The Chinese-Installed Government Of Justin Trudeau

From here on forward, I suggest you all refer to the Trudeau Liberals as “the Chinese-installed government in Ottawa”.

A thread by Walied Soliman, Erin O’Toole’s campaign co-chair.

I can confirm that after extensive security clearances and multiple meetings with our security establishment in Ottawa, these specific threats to our democracy were *never* raised, despite what is now clear evidence of tampering by China in the 2019 election.

What’s worse: our party was seeing clear signs of tampering in ridings with substantial Chinese diasporas. We made the conscious decision to work through the Task Force and appropriate security channels. Our concerns were never taken seriously.

After the election and before the new government was sworn in, we spent more time providing everything we had to the Task Force and appropriate security channels. We were met with shrugged shoulders and complete ambivalence. It was truly unreal.

It wasn’t unreal. It was deliberate.

60 Replies to “The Chinese-Installed Government Of Justin Trudeau”

  1. Free and Fair elections aren’t exactly favored by your ChiCom overlords. Now … cast your ballot and run along.

    1. I agree, but how to make sense of China’s endorsement from last year of the protests in Ottawa?:

      “the Canadian police’s show of force will only invoke more anger and dissatisfaction among Canadians…the dissatisfaction in Canada…will become stronger. People will vent their anger in forms of expressing freedom, securing personal welfare and fighting autocratic governments…no matter how hard the Canadian government tries to disperse or quell protests, it will be unable to completely silence discontent voices…the protests will only be temporarily quelled and will resurge”

      Please note that I don’t endorse any of this. Trying to square it with what I’ve been reading in The Slow & Snail in recent days has me so confused I feel like my head’s about to explode. Maybe Trudeau and O’Toole aren’t as clever as they think they are.

        1. I thought of that, but aren’t they playing a dangerous game by calling Tucker and The Truckers an unstoppable force? We know that they have no use for Jagmeet, the Bloc, or Elizabeth May. Chaos could be better exploited by Russia or the US. I’m still confused.

      1. For all these intrigue players, of any nation, you are not supposed to be following the plot, just reacting to it.

    1. At yesterday’s news conference by Trudeau, according to today’s Globe follow-up article, he criticized CSIS for allowing this much-needed leak to take place. This, according to Trudeau, is the most important problem at hand. Geesh.

        1. I have old paper copies of the Epoch Times. I am going to copy down names of Chinese Candidates mentioned, and run the names through the Election Canads list of Liberal contributors. Then email the results to Fife and Chase. The story is just getting started. The two reporters are out for blood.

          P.s., as well, other disgusted security people might start leaking stuff to Fife and Chase. They’re tired of our Manchurian PM.

          1. Epoch Times is worth keeping. Very good reporting and journalism.
            They have been covering the Chinese influence for quite awhile.
            The others are trying to catch up.

          2. Screen cap everything.

            When the second round of Nuremberg trials roll around, those copies will be useful.

  2. I’ll go contrary to The Associated Press style guide and call it The Chinese-installed government in Ottawa

  3. Also a quick reminder to use “autogynephilia” in a sentence at gatherings of friends and family were ever in-appropriate.

    Eg. Over crab / cheese dip scoops try out.

    “The Chinese-installed government in Ottawa does NOT want us to talk about the fact that way over 50% of crossdressers simply suffer from autogynephilia (a form of sexual response in biological males characterized by sexual arousal over the idea of being or becoming female) because it hurts Communists and their beneficiary.”
    “Mind if I double dip”?

    And then follow with.

    “That’ll come out with tonic water and blotting but you should read Ray Milton Blanchard, an American-Canadian sexologist, and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto known for his research studies on transsexualism, pedophilia and sexual orientation.”

    1. You must be a real hoot at family gatherings.
      Would love to see those reactions.

      Please do not double dip.

  4. Read Michael P. Senger’s piece on how the lockdowns started in the West with Italy.
    Everything Canada, US and the rest of the west did in response to COVID was China. If you don’t know this by now, I have some sympathy for your stupidity but no empathy as a human.
    Russia’s not the problem kids.

  5. Really sucks having to see my 92yo Korean War vet father (combat-wounded) witness the Chicoms taking over North America without firing a shot after he fought so hard to ensure no such thing ever happened. Thanks Fidel Jr. and Dementia Joe!

    1. sid
      Thank the likes of Schitt, O’Butthole, Nutless Nadler, what’s her name Scholtz, Cocaine Mitch. These treasonous P ricks and many more are selling us out.

    2. It’s ironic that when the white man came to America, he inadvertently brought previously unknown diseases to North America. A lot of Indians died.

      Now it’s the yellow (China) man coming to North America bringing previously unknown viruses from Wuhan (not inadvertently) Then, killer vaccines from the ‘legal’ drug dealers with the help of western world’s lunatic governments to force them upon their hapless populations. Many more will die or have their lives ruined health-wise.

      A lot of every kind of people died, but mostly those who live in the western world.

      We are who the Chinese are planning to exterminate as they pretend to be working to create one Utopian world with the WEF and others whom they will betray when it suits them. They have no fear of the developing world just the western world that stands in their way.

      And you can be sure the Chinese know full well what clowns and fools are in charge of the Western world at this time in history.

      The commie culture of China disgusting and inhumane.

    1. Justin Trudeau even looks like a clown. He dresses as Chinese and all the rich Chinese businessmen donating to him are in suits.

