175 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship: POEC Report”

  1. Let’s just keep letting the voters in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver run this country. They know what’s best.

    Maybe it’s time to start thinking about voting the big metropolitan areas out of Canada. Just throwing the idea out there.

    1. I’ve been saying that for eons. Vancouver can join Seattle. Montreal can join upper New York state. Toronto can join Detroit. Atlantic Canada can join Maine. The beautiful thing is the US gets our rubbish, and the new additions do nothing to upset the present red/blue state configuration.

    2. I drove heavy trucks for 27 years. The last 2 years, I refused to drive in Quebec, Toronto or Hamilton. If they don’t like us, why deliver anything to them?
      I strongly urge all truckers of independent mind to refuse to drive inside Ottawa city limits.

  2. “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a police horse’s hoof, stamping on a grandmother’s face – forever.”

    PS – Monday is Louis Riel Day. Is the Universe trying to tell us something?

  3. Stated on here when the scam enquiry was on the convoy lawyers should simply have asked Young Castro his full name then listed off all the immoral and illegal things they have pulled off and then stated that there is no hope for a fair verdict here and sat down.

  4. And will the reasoned pi– and vinegar of free and constructive people come to bear on those that govern Canadians?
    No, even though corruption is right in your face. Nepotism and communist influence right there for all to see.
    People knowing damn well something is so out of whack.
    Will still turn away from what’s behind the dark curtain of chaos.
    It’s a crying shame.
    The progs have maybe done it, we no longer remember where we came from.
    When those that do remember begin to be silenced on a more open level, more open and complete then it’s happening now.
    The game is over, and we are suddenly living something old but very new.
    And unless your eighty or terminally ill, you won’t be dead before it happens.
    Lord make my spine even stronger.
    This has been something to be able to live to see.
    The most telling of things, is dear friends looking you in the eye, and demanding silence.
    They know … with children well raised and not spoiled, grand children young, rosey cheeked and so full of laughter, and it’s a hard series of thoughts to bear.
    I only hope I or my hard working children live to see a righteous fight, and some justice.

  5. In all the commenting, here and everywhere else, I have never seen anybody re-visit the situation just before Trudeau PULLED the Emergencies Act, around Feb 20th…

    If I recall correctly, the Act had to be voted on by the Senate within 7 days in order for it to continue in force… and it was becoming increasingly clear that the government would NOT get that vote through.

    In other words, an increasingly vocal number of politicians, the “establishment” and commentariat and most of all senators themselves were suggesting AT THAT TIME that the invocation of the Act was overkill. Trudeau was about to be seriously damaged politically, and he withdrew the Act a day before it would have been rejected by the Senate.

    Had that happened, the result would indeed have been a general election and a new government. Trudeau escaped by the skin of his teeth, and the truckers did, indeed, come oh so close to “overthrowing the government”.

    So close!

    1. It was discussed a lot on here at the time.

      One senator, can’t remember the name, stood up and made a speech saying he couldn’t support the motion. It wasn’t exactly “give me liberty or give me death” dramatics, but this is Canada, the anti-revolutionary land of the passive aggressives. People on here wondered whether other senators could possibly balk at the motion. It was highly unlikely they would.

      I will say one thing, however, that I don’t believe I’ve already read on here. Junior invoked emergency powers immediately after Biden phoned him up and ordered him to clear the bridge traffic that could threaten continental trade. Junior also revoked his emergency powers immediately after the American financiers and Wall Street started getting owly about confiscations of bank accounts and further monetary repression. These are the people who move billions, and they made it known through their back channels they’d remove capital out of the country if this threatened financial stability.

      So, I think the political kabuki in Canada had nothing to do with Junior imposing or lifting his emergency decree. It was his reaction to perceived US orders on both counts.

      Most people should realize that the US owns this joint, it just outsources the management. Even Trudeau Senior bitched about that when he was PM.

    2. Never passed parliament, and thus was invalid, but the Liberal Judge (formerly John Turner’s Executive Assistant) didn’t bother taking that into account.

      1. Never passed parliament, and thus was invalid

        Nope, that’s not how the law reads. The emergency powers are in effect once an emergency is proclaimed. It was proclaimed into effect by the Governor In Council at the request of the government. The designated “emergency” requires ratification by Parliament for the emergency powers to continue beyond the specified time limit. Otherwise the powers end. It was revoked before Parliament ratified. But whatever actions the government took while the proclaimed emergency was in effect were supportable by the proclamation.

        The Mulroney act was re-jig of the old War Measures Act, giving it a veneer of “muh democracy” checks and balances.

  6. So from what I’ve heard of the report the City of Ottawa didn’t do their job, the Province of Ontario didn’t do their jobs, the RCMP didn’t do their job so the only logical conclusion was that the citizens of Canada needed to have their rights suspended.

    Seems perfectly reasonable to me!

  7. Man oh ******g Man!

    I’m just waiting for the thrashing this turdo hemorrhoid is gonna get from Peter Pea-rabbit and the rest of HM Loyal Opposition!

