from a year ago:

        “In Ottawa, crowds of thousands packed the streets of the city center, the epicenter of the movement, blaring horns, playing music, dancing and drinking hot coffee. Anti-Trudeau signs and chants have become common along the clogged Ottawa streets.”


        Before we were re-educated by today’s story in The Slow & Snail, it seemed like the Chinese didn’t think much of our more than basic dictatorship.

      2. Well, I’m not feeling very comfortable right now about that letter I wrote to Rouleau in support of the Truckers
        Convoy. Have I made it onto a list of some sort?

        1. rob83, I publicly denounce you as a vile traitor and counter-revolutionary against our glorious and beneficent Trudeaucracy. I defy you to gaze upon the portrait of our shining leader and not feel revulsion and contempt. For what you’ve done…

    2. If you heard the reasoning, it wasn’t due to any hard facts but that the government felt it could get dangerous. In fact it did, the Police were the only ones committing violence and blocking highways in Ottawa. No facts, only feelings.

  4. Not surprised the entire charade was a joke, time after time judges rule that when the gobernment takes away your rights it’s “For your own good”. I’m beginning to hate this country and all it stands for, which is nothing but tyranny and abuse from the Justine/NDP regime.

  5. A real country would have had that toady and his Ceausescu removed from office ages ago.

    We shouldn’t be surprised.

    None of this changes the fact that Justin is a coward, a weakling who used his own child has a human shield, a nob who wouldn’t figure out how to end the demonstrations and a bully who uses people just as dull as he is to stamp on the citizenry.

  6. If you even watched parts, was there ever any doubt? As for more danger, well that weasel just made that a lot more probable. JFK -“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. “

    1. Forget the referendum. The same stooges will be appointed to oversee it and determine the outcome. When the system is corrupt the first step is to destroy the system.

    1. Yep oppose the regime and you will have your bank account frozen. Precisely why I don’t donate to the CPC anymore. I kind of need my accounts to be unfrozen.

    2. Sounder …

      That was Trudeau and Freeland’s test of the WEF promoted CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to see how it would work in practice , and to no surprise each and every bank immediately acquiesced to the request to freeze bank accounts.

      Listen to this tyrant Agustín Carstens ( General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements ) explain how Digital ID will work in the future if you don’t comply.

  7. Sorry, just recovered from falling out of my chair.

    Quelle Surprise!!! A liarberal judge with impeccable liarberal credentials sides with Le Dauphin

    All in the interest of “peace, order and good government” of course

    Danielle Smith, please call your office

  8. Liberal Party Hack finds that Liberal Party Invocation of Emergencies act which was not approved by parliament (passed in house, never voted on in Senate), was legal and appropriate, because he doesn’t want to make Justin look bad

    1. Exactly. If it was legal and appropriate, why did he rescind it before it reached the Senate? This does nothing other than justify the weak minds of the people who supported it. No one in the world watching what was happening while mocking and admonishing Trudeau for this is going to change their mind and say, oh, so it was justified then.

  9. Groupthink. This entire country’s elite is infected with progressive (read: Liberal) groupthink. This guy was never, ever, not in a million years, going to find against a Liberal government.

    Still think we can vote our way out of this mess? That a Conservative government will enact any meaningful change that leads to this country being anything other than a Liberal fiefdom for as long as it holds together? We had Harper for nine years and look where we are today.

    This country is well past its “best before” date and will only continue deteriorating from here. Look to South America; see Argentina? That’s our future. A semi-functional state where things sort of work, some of the time, and people can get by, but nobody would ever call them First World. A state blessed with natural resources yet either squanders their bounty or refuses to even exploit them, where government is more concerned with grifting than fulfilling its proper duties, and the people & the culture doesn’t demand anything better, preferring instead to cast blame elsewhere.

    The decline, she is here, there is no stopping it. Enjoy it and/or plan accordingly.

    1. There is one way to fix the whole emergencies act issue…..thats for a conservative government to use it on a lefty protest. lol

      Otherwise yeah we’re screwed, I’ve been looking for an American wife so I can emmigrate legally. May be a one way flight to Mexico and a long walk in the future

      1. As a reminder, it wasn’t used against the outer party members who attacked the coastal gas link site with axes, and still haven’t been found

      2. Disappointed
        Hahaha, I have an Murcan hot one chasing me, I may even go down and meet up with her in the near future, I said NO to her first time, as she is religious, and I am a devote atheist, but friendship is not out of the question .

