War On Ag

The better term is “magical thinking”: Childish Beliefs Drive Lethal Energy and Agricultural Agendas

They want oil and gas locked in the ground. “We don’t need petrochemical products, especially synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.” Or tractor tires, paint, windows, GPS/computer housings, and more.

Have these illiterati looked at their own clothing, food, homes, offices or world? Synthetic fabrics, cosmetics, cell phone and computer housings, pharmaceuticals, tapes and adhesives, protective gear, eyeglasses, car bodies, detergents, wind turbine nacelle covers and blades, medical devices, car bodies – practically everything around them and in their lives exists because of oil, gas and petrochemicals.

But we can just use biofuels to replace feed stocks for products we really need, they proclaim. Right.

32 Replies to “War On Ag”

  1. The future is Biofuel???
    The Biden Admin is responsible for ag market chaos.
    On Dec. 1, 2022 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set its proposed renewable volume obligation for biomass-based diesel at 2.82 billion gallons for 2023, rising to 2.95 billion gallons by 2025. The proposal was a huge disappointment for the soybean sector considering there could be more than seven billion gallons of production capacity by 2025 between existing biodiesel plants and proposed renewable diesel plants.
    Markets have been in chaos ever since.
    Normally crop delivered off the combine is near the bottom end of the price for the year.
    This year Oct-Nov were the highs for Canola because of this announcement.

  2. People need to go right inside the 11 Parliaments in Canada and club them all like Newfoundlanders club seals.
    They are all Communist UN Globalist POS anyway. They do not work for the people.
    Drive them all out and board the place up.
    They are becoming a threat to humanity and need institutionalized.

        1. Sorry, we call it the legislature in Saskatchewan. But no, I didn’t take civics in school, or if I did I slept through it.

  3. The author confuses hybridization with genetic modification. Hybrids do not use material from other plants.

  4. I will no long accept any claims of being “well-meaning” from any activist organization, because none of them are

  5. Any attack on AG is an existential threat to every human.
    Self-defence is an existential right.

  6. People need to see the shelves empty for a month or more. People don’t realize the costs that go into modern agriculture. All activity on a farm relies on oil/gas, in one way or another, for farmers to eek a living for so doing what they do for us. I for one thank them for what they chose to do for a living. Without them you could consider grass soup as an alternative.


  7. What if they glued their hands to the road and everyone simply walked away. For weeks.

    1. Glued to roads, artworks, etc., using cyanoacrylate adhesive, derived from fairly exotic shemistry…..?

      Just leave them there. After a few days and nights, the outer skin will separate from deeper layers.

  8. they are taking the world second biggest food exporter , the Netherlands offline . And the empty hair is cutting fertilizer supplies in Canada by 25% and no MSM says a word .

  9. The people dictating how agricultural should work are seeking an end result no matter what it costs humanity, but maybe that is the goal, to starve the poor to death.

    We had producers go organic here but the majority went that way by default as they were dysfunctional conventional producers then became dysfunctional organic producers till the inevitable and were forced to leave the land.

    Organic production requires tillage to oxidize carbon that is stored in the soil to have nitrogen for the upcoming crop. Current conventional farming sequesters carbon through direct seeding and synthetic fertilizers are required for maximum productive crop potential. Soil is a carbon sink

    My utopia would have all the acres divided into 3000 acres farms and have people live on the land again and participate in rural communities. This is me being naive !

  10. “My utopia would have all the acres divided into 3000 acres farms and have people live on the land again and participate in rural communities. This is me being naive !”

    Not enough land. So the people that work, mostly conservatives, would take up land and survive. It would be fun to watch the city folks, especially those that have never been off the sidewalk, trying to feed themselves. Remember the naive protestors in “CHOP” or whatever they called it in Seattle, laying cardboard on the grass in the park, dumping an inch or two of dirt on it, and planting vegetable seeds?

  11. The term for this crowd is anhilastionist.

    The nilists know they have enough for themselves while they attempt stage manage the decline and death of humanity. We are, after all, the real virus.

    You all keep raising logical reasons why they’re nuts. There is no logic in hate.

  12. Provincial legislatures should enact legislation that would ensure that power and food are never cut off by the stupidity of the federal government and that any legislation by the feds to do so will be summarily ignored.

  13. The non tool using segment of society has declared WAR.
    On the tool users.
    Act accordingly.
    When they boast of being your enemy..Believe them.
    Yes. They are that stupid.
    People this stupid are extremely dangerous.
    You cannot anticipate their actions,thus you cannot plan a defence.
    They are stupid,they will happily self harm as they “help” you.
    Either you run,or you find new uses for the nutrients they are with holding from mother nature.