  8. I keep telling people Canada is not a Democracy, it is not a country. It is a Penal Colony run by an elected Queeny Thingy called Trudeau.
    He waves his hand and makes shit up.
    He appoints everyone including this Frenchy.
    You can not vote yourself out of this Matrix.
    You have to break it up and start over. Maybe with smaller countries, Republic of Alberta, and perhaps the Republic of SK join and become a country.
    Forget Canada it can not be fixed except by Civil War. Get out, get your Province and your family out.

    1. Bananada DEFINED.

      Said it before and will say it again.

      The ordinary stupid canajun only cares about the price of a Timmies, last night’s scores and if they have 1 or 2 bars service on their cell phone.

  9. PM Dickspank of Blackface got scared by a bunch of bouncy castles, a hot tub and some honking and he wasn’t even there, half the time, hiding out in his covid cave..

    At least Pee-Aire the 1st had to deal with (mailbox) bombings, hijacking and kidnapping, including that of a foreign trade commissioner and one ending in the death of a minister, Pierre Laporte.

    What a bunch of pussies!

    All those people that stood out in the cold to cheer the truckers on, all for naught….

    1. “At least Pee-Aire the 1st had to deal with (mailbox) bombings, hijacking and kidnapping, including that of a foreign trade commissioner and one ending in the death of a minister, Pierre Laporte.”

      Turdo la first didn’t deal with the bombings, murders, arsons, etc. Those things only affected the peasants.

      It’s only when his inner political sanctum (Laporte) got murdered that he shit his panties and called in the troops.

      1. JD you are on to something. This has been a long thread, but I read someone much earlier writing exact same thing. There is growing scepticism about the whole FLQ Crisis. It could well have been RCMP astro-turf. Trudeau used it as a pretext to satisfy his dictator-envy urges. He loved pretending to be the “tough guy”, (“how far do you intend to go?” “just watch me! All you bleeding hearts can go ahead and bleed!”), and the War Measures Act also empowered him to harass a lot of his political enemies in his power base of Quebec. Win-win according to Trudeau logic.

    1. Fukc Trudeau. And the hat he’s wearing, and the horse he rode in on. And his entire cabinet and those of the Commies (NDP) and Commie Lite (CPC). And everyone of the useless pricks that voted for him.

      WEXIT!!! We’re outta here.

  10. Uncle Paul..
    It is the little,almost insignificant things that finally trigger utter revulsion.
    Uncle Paul..
    The pathetic idiocy of this,if true,damns everyone in Canadian Politics.
    Uncle Paul.
    So until today,no one in elected office ,in any arm of the Canadian Uni-Party…No one in The “Civil Service” and none of our so-called journalists…noticed the ethical nightmare inherent in Uncle Paul?
    If Mr Rouleau is the brother of Justine’s Aunt’s Husband..then he stands self condemned of lacking sufficient judgement to serve any public role,other than fool.
    The Canadian Bar needs to be disbanded and all member banished.
    And everyone in elected and appointed Federal Government offices needs to resign…
    If this “Justice” and Trudeau are relatives,if only by marriage..
    Then we now know it is official,the fools and bandits are too stupid to continue to tolerate..

    And Dear Leaders position is so weak,he had to have his Uncle Paul,take care of it?
    Seriously,you could not make this up..
    So pathetic.

    So is it real?
    And when do we declare our selves an Independent Nation,no longer willing to tolerate such corrupt scumbags?
    Cause we know we have nothing in common with citizens who will condone such behaviour,you cannot build wealth and a future when governed by fools and bandits..
    Our Eastern and Urban Comrades keep supporting liars and thieves..
    Let us leave them to their fate..
    Free the West.

  11. Where is my comment? Why was it removed? I grew up in the Former Canada. Before China took us over 40 years ago

  12. I hear the Judge is related to the Trudeau.. His uncle or something.. If true, what kind of BS is that?..

  13. Pass the potato’s uncle Paul?.. A MSM blackout on that one.. Im not sure we ever lived in a properly functioning Country.. We went from a possession of the crown to a possession of the ruling class.. We were better off under the crown..

  14. https://www.encyclopedia.com/international/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/rouleau-hon-paul-ba-llb


    B. Sept. 20, 1930 in Cornwall, Ont. S. of Ubald Rouleau and Francis Clarke. M. Jun. 28, 1955 to Aline Poitras. Four children: Paul, Monique, Pierre and Julie. Private Career: Called to the Ont. Bar, 1960. Appt’d: Judge of the County and Dist. Court Bench of Ont., Jul. 28, 1981 and Judge of the Federal Court of Canada, Trial Div., Aug. 9, 1982. Address: Federal Court of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0H9.

    ROULEAU, HON. PAUL, B.A., LL.B. Né le 20 sept. 1930 à Cornwall, Ont. Fils d’Ubald Rouleau et Francis Clarke. M. le 28 juin 1955 à Aline Poitras. Quatre enfants: Paul, Monique, Pierre et Julie. Carrière privée: Admis au Barreau de l’Ont. en 1960. Nommé: Juge de comté et Juge de la Cour provinciale de l’Ont. le 28 juill. 1981 et Juge de la Cour fédérale du Canada, Section de première instance le 9 août 1982. Adresse: Cour fédérale du Canada, Ottawa, Ont., K1A 0H9.