  10. I hope Roleau enjoys the tase of TurdHole’s shit on his mouth. Goebbels News is giddy with glee.

    The report was written months ago. We knew it would be nothing but bull shit.

  11. Because of this corrupt ruling, the next convoy occupation may simply mimic the appearance of a George Floyd protest. You know, mostly peaceful and fully sanctioned by the government.

    Maybe that’s what their flags will say. BLM. Then they will have free reign to burn down Parliament.

    That’s my prediction, anyway.

  12. If that flake thinks it was appropriate, the Charter isn’t worth a pitcher of warm spit. If the clown feels the Act was satisfied, it needs to be completely revamped.

    1. The Charter never was.

      Stop pretending that it is the Magna Carta or the American Constitution.

      1. You read it right me thinks. Not only was it never but it was used as a model while it was still unproven to reduce countries like SA to shithole status. Charter is leading us to disgrace through a new apartied scheme. This book (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/aug/10/100-best-novels-disgrace-jm-coetzee-intensely-human) gives a view of the king of psychological pretzel making needed to justify our brave new humanist post charter world.

        Post Charter Canada is a disgrace!

  13. So obviously it is now ok to do it again- repeatedly – pretty much for any gathering of any size, anywhere, that Trudeau is told to oppose.

  14. I don’t know where to go or who to punch with this anger that I am feeling right now.
    If I was a trucker or anyone that was treated violently by police in Ottawa I would be enraged.
    You westerners have wexit as an option. Go for it. Wish I could join you.
    Keith Wilson KC, Eva Chipiuk and Mr. Miller (First name escapes me) : thank you for your effort and professionalism.
    Does anyone sense a backlash?

    1. Brendan. His name is Brendan Miller, and I had the pleasure of having a nice chat with him during the inquiry. He knew!

      1. Thank you!
        Hope he is well. He put a lot of energy into the clown show that was an ‘inquiry’.

    1. Prayed for it! Had to or I’d slip into insanity. There is always hope when there is prayer.

  15. The judge said it was legal, but oddly none of the legal proof the threshold had been met was provided at the inquiry or was redacted. Guess he remembers it differently.
    Roleau is a perfect liberal appointee to the Senate, the SCOC, or the next GG.

  16. This is just another breach of ethic by the Liberal government!!!! How many has it been -enough to make the Ethics commissioner resign!!!
    Under this liberal government Canada has become worse than any banana republic states! Paul Rouleau is nothing but a liberal hack as all the rest of you said we knew it would be no less! A country with this type of government is LOST!

  17. Colour me shocked. Fluery’s tweet on the other hand was news to me (not surprised though).

  18. Translation:
    The gov’t, on all levels, is so incompetent that the only way to fix it is to give it sweeping powers to subjugate the population.

  19. How are the Canadian government funded media taking it?
    A big sigh of relief as Trudeau will stay in power and they’ll continue to be given our tax dollars to lie to us?

  20. Basically what Rouleau is saying is ‘ It was ok to use unprecedented measures because it was Justie, his nefew, doing so. But any non-liberal should not make the same mistakes which led to the invocation of such powers because they couldn’t be trusted like little Justie! ‘

    1. Via Andrew Lawton Twitter:
      Uncle Paul also felt compelled to interpret Trudeau’s divisive ‘racist, small fringe’ comment.
      Apparently the Turd was not referring to the whole convoy, dontcha know?

  21. I am not so much upset with the “outcome”. After all it was predetermined when the Trudeau hand-picked, Liberal Judge and Liberal donor was appointed. What infuriates me more is the millions of our dollars that were wasted on the shit-show cover up shame inquiry.

  22. FREEDOM is never free ! Could a guy get TP with the charter written on it as that’s how useful it is.

    Are we enjoying the laurentian elite driving it up our backside in the west ?

  23. Canada is officially dead. I was surprised to learn that Commissioner Paul Rouleau is a relative of Trudeau. Conflict of issue much?

