97 Replies to “February 28, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Or, more likely hastening the probable return of glaciers to bury all terrestrial life in Canada and much of the Northern hemisphere in ice for another 100,000 years.

      1. John Chittick, George Soros would not do that, he is a tolerant and compassionate philanthropist.

    1. Absolutely; cry “racism” and it well get you through anything. Sub-Saharan vermin learnt that well.

  1. Good thing we reached ‘Peak Oil’ in 1990 like dead man walking Jimmy Carter scolded us. That “fact” “weaned” us off our “oil addiction” … so we all drive magic cars that run on solar power and Mr. Fusion nuclear engines.

    Hahahaha ha … those Fugly Ford LTD’s that guzzled gas … that were destined to rust in their 1973 dealers lots … were replaced by 4wd SUV’s that guzzle even MORE gas. The media predictions were wrong about just about everything.

    1. Kenji

      Ya gotta wonder right..??

      Most SUV’s arent any better than a 6L vortec truck…will pass anything but a gas stn.

    2. “those Fugly Ford LTD’s that guzzled gas … that were destined to rust in their 1973 dealers lots ”

      My very first car was a 69 LTD Brougham with a 390…

      (fortunately, gas was *much* cheaper back then)

      1. I knew I was gonna insult someone 🙂 … the wife says I just can’t help myself.

        Woah! a Brougham! I’ll bet it also a Landau roof? You know … a 429 engine was available in that model. Too much power for those narrow BC roadways?

        In that era, I drove the “family car” … a 449 puke-green Olds Cutlass. Wow! Don’t know how I never killed myself in that “family car”. But I treasured that car for another bit of ESSENTIAL equipment … a bench front seat. Yep. If that car could tell stories of my HS make out sessions … ?

    1. So, as usual bullshit find, from a bullshit source, by a bullshit consumer.
      Anyway, hope those tanks will grease their tracks with orcs.

    1. Hopefully Russia can rub them all out soon. So sick of Whiny assed Ukrainian Bums.
      Gimmmeeee Gimmmeeee Dat.
      Glad to see less and less Ukrainian Welfare Flags.

    2. You missed the first part. 🙂
      Trudeau said: “Hey sir, I think Ukrainians could tell you a little bit about freedom and liberty,”
      I agree, it’s not going to be Trudeau and it’s not the government of Ukraine.

    3. I saw a clip. Increasingly I am thinking Trudeau looks like a cross between Bankman- Fried and Liberace.

        1. Look how he sits! Nobody w/ testicles of any size can cross their legs as tight as Blackie. No. One.

  2. Quest University (in Squamish, British Columbia) is the brainchild of David Strangway, who, after his retirement as president of the University of British Columbia, wished to create a new kind of university where undergraduates guided their own studies in close cooperation with faculty. It opened in 2007 as Canada’s first secular private university.

    How did that ending up working out?

    The Directors recruited many wealthy clients to donate shares to the University Foundation, many of which were sold back to donors after a charitable tax receipt had been issued, a move that triggered an investigation from the Canada Revenue Agency.

    After churning through five Presidents, countless Chancellors and Board Members, bilking countless donors, and bleeding several million tax-dollars from the District of Squamish, the University filed for Bankruptcy, cancelled the 2023-2024 academic year, and put up it’s campus real estate for sale.

    Sucks when you run out of other peoples’ money.

    1. I don’t know anything about Quest University but: Private universities require a large element of charity, helped by volunteer staff and/or a serious financial backer like a church. A Canadian school that overpays its staff like government universities without government funding is forced to charge premium tuition for what everyone will believe to be a shithole degree. Successful private for-profit universities run in the US mostly by seriously underpaying part-time staff.

  3. In February 2019 the Chinese government and its “United Front” operation held a Chinese New Year Gala in Richmond, BC at the River Rock Casino (the place where one could arrive with hockey-bags full of cash, no questions asked).

    In attendance was Chinese-installed Liberal MP Joe Peschisolido.

    Also attending was a brand new Member of Parliament who, just two days previous, won a by-election in the Coquitlam South district.
    His name is Jagmeet Singh.

    Here is a picture of some of Canada’s Chinese-Installed Government, celebrating their glorious victory…


  4. Now, I don’t know how many of you have tripped over this gem, but it’s a “must listen.” This is a beloved classic reworked in an Aaron Copland vein, with some great visuals to go with the music. I went down a rabbit hole several years back, trying to understand what I thought was a link between the background score of the great TV series “China Beach”, and the Tabernacle Choir’s magnificent rendition of “The First Noel.” Turns out it was Copland, and Copland looms large in this piece. Now for the brief, and shameless self promo. A particular character I wrote is heavily inspired by Dana Delaney’s ‘Colleen McMurphy’ of “China Beach.” It’s up to readers to decide if I did okay there. And, if someone wants my “Buffalo At The Gates” for a screenplay, this version of this song has to background the screen version of the final chapter. Enjoy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxyZVk8W02A

    Bonus- There is a clip of one of the most beautiful sights of the northern plains, the Sweetgrass Hills, photographed as magnificently as you’ll ever get.

    1. Pardon me while I parse which word of my post was so offensive & sent me to moderation…

      Sweetgrass Hills. I g n e o u s*i n t r u s i o n s*e x p o s e d*by*g l a c i a l*ice. Them, the Milk River Ridge and the Cypress Hills were n u n a t a k s above the ice surface during the last glaciation.

      Grew up looking at them out our kitchen window. Climbed to the top of West Butte summer ’86, camped for the night. Sunset was amazing w/ all the harvest dust in the air. Helluva view of all the local lights from the farms, towns once the sun went down.