  6. Is there any evidence that Erin O’Toole was not a Chinese plant? He certainly ran to loses and still came close to winning.

    1. I’m not going to buy that everyone one of them is a Chinese communist plant but the ones who are are so ensconced in the levels of power that only a war can remove them.

      This was all predicted in 2013.

      1. If they have family or close relatives still in communist china, then they can be pressured by china’s gangster government.

      2. The only people who leave China are people the Chinese government allows to leave China. What do you think the odds are that they support the regime, especially at at time when China is worried about the collapse of their population.

          1. I may be rude, butt you fools are full of shit, many leave through various methods, and for different reason. I’v work with at least 7 Chinese PHD’s, have several chinese friends, and they all left without problems. Yes, the Chinese are authoritarian, but it is hard to keep track of 1.4 billion people.

        1. I don’t know about that had a great conversation with a Chinese gentleman one Saturday morning while grabbing a coffee , he was visibly bothered at what was going on with climate change, lockdowns etc.
          He definately wasn’t a commie.

  7. I am not sure if this was posted before.
    From Gateway Pundit on February 10, 2023.
    Blackie has threatened the Premiers with removing funding for Healthcare unless they commit to Digital ID Tracking.
    I’m sure that the current Chinese surveillance model will be integrated somehow with this.

    1. I called Ford’s office :
      “Trudeau sends billions overseas no strings attached, but our health care funds have a provisional clause?. Wake up Dougie! No to Digital ID!”

  8. CTV leaps to the defence of the Dear Leader:

    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canadian voters alone decided the last federal election as he played down a report Friday that China tried to unduly sway the outcome.”

  9. Well I think we can all agree that Canada’s government has been kleptocratic for quite some time and it’s likely more appropriate to refer to it as a Chinese installed kleptocracy in Ottowa.

    For brevity use the ChinkO…, or more perhaps a more palatable, O’Chink government when referencing the national government in Ottowa.

  10. So first they released covid, then they demanded lockdowns from every nation and finally they made sure the lockdown party won the election. Trump should have nuked Wuhan and if they failed to capitulate, Beijing.

    1. The only good Communist is a DEAD Communist. FILTHY LIBERALS seem to enjoy their treatment by the CCP.

      Nuking Wuhan is a good start, it would clean up the Bio Weapons Labs lickety split. First, put that Dwarf Fauci in the Lab.

      Make sure he wears his mask.

  11. China helping JT is sort of like a football team grabbing a two-point convert after going ahead 27-7.

    But still, it sucks. And Libs pretending to be concerned about it? Much like OJ Simpson’s search for the real killer.

  12. The Trudeau CCP Partnership is starting to become an International story now.
    The Liberal Party will support the crooked bastard until the end.
    They are LIBERALS and COMMUNISTS 1st and Canadians 2nd.
    Call every Liberal/NDP MP and tell them they are done.
    The phone calls are all free. He claims he is a victim in the article of course.

  13. China is very sensitive because they are all 5″2.. We mustn’t offend them $$$ because otherwise where are we going to get our cheap scht from?..

  14. Truth is Canada is ruled by a coalition of the CCP the Trudeau Liberals and the NDP under Singh.
    It is a partnership. Singh is a partner as well in allowing CCP to rule Canada and Trudeau.
    He needs to be informed of this, he is in full partnership with the CCP same as Trudeau.
    They both need to resign and a new election called with RCMP as scrutineers of every voters citizenship and credentials. No Canadian verified citizenship along with a thumbprint. No Vote.
    Purge the Chief of Elections Canada and audit all their staff.

  15. From what I’ve learned of the FalunGong in Toronto’s Chinatown (they’re all chinese) they hate Communism more than we do. Also the older chinese people I’ve met still remember the dead bodies, cannibalism and abandoned babies that communism always creates.
    Their children know the stories.
    It’s safe to say most of them HATE the CCP.

    1. That’s what the Epoch Times newspaper is all about. Apparently it is the FalunGong member’s way to expose and criticize the Communist Party of China.

  16. Any and all MPs who where elected due to Chinese interference should be fired and byelections held. Like that will ever happen.

  17. That the first article appeared in the G & M suggests the Deep Liberals want Justin just out.

  18. This would all be somewhat better if we still had our guns. Yes even the bolt actions. (You never watch video games and learn how to build your arsenal? Gesh! They figured that out in WWII… British Lee Enfields to start, Nazi stolen equipment to finish!)

    Meh, I have confidence in Canadians to blow up bridges with fertilizer and start landslides and avalanches over roads and railways with catapults. Poison also has its uses.

    Not that I’m advocating these things, I’m just sayin’

  19. The FILTHY LIBERALS are above any law. The only thing that scares Big Chief Spendy McBlackface Hairdo is a Truck with a horn, and Straight White Men, as they aren’t his dating type. We must mock this stupid man relentlessly, as his Ego will force him to self destruct.
    They (including his Filthy Marxist Queer “Father” ) have done more damage to our once great Canada than any enemy could.

    I feel terrible for my Grandad who spent 6 yrs away from his family to fight Nazi Freelands’ Grandad. Now that Evil Witch is the Deputy Premier of this $hith0le Country.

    Little Castro needs to be treated like the failed Dicktator that he is. Dirt Nap for all Traitors.
    Declare WEF a Terrorist organization and arrest the members.
    You cannot serve 2 Masters. We are their Masters, and it is time they understood that.

