It’s Probably Nothing

Not every Obama policy came to naught.

Inspectors from the UN atomic agency discovered uranium enriched to 84-percent purity in Iran last week, closer than ever to weapons-grade levels, Bloomberg reported Sunday, citing two unnamed senior diplomats.

Iran has been known thus far to have enriched uranium to 60%. A purity of 90% is needed to produce nuclear weapons.

International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors are trying to determine whether Tehran deliberately made the move or if it was an “unintended accumulation within the network of pipes connecting the hundreds of fast-spinning centrifuges used to separate the isotopes,” the report said.

h/t Dumb Biker

23 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. considering all that we have learned about just who the “good guys” really are, I am no longer surprised at the extent to which a country will go, to avoid a foreign funded colour revolution within their borders. They now know that when we say democracy, we mean sodomy.

  2. Trump’s abrogation of JCPOA opened the door for Iran’s nuclear program, and Biden’s demand for changes in the JCPOA has kept the door open.

    Whether or not Iran ever gets an actual nuclear device is somewhat immaterial. They already have enough material to build dirty bombs, which would make Tel Aviv and Haifa uninhabitable, although still standing.

    1. bob
      You really think Iran would follow any type of rules to stop them… Jezzzzzzzzzzzzz.
      Thanks to Prez O-dumber giving Iran what they wanted. Nothing the Prez Trump could do to stop them.

      1. Given that the US government has yet to follow ANY International Law, or any other rules, they have kinda set the tone for the rest of the World, no?

  3. The Persians need to overthrow their death cult theocracy.
    Because if they can’t, the Israelis will eventually do what is needed to be done.
    And that starts another proxy war…

  4. The Left: we can’t attack Iraq, they don’t actually have WMDs
    Also the Left: we can’t attack Iran, they actually have WMDs.

  5. Remember all the crap GW Bush got 29 years ago for trying to keep Iran and N Korea from getting nukes?

    A good number of democrats made their career off of being anti war, anti everything. Same ones who now support billions in funding for a proxy war

  6. “A purity of 90% is needed to produce nuclear weapons.”

    Poppycock!!! I have read that the enrichment level of the Little-Boy bomb was rather less than that “magic” 90% figure.

    If they have even 80% enriched uranium, they have the material that can be used to make a working bomb. It’s just they need rather more than they would if it was enriched to 90% or more. At this point the questions become:

    * How much 80% (or higher) U235 do they have?
    * Do they have a design that will create a working weapon with the material they have?
    * Do they have a way to deliver a working weapon to its target?

    My guess is that the answers to these questions are: Likely enough, yes, and yes.

    I really hate living through these most interesting times.

  7. The only ‘deal’ ever made with Iran was that the western world would *look the other way* while Iran built their first nuclear bomb. They got caught red-handed enriching uranium, and probably couldn’t believe their luck when Obama and friends proposed their ‘deal’.

    The so-called JCPOA was a farce right from the beginning, and everyone with a working brain knew it: Iran ‘promises’ not to build any nuclear weapons, but will allow NO INSPECTIONS to ensure it? Say what? How did that work out when Bill Clinton made the same ‘deal’ with North Korea?

    (and for the low-information types out there, no, I am not counting the area where they were originally caught working on this…the only area that Iran *will* allow to be inspected, and the one guaranteed not to have any evidence laying about..)

    The cowards are just pushing the problem off on Israel, then will condemn them (as always) when Israel takes the appropriate action (as they have already shown their willingness to do).

      1. “Bingo Fred. O-dumber gave them just what they wanted. The bomb.”

        And pallets full of US dollars, just for fun.

  8. If they’re accidentally accumulating Uranium they’re going to accidentally nuke themselves.

    There’s never anything accidental about purifying Uranium.

  9. In the long run, it doesn’t much matter. Whenever Iran develops the capability of producing highly enriched uranium and amassing enough to assemble a weapon, Israel will deal with it in whatever way necessary. It’s done so before by demolishing Egypt’s strategic missile program during the 1960s under Nasser by assassination.
    It demolished Iraq’s development of the potential for producing strategic materials by bombing and destroying the Osirak reactor in 1981.
    It crippled Iran’s enrichment program with a computer virus in 2010.

    So if necessary it will do so again with the strong support of much of the rest of the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt. None of these countries want Iran to have nuclear weapons.

  10. Obama set the conditions for Iran to enrich. Biden renewed them. BUT THEN Joe did something even better: He pushed Russia to seek allies in its war in Ukraine and guess who answered the call? Iran is one of those countries. Iran does not need to enrich Uranium anymore, sugar Daddy Putin can provide in exchange for Iranian military hardware. Coincidently Putin just wiped his ass with nuke proliferation treaty. Just another possible outcome to the ones in this thread.

  11. Anybody remember Al quaa quaa in Iraq? (spelling?) Lemme tell you a story as I remember it. It was a huge ammo storage facility during the 2nd Gulf War. The allies tried to get to it before the Iraqi moved stuff out. John Kerry even made it a talking point in his presidential debate with Bush. The US lost the race. On several storage buildings, the very same UN atomic agency had placed seals. It was because they contained nuke material. Not the tons of yellowcake that were flown out later, but from what I remember they were nuclear “lens”. These are powerful but VERY precise explosive charges necessary to implode a plutonium pit in a nuclear bomb. The seals were broken, the stuff was gone. Some say Syria. Anyways, the UN atomic agency was also responsible for providing a lot of the intelligenge that Iraq had a nuke program. They did, but of course not to the extent that precipated the war. So just take what the UN say with a large grain of salt.

  12. At this point, why wouldn’t the Russians or the Chinese just give Iran the tech and materials to start producing nuclear missiles?

    1. Heck, they could probably buy a ready-to-go nuke from Pakistan. The Paki’s are on all-too friendly terms with far too many of the bad guys out there.

      1. The Pakistanis are Sunnis. The Persians are Shia.
        Ain’t happening.
        The Pakistanis might – if they havent already – feed Saudi Arabia some nukes.
        The Saudis and Israel could be allies…
