73 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. So who is ultimately calling the shots at G&M, Global, etc., that suddenly decides now it’s OK to do actual journalism again? Who is overriding the PMO?

    1. John and Scar,
      Fife and Chase are serious about investigating the China manipulation in Canada. At least they are trying and working hard. CBC News is barely reporting any thing. It is true the Globe senior editors are giving the two a long leash.

      Note that CSIS is not at war with Trudeau. It’s one guy in CSIS risking it all to spill the beans on the Liberal treason. One question is whether or not Trudeau will bring up charges against Deep Throat once he is caught.

      1. Still, the Mop and Pail is, and has been, in the business of being a prime lapdog and source of Liberal Talking Points, for years and years.
        They are seriously jeopardizing the PAYOLA stream from Liberal HQ.
        Why the sudden finding of a conscience to risk millions in FILTHY LUCRE?
        Do they sense Trudeau is wounded, perhaps mortally? Is it recent polling, and that PePe is toeing the Uniparty line in certain policies? One wonders if certain media is aiming for the future turnover in power.
        Where does Meethead stand on the Chinada Payola issue? Waiting for his handout too?

        1. One wonders if certain media is aiming for the future turnover in power.

          Interesting thought. The national media became less loving for Trudeau senior in his final year. They were downright hostile for John Turner, and promoted Mulroney to the extent that he won the biggest parliamentary majority (in terms of seats) in history. And he is the last PM to get over half of all votes cast in an election. Then they turned on him to support Chretien. There are wheels within wheels within deep politics. The media gets its marching orders from their owners — the banking cabal no doubt.

          1. Power Corp.

            That’s where the real control of this country resides.

            Has Pepe bent the knee to Power Corp?

          2. Hi, Dan:

            Power Corp. has definitely cultivated all the major power players in this country, from Peter Lougheed to Mulroney to Chretien to senior and junior Trudeau.

            The Desmarais family probably owns about 15% of publicly traded shares in their Corporation. The usual suspects own probably a majority, Vanguard, JP Morgan, et al. Trudeau Junior seems to enjoy more job security despite his tenuous political circumstances and limited appeal and ability. Perhaps the Trudeau Foundation also owns Power Corp. shares through an LLC backdoor. I remember doing some research a while ago that indicated a lawyer from Trudeau Senior’s old law firm was setting up a number of numbered companies for Junior and the other spawn just after Senior kicked off. More than one was set up in Bahamas or some such tax haven.

      2. You know that its only “one guy”?

        In Conspiracy Theory world this “one guy” has been ordered by the “top guy” to go after the Papineau Traitor.

        1. Hmmmm. Something seems up among Canada’s “sensible, right-thinking people” (snicker). Will the MSM start reporting on the alleged state of JT’s marriage too? I guess we shall see

          1. West Pt. Grey Academy scandal is a scandal I want to see his ugly, lying blackface rubbed in

            Dumb Biker:

            The media already have their talking points about that from Junior’s PMO.

            “If you allege the female student was taken advantage of, then you are demeaning the intelligence of female pronoun using people,
            you are anti-female if you deny them the right to have sex with whom they want,
            females have self-ownership of their bodies and how dare anyone presume to dictate to them how they must act,
            it’s just sex; it was completely consensual,
            it wasn’t sexual; it depends on what the meaning of “is” is,
            she’s far more worldy, mature, and intelligent beyond her years,
            she was a designing female who trapped our Sir Lancelot the Pure Knight into a relationship,
            she was a slut,
            she was a conservative plant and political enemy,
            she’s crazy,
            she was paid off for her silence so she’s proven to be a mercernary of loose virtue,
            Junior suffered emotional trauma over the incident;
            the brilliant career of a young, idealistic, altruistic educator was ruined,
            she maliciously threatened to blackmail him, etc., etc.”

            The media will trot all these out and Junior’s political base will convince themselves they are all true. It’s been done with all of Slick Willie’s sex victims and both he and Hitlery laughed all the accusations off.

  2. The question that is now outstanding “Is the PMO blocking charges against the various people involved in the schemes? Is the Justice Minister involved?”

    1. Watch for CBC articles claiming CSIS is Islamophobic and calling for them to be dismantled.
      When did CBC know about the donations and how much did they know?

      1. Islamophobic? No, it will be anti-Asian racism, same card they pulled for Tam.
        Probably mostly wishful thinking on my part, but I smell a non-confidence vote.