      No matter what direction you were driving from, once you saw them you knew you were close to home.

      1. Dumb Biker- Summer of 68 or 69 was the first time I went to Cheyenne with my family, to go chuckwagon racing. I was awestruck by West Butte as we rolled down what was still US 91. To this day, any southbound trip that doesn’t afford me a gaze at its picturesque flanks just isn’t a proper trip. I can only imagine the views from up there.

  5. We don’t need no stinkin’ giant electric ferry boats…

    “A U.K. ferry company spent hundreds of millions on hybrid vessels that can’t be plugged in…
    Lauded by bosses at the controversial ferry operator as “the most sustainable ships ever to sail on the English Channel,” P&O will run the battery-laden ships on diesel when they are delivered later this year.”

    “Built by Guangzhou shipyard in China, P&O claimed the ships would cut diesel use by 40 per cent…”

    “P&O also insisted that towing on-board electric (HEAVY, HUGE, USELESS) batteries across the English Channel (REPEATEDLY) would not result in a larger carbon footprint.” (MY EMPHASIS)

    Another great moment in Green engineering.

    1. Gonna be interesting when those batteries catch fire. Can you put out lithium fires with diesel fuel?

    2. Heh you should hear what BC Ferries is not admitting about their Electric Wonder Ferries..They cannot make passage on the battery and end up burning more diesel per run than the old diesel powered ones,which are being pressed back into service as the Electric Crap fails..

      Who knew that burning diesel to produce electricity to produce motive power was guaranteed to be less efficient than using the diesel to produce motive power directly?
      I guess the BC Experts have repealed the Laws of Thermodynamics..
      But those last people did not do it right,this time “It will be different”.

    3. Ohhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaaa …

      How will all the fine Muslim migrants get to the British Isles from Calais, now?

  6. More mentally ill academics call for rationing of food and fuel to save everyone from FAKE GLOBAL WARMING.
    Are only academics stupid enough to believe the global warming bullshit anymore
    Go and starve yourselves to death. No one cares.
    Pass the roast beef and gravy please.
    And please F8Ck way off over there somewhere so I do not have to listen to your mewling as I eat.
    Yah and if you think I’m going to share with Ukrainians or Turd world POS you can FO again.


    1. Push all the war mongers into the Russian Meat grinder on the front lines in Ukraine.
      Same with all the Ukrainians hiding in Canada telling us how we owe Ukraine.
      Yet they hang back and demand Munnah. Where Mah Munnah.
      So far the morons Trudeau and Freeland have handed over 7B plus.
      My Munnah. Where My Munnah

  7. I was reading a document that was authored by George Soros over 10 years ago in which he talks specifically about this all-out war that would ultimately come against Russia because he said this ‘was the last nationalist state that rests on a foundation of orthodox christian culture with Russian identity at its core. That has to be removed. So I think that the people who are in charge in the west and the people in charge in Washington think they have successfully destroyed the identities of the European and American peoples, that we have no sense of ourselves, our borders are undefended, we present no resistance to the incoming migrants from the developing world who essentially roll over us as though we owe them a living and that our laws do not count. Thus, far I would say that is an accurate evaluation of what we’ve been doing. And I think that’s a great victory for George Soros and the globalists, the anti-nationalists; those who want open borders what they call it an “Open Society” because you end up with nothing, an amorphous mass of people struggling to survive who are reduced to the lowest levels of subsistence … (Soros) even goes so far as to talk about how useful it would be if it was east Europeans whose lives were expended in this process and not west Europeans who simply won’t take the casualties. This is not a minor matter. This is the kind of thinking that is so destructive and so evil, in my judgement, that that’s what we’re really dealing with in our own countries and I think Putin recognizes that.”


    1. This is the essence of the war in the Ukraine. Russia stands in the way of globalist plans for a one world government. It’s Christian and nationalist foundation are a threat to globalists. The US’s weak moral fiber and loss of Christian values make it an easy target. I do not think too many people have hope for the US regaining a leadership role in the world. However I do believe that Russia will prevail.

  8. Former Black Panther Discovers One Of Her White Ancestors Arrived On The Mayflower | ZeroHedge
    ZeroHedge – On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
    http://www.zerohedge.com http://www.zerohedge.com
    Marxist Angela Davis, Who Teaches That America Was Built By Racist Colonizers, Finds Out Her Ancestors Was On The Mayflower Were Racist Colonizers.

  9. Within a day of the Dilbert cartoon being cancelled for alleged racism against blacks by its creator, the white Scott Adams, a black NHL player spat in the face of white NHL player Drew Doughty. Are the events related? Was Doughty at fault? He refuses to answer the question and says only:

    “I was just shocked, obviously,” Doughty said. “I don’t even know if I said anything to him after. You don’t want to see things like that in this game. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that. I’m sure it has happened, not that I’ve seen. It’s unfortunate.

    “Whether or not he meant to do it, I have no idea. It’s a pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty [miffed].”


  10. Speaking of Justin’s economy…


    Economy didn’t grow at all in Q4 2022 and shrank in December. But there’s good news…

    “Counterintuitively, the weak economic data may come as welcome news to Canada’s central bank, which has been scrambling to try to bring down the country’s inflation rate.”

    A crappy economy is actually a good thing you see because the Bank of Canada won’t raise interest rates … even as inflation bottomed at 5.98% and could be heading up again. Sunny ways with this self balancing economy.

    1. Yes. Missed it the first time. Very strange. I think vax damage is highly likely. I also wonder when Celine Dion is going to speak out.
