38 Replies to “The Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. When the heat gets to be too much (and it will), Justin will simply throw Mr. Dong under the bus as he had done SO MANY TIMES.

    One might think that it wouldn’t be worth it to work for Justin.

    1. it wouldn’t be worth it to work for Justin

      in a one-party dictatorship where The Party controls everything, there will always be comfy fur to offer in exchange for abiding loyalty, even in disgrace. If that should fail, then there is, shall we say, unpleasantness.

      1. Remember that each person working with/for Justin is just as craven and corrupt as he is.

        Every man has his price and every man has his breaking point.

  2. I’m curious why immigrants from China would support the Chinese Communist Party. Maybe racism trumps politics.

    1. You are an recent immigrant, who managed to score a visa to canada, and a sufficient socialist credit score to be allowed to exit china; a man shows up at your door one day, and tells you he’s works on behalf of the local police force from your hometown; he asks you to take a card, and go to this location and vote for Han Dong. At first, you hesitate, but then he reminds you that you have family back home, so you feel you have no choice but to do what he says…

      1. Around 200 million people leave China every year, and most of them go back again. Chinese women tend to be such aggressive tornados of assertiveness that they would kick Xi himself in the crotch if he tried to tell them what to do. They went along with the COVID lockdowns because they wanted to. Even Mao complained about them to Henry Kissinger. The guy who’s been calling them “a meek and fearful folk” or some such thing in The Slow and Snail just made that up. That said, If someone stole the 2021 election they should go to jail.

        1. I agree with your comment about Chinese women being aggressive tornados. I have a Chinese step daughter-in-law, and she is one angry beast. An anecdote about her dad (a businessman living in Toronto). My step-son did some work for him — and this entailed stripping labels off of wine bottles, then slapping on counterfeit wine labels of expensive varieties, then pouring cheap Canadian wine into the re-branded bottles, then exporting the wine to China. The Chinese dad is a multimillionaire who gives my step daughter-in-law money whenever she wants some, but she is in therapy and the marriage is falling apart.

  3. Democracy didn’t take over the world.. Our money did.. Given the choice between no money and communist China we choose communist China.. As long as they don’t sell your eyeballs, right :)..

    Dance with the devil?.. The expectation that new Canadians cant have ties to the old world is absurd.. You cant turn your? country into some multicultural bedroom community daycare center and ignore what put most of these people here.. Old country wealth and connections..

    Its not easy to get to Canada and for the most part you have to travel through better places to get here.. The ones who hit the ground running don’t have to be here.. That is the truth..

      1. Without immigration Canada would go bankrupt because we borrow so much. Eventually we may run out of immigrants who speak a useful language, at which point we might have to switch from borrowing to selling. China would like to buy.

        1. Without immigration Canada would go bankrupt because we borrow so much

          Your immigration solution to the country’s debt problem doesn’t appear to be working.

          1. Nothing Justin is in charge of seems to be working. Actually my solution would be to borrow less and to turn the immigration system over to honest, competent professionals.

  4. “The PRC has several state-owned media outlets that operate in Canada including Xinhua News,
    People’s Daily and the China News Service. ***78 The PRC is seeking to “harmonize” international
    Chinese-language media with its own by attempting to merge the editorial boards of those outlets with
    PRC media.79 This would result in the PRC controlling the message in Chinese-language media, thereby
    undermining the free and independent media in Canada.”

    How many of those state propaganda organs have engaged in campaigning for canadian political candidates or against others?

    1. If Google Translate can be trusted, they are the most anti-Trudeau media in Canada. Don’t take my word for it. Most of the readership is pro-Beijing, but they still wrote recently about a surge of Chinese immigrants who want more freedom.

    2. Free and Independent Canadian media are you on drugs? There is no such thing in Canada not in print and not in the TV networks either!

    1. Seems like a job for Rouleau? Just kidding, there’s lots of installed CCP/Lib/NDP apparatchiks left to cycle through to lead a public “inquiry” until they have to start at the top of the roster again.

      What a great transparent non-third world country Canada is. Please don’t freeze my bank accounts.

      1. It’s interesting that Globe n Mail would introduce this into the news cycle while the Christine Anderson/Diagalon flag/3 Conservative MP fiasco is ongoing.
        Look! Another squirrel !!

  5. Han Dong? You can’t make this shit up. Meanwhile, down here Xoe Bi Den is doing his best to make China great again.

  6. Based on results,Liberals believe one can serve two,or more,masters..All Hail Satan.
    For the Liberal Voter and the Media Wing of the Uni-Party to defend and dismiss what CSIS is leaking,is typical of your average progressive.
    “It is different when we do it”.
    Once upon a time,selling your country out was treason.
    In the Kleptocracy of Can Ahh Duh ,it is “Just good government”.
    Naturally Mr Dong can do no wrong,for he is a Good Liberal..Corrupt to the bone and working for something other,than the good of Canada.
    As for dear Leader?
    Of course he campaigned for the Chinese Operative,it is what he does..If sufficient funds are placed in his foundation,or the person will harm Canada ,outside of QUEBEC, Dear leader cannot assist them enough.
    Only us silly tax payers regard him as a traitor,for him,Canada is Quebec.

    1. Wokeness and fear of being considered racist don’t really exist in local Chinese media in Canada, so they’ll have funny news stories about Chinese or Asian drivers doing stupid things, but I think generalizing would be out of bounds. The Chinese down your way sure did nice work on the San Francisco School Board when they thought they could get away with generalizing, among other things.

  7. L – Is Canada’s Liberal P.M. a member of the C.C.P. or just-in a fellow traveller?
    “Weng Guoning, chair of The Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations, is also director of the “Canada Zhigong Party.”

    In China, the Zhi Gong Party (中国致公党) serves the CCP, and seeks to “gather non-party voices to support the party.”

    Who are the 11 candidates?


    1. Weng Guoning in 2015 donated something like $1,500 to the federal Liberal party. His million-dollar house is one of the three addresses listed as a China police station in Toronto.

      1. L – Someone should tell Tucker Carlson, as no media in Canada will report that.

        If Canada had a genuine His Majesty’s loyal Opposition Party, a courageous and competent leader of said
        party would be calling for a direct indictment of Justin Trudeau, on numerous counts.

  8. This should surprise no one…..for decades the Liberal Party has had a love affair with Communist China. Back to Maurice Strong, Chretien, Pierre and his spawn Justin as well as the Maoist Allan Rock.

      1. The Liberals are far worse….Strong is one of the originators of the climate change fraud and there is only one country on the planet that really benefits from it and that is China. Furthermore, trade is somewhat different from adopting China social credit.