  24. I’m not one bit surprised at the outcome. Any country that would tolerate the corruption and entitlement of our leadership is by default, encouraging it.
    It’s discouraging to say the least but my 19 year old son pointed out to us the other day how a greedy Hitler doomed himself by attacking Russia in the wake of his other successes. If he could have been satisfied just for a bit, our world would look much different than it does as he could possibly have slowly overtaken Europe with little resistance. It’s just a theory of course, but plausible.
    To tie this to Trudeau is simple, it’s the very same kind of evil that has driven every other dictator to conquer, even at the cost of his own country and wealth. One day, and I thought it should have already happened, he will make another hasty step that will destroy himself. I pray that our beautiful country will recognize it for what it is before it’s too late to rescue what we have

  25. Uncle Whitewash McCoverup says boot stomping on a face for ever is OK and they are greenlighted to explore the space the next time they feel like it. Not shocked. We are suckers, they are laughing at us and gorging on their $12,000 a month grocery bills that we are forced to pay. All of them are sitting in their second residences, cottages and chalets and laughing at us. If they can arrest, nightstick and pummel handcuffed peaceful protesters ride trained stomping horses over crippled geriatrics, seize the bank accounts of people that just wanted to work, who can’t they f#@* over? How far can’t they go? If they killed some of the truckers this sham fake enquiry would have disabused us all in the same way. There is no end. There will be blood.

  26. Anyone who is surprised by this outcome hasn’t paying attention. Why would anyone be surprised that a liberal partisan would run interference for the liberal darling (and take gratuitous swipes at conservative premiers)? Why would anyone think that the POEC would be the only part of government that hasn’t been corrupted by this crowd over the past 8 years?

    Doubtless the gliberals will try to paint this report as a victory, but history will record it, and the event it purports to describe, as an unequivocally divisive disaster. The Freedom Convoy was sparked because Trudeau, deliberately and with malice afore-thought, drove a wedge between Canadians to maintain his clammy grip on power. This ruling will only drive the wedge irreparably deeper. Does anyone really believe that anyone on either side will suddenly change their mind about whether declaring martial law, seizing bank accounts, and shooting and trampling peaceful, unarmed protestors, was justified? All it will do is deepen the divide between those who like living under the government’s thumb, and those prefer at least a casual nod in the direction of freedom from those we elect to represent, not rule, us. We’re farther apart than ever.

    I don’t know if anyone will ever be able to reconcile the growing divide between those who just want to be free to live their lives, and those who want to give the state every last gobbet of power over their very existence; I just know it isn’t going to be Mr. Sparklesocks and his cabinet of knee-jerk tyrants. Their race is run. The tally of their misdeeds defies enumeration. This is their last gasp.

    1. Trodwell, it’s hard to reconcile the growing gap in our culture but one thing for sure is that it’s easier to tell the difference between the groups. When one side gets darker, as it always does, the other side becomes brighter

  27. Rouleau should wipe that stuff off his chin. So illegal parking, hot tubbing, and bouncy castling is a reason for the fascist pigs to declare martial law and beat the shit out of old ladies. This guy is an effing idiot.

  28. I have been saying for years that the biggest terrorist organization in Canada is the government of Canada. This covers my voting memory to LBP. I wasn’t old enough to vote when Deff the thief was pm.
    I don’t recall any police force assisting the truckers. I only saw the OPP OPD and the killer elites (AKA RCMP) doing their best to protect the terriorists. Go ahead prove me wrong.
    In Victoria the VPD changed to the Bolshevik Protection Service. Time to back the blue up against the wall and offer them a cigarette and blindfold.


  29. You’re a fool if you expected anything else.

    A Liberal finding a Liberal innocent.

    It’s Canada.
    The Fix is always in.

    1. Kind of like the Gomery Enquiry. Chretien after helping the Liberals steal over 300M in order to subvert the will of the Quebec people in their bid fr Freedom.
      When the Cretin talked about golf balls. Or a proof i a proof.
      In your face FO Little People. Laws are for The Little People.
      Canadian Penal Colony

  30. As noted..”What a surprise”..
    However this non surprising announcement means little as Justine the Petulant ,who will be known as responsible for Can Ahh Duhs collapse,has moved on.

    No longer trembling in fear of “Truckers who say NO” and desperately seeking some government thugs to unleash upon the disobedient..Dear Leader has declared war..on an invisible enemy..

    Bragging about whipping out his CF18 and having the Americans shoot down an unknown menace..
    Claiming victory for shooting down a mystery flying object..

    This is serious delusional territory,when you battle an enemy that only you can see,while telling the citizens all about how wonderful you be,for protecting them..

