15 Replies to “Wokeness And Woo, What More Could You Want?”

    1. VOWG

      Very WELL PUT.
      Flat out truth there my friend…and still to this date this bio weapon is pushed in yer face, in any interaction with supposed “health care”
      Fk em all…I refuse to see anyone in the health INDUSTRY – one wholly owned by Big Pharma.

  1. “Ms Schenandoah, it turns out, is a Faithkeeper of the Wolf Clan, and skilled in ways of healing “negative energy,” with tuning forks and smudging – that’s burning tobacco and sage, obviously:”

    What about Globull Warming?! Doesn’t she think of the children???

  2. Canada had a graphics artist as Lieberal Federal Minister of Health, Patti Hadju.

    Couldn’t have Marcus Powlowski, the emergency room doctor, from the riding beside Hadju’s, as Minister of Health.

  3. “Creating airflow throughout your space can help the energy exit the environment and invite new energy in.”

    I eat some brown beans to take care of that.

  4. I don’t trust medical doctors anymore or licensed therapists so who cares if some ding dong says she has a cure for anxiety? It is better than benzodiazepines and SSRIs.

  5. Let us see now….
    Your daily butcher does not have any formal surgeon training, though one can say that he may be better equipped to shear young girls breasts and young boys peepees than highly trained surgeon for less.
    The butcher though would refuse to do such massacre.

  6. Now … you can mock the indigenous witch doctory all you want … but my daughter and her husband underwent a “blanket ceremony” to ensure fertility at their wedding … and they have two beautiful children. Count me a “believer”. Of course wrapping them in a blanket at the ceremony stimulated their reproductive organs … it’s SCIENCE! The Red Man’s science. What? You only believe in the colonial white man’s science?

    1. In that instance, I don’t think the sports medical prescription “just rub some dirt on it” would be appropriate……

    2. “Of course wrapping them in a blanket at the ceremony stimulated their reproductive organs”

      Actually, it probably enabled them to grope each other unseen & get the mood flowing… 😉

  7. She probably does a lot less harm than a lot of the “woke” counsellors. At least there’s no evidence she’s fast-tracking confused and depressed young’uns towards serious hormones and “gender affirming” surgery which will leave them mutilated and sterile.