    Not really a surprise..
    These are the same people who cited “Diagolon” as a credible reason to declare a state of emergency..
    Called the most peaceful public protest in decades an insurrection..
    And ran screaming in terror from a handful of tax payers who wanted a hearing..

    Just as that charter Pierre the Idiot imposed,sliding a series of fake rights and freedoms over top of our unconditional rights and freedoms as human being,making it Canadian Law,that we have no rights nor freedoms but those, Government Permits us,when they are not in a state of panic.

    A crusted on Liberal acquaintance of mine made this statement;”What rights and freedoms did you lose under covid restrictions?
    Name one?

    And he is correct.
    We never lost a single right or freedom ,as detailed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
    We never had any.

    What was lost,was the illusion that Pierre’s Charter had meaning.
    And that loss,is a gain for all who seek separation from or retribution upon..Ottawa.

    For 60 years they have waved that illusion in the face of taxpayers,as they robbed us blind.
    “We are protecting your charter rights and freedoms”..

    Payback could be a real bitch.
    For the legacy of decades of lies,results in “No negotiation,hence no surrender”.

  31. Canadians have rebelled before in our history, and even taken up arms to make their point.
    Given the damage that the Liberals and the NDP are doing to all Canadians. I would suggest that the time may have come for Canadian Patriots to look at our history.
    Maybe each Province should look at raising Provincial Militia’s and booting the RCMP.
    They could be used for all sorts of emergencies and calamities.
    In my humble opinion we can never vote them out. But maybe we can ru them out.

    1. Canadians have rebelled before in our history, and even taken up arms…the time has come for Canadian Patriots to look at our history.

      Sure thing:
      1) William Lyon Mackenzie and the Upper Canada Rebellion: Mackenzie, a newspaper owner who attacked the corruption of the Family Compact elites; led an uprising around Toronto; fled to the US to organize an armed invasion; arrested by the Americans and imprisoned
      2) Fenian raiders: only lasting legacy was the creation of Canada, after raids riled up the provinces of British North America to the extent that they confederated to fight the Fenians with a more effective central government
      3) North-west rebellion: those that weren’t killed in skirmishes were hanged by the neck until dead, including leader Louis Riel

      So what, pray, does this teach us?

      1. So what, pray, does this teach us?

        Sit down, and shut up, or the government will kill you. Obviously.

      2. Probably teaches you nothing.
        It teaches me that Canadians are not all sheep. And maybe some will rebel again.
        Because you are not going to have your Freedom given to you. You have to take it, something that is lost on you

        1. Probably teaches you nothing.

          It teaches me that there are those who live what they believe, and wouldn’t ask others to do what they wouldn’t do themselves. And then there are the blowhard megalomaniacs who incite others to do deadly dangerous things while they themselves are the last people who would ever get their necks stretched.

          PS I’ll make my own stand when I choose to in my own province; I don’t have an armed fortress to scamper to in the safety of Montana if things get hot.

  32. Paul Roleau:

    Liberal ASSHOLE par excellence.

    Canadian traitor and public enemy number one!

    Joins the Canadian Media in that scummy place somewhere between pedophiles and elder abusers.

  33. It’s interesting that both the American and Canadian governing leftists seem to have no real idea what constitutes an insurrection intended to violently unseat a government. They both are, however, quite keen to create emergencies to “justify” supreme, dictatorial powers.

    To paraphrase Eliot: our freedoms disappear not with a bang, but a whimper.

    1. “It’s interesting that both the American and Canadian governing leftists seem to have no real idea what constitutes an insurrection intended to violently unseat a government.”

      They’re gonna shit when it actually happens…

    1. Yes, we have no bananas. Too cold and barren.

      Not a republic either, in name or practice.

      Officially, it’s a Dominion, but no one of importance has used that appellation in decades. It’s anachronistic.

      So rather than a Banana Republic, I’d say Canada is more of an idiocracy on the frozen steppes of insignificance.

  34. And the bible pounders will resurrect the construction barriers around the church, so that those who torn them down are defeated. And there is your problem!

  35. Canada is dead.
    The LPC will continue to savage the corpse.
    The CPC will try to embalm the corpse, maybe throw a bit of make-up on it.
    The PPC will attempt resuscitation.

    2 of those choices are 100% guaranteed to leave you with a rotten corpse.

  36. Stick a fork in Canada, it’s done. There was never any doubt that the Inquiry would find any wrong doing by the government – that was fixed from day one.
    But now a dangerous precedent has been set: ANY excuse is sufficient to invoke the Emergency Measures act now. If it interferes or inconveniences or emberasses the government of day, it’s sufficient. Any organized protest qualifies. The Liberals can hardly wait for soon to be unemployed oil patch workers to protest government policies. One strike and you’re out.
    Combine that with the gleefully cackling announcement Freeland made a year ago that changes to FINTRAC have been made permanent (no Order in Council required), any individual can now be targeted, silenced and have all their assets seized at the whim of the government.
    And we all thought Justin praising China’s “basic dictatorship” was just narcissistic hyperbole.

  37. Pre-Crime convictions just became legal. All in the LIEberal Family.

    “Threat of potential violence” is quoted as a justified reason to go FASCIST.

    Yeah, those truckers are just big meanies…..BEWARE, we are now all at risk of being arrested for just looking tough. And White, of course. Welcome to Bananada.

    1. Canada has over 550,000 PAGES, of laws and rules and regulations. That was from 1998.
      That is the problem with Canadians they are afraid of their own shadow. How did the Irish win their Liberty in the end, not as you think with guns.
      The Irish wo by becoming completely and totally UNGOVERNABLE. They simply refused to play the game. And began breaking every rule and law possible on a daily basis
      They overwhelmed the MATRIX.

      1. The Irish won by becoming completely and totally UNGOVERNABLE.

        You’ve at long last stumbled into the truth. And you put it exceptionally well. Bravo.

        The armed risings of the Irish only resulted in increased brutality and depredation from their barbarous English oppressors.

        I liked your post so much, I’m going to give it extra published space:

        The Irish won by becoming completely and totally UNGOVERNABLE. They simply refused to play the game, and broke every rule and law possible on a daily basis. They overwhelmed the MATRIX.

        Unfortunately, as you observed, Canadians are NOT the Irish of old. Even today’s Irish are mere shadows of their independent ancestors. They too are now imprisoned in the globalist penal colony, and aren’t doing anything about it. But their forebears did give the world the blueprint for overcoming tyranny.

        1. In a nation where the four way stop is a nightmare for people afraid to take initiative, ain’t gonna happen.
          If the Turd said that the population had to be halved, so everybody with a last name ending in B,D,F… had to self terminate, the funeral homes would be overwhelmed as Canadians rushed to comply with mommy government.

          1. If the Turd said that the population had to be halved, so everybody with a last name ending in

            If the “law” applied to EVERYBODY, and EVERYBODY with a last name ending in Trudea- was to go off to the mortuary, then I’d seriously consider my support.

            Of course, in this fantastical scenario, we’d no longer be living in Trudopia, we’d be in Sinclairlandia all of a sudden.

          2. Peter, you are correct. It indeed is not going to happen. This is specifically true for provinces which do not control their own provincial police forces but are subject to Ottawa and sublet their provincial policing to the RCMP. No secession movement in the 20th century and beyond ever succeeds unless it controls all the folks who bear arms for the enforcement of law. Without that, western separation has no meaning whatsoever.

        2. Ha ha Watching The Watcher.
          I did not just stumble into this, and it was not the Irish that invented this idea but the Boers.
          Although the Irish did it better.
          When the British defeated the Boers for the last time.
          The Boers began a campaign of hollowing out all the British Institutions in SA.
          The Boers began gradually taking them over and began subverting them all from the inside.
          This and breaking all the laws and rules and regulations at every opportunity/
          The Irish did the same.
          The IRA got all the splash and headlines, but it was the ordinary Irishman and woman who wore then down.
          By total becoming totally UNGOVERNABLE.
          It bankrupted the system. The British Military and the Irish collaborators were driven insane with false call outs and petty rule breaking.
          Always pushing the British to very expensive over reactions, and the Irish would just drop the issue and walk away. Then do the very same the next day. On and On. The Black and Tans and the Irish Constabulary were driven mad and exhausted.
          I watched it beginning here with the masking an distancing rules for covid.
          People began wearing their masks under their chins, and when the store clerks and managers would hound them, and chase after them, they would simply pull them and say oh sorry. Must have slipped. And then immediately lower it again when the manager walked away all frustrated and angry.