    2. Lametti oozes scum. Mendicino is a scum bag.
      Trudeau will not tolerate strong people. Surrounds himself with corruptible yes men.

      Vigneault is the political appointee who is director of CSIS. Seemed okay during Freedom 2022. Appointed by Trudeau but previously was promoted by Harper. Trudeau shit all over CSIS during the martial law hearings. Is CSIS struggling against the Liberals trying to corrupt them into being FBI/CIA north?
      If Trudeau gets a majority, I’d expect he would use the Rouleau report as excuse to rewrite CSIS act to allow himself his own secret police.

      1. Mike, “Trudeau will not tolerate strong people. Surrounds himself with corruptible yes men.”

        I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice. Everything is directed from his office, no diversity is allowed.
        Also, yeah, Lametti is repulsive and Mendicino could be a further downgrade for the word smarmy!
        None if his cabinet has any smarts, or any abilities for their portfolios. They have their positions based on how much they are willing to brown nose the turd. Is it any wonder that we have a failed government?

        Canada is broken!

    1. canadians are a small, small, silly people. It always reminds me of that line from Longshanks in Braveheart when some of the Scottish lords betrayed Wallace:
      “I gave Mornay double his lands in Scotland, matching estates in England. Lochlan turned for… much less.”

  3. There is a very long history of Foreign Influence in Canadian Elections. There is a very long trail of evidence that the Liberal Party is owned completely by the CCP.
    But Canadians are OK with that fact. I mean this goes way back to Igor Gouzenko and old Lisping Mike Pearson.
    The Liberal Party of Canada has been Communist Controlled since before the WW2.

  4. Why haven’t we heard from CSIS themselves already. 2015!!!
    They’ve allowed a Chinese spy to operate within our government cabinet for 7 years?!!!
    Why can’t Canadians be informed about who and how much is being donated to these Trudeau Foundations in real time,,, rather than finding out after he leaves office, that Trudeau’s Funds are then worth 100mil, 200mil or more, from the amount he started with, when he became PM?

    1. It’s not surprising if he made a lot of money. Justin Trudeau made bank on his 40% share in the company that makes the lipid nanoparticles in every covid vaccine.

  5. Funny that this all comes out a few months after Justin got publicly spanked by Xi after spouting off about “confidential matters”.

  6. What is amusing and revealing is that at the Toronto Star the only sound you hear is crickets. They are: 1. ignoring the whole thing; 2. reporting Justatwit’s allegations that this China-influence stuff is all just racism; and 3. issuing weak opinion pieces that Justatwit needs to take it all more seriously.

    So the question becomes, is TorStar in Red China’s payroll also?

  7. Since Trudeau has been PM his net worth has gone from 10M to 383M. How is that possible.
    Don’t have a link was posted a couple months back

    1. I’ve tried to verify that particular stat more than once over the last few months, and I haven’t been able to do so with any degree of confidence. I’m not at all sure where the original claim came from.

  8. Since the legacy media is beginning to report on this, the question to ask – who do they see as Justin’s replacement? Because that is what they are building up to. And you can bet it will not be someone who has Canadians’ interest at heart.

      1. Chrystia’s gonna be a hard row for the Libs to hoe. Trudeau’s charisma to a certain section of the female population is undeniable, whereas I don’t think anybody gets warm fuzzies from Freeland. (Can you see Twitter’s “Vicky Campbell” slobbering all over Freeland the way she does with Trudeau?)

        1. One of the problems with this “Holuptsy Hag” Freeland is that whenever she’s talking, she uses her kindergarten teacher voice. Like her cross dressing leader, I can’t stand the sight of this broad.

          1. I wonder if Chrystia has her assistant or Jagmeet wipe down her broom after every landing? That’ll make your eyes water.

  9. How is the RCMP manhunt going?
    Have they identified and located the CSIS leaker?
    Have they deployed snipers and tanks yet?

  10. What are the chances we’ll be seeing the non disclosure agreement soon? Things seem to be closing in.

  11. This comment was “deactivated” at NP yesterday: So, lets hear Mr. Dong denounce the CCP regime, its slave labour, Islamophobia, internment camps, torture, dictatorship, kidnapping and undisguised goals of world domination, ignoring for the time being their documented involvement in our Trudeau-assured squeaky clean elections.

  12. Just-in is past his “best before date”. Folks are tired of his endless sanctimonious drone.
    The WEF has Mark Carney waiting in the wings to take over. He’s a confirmed globalist too, but much smarter.
    He’s our answer to Britain’s Rishi Sunak.

    1. Britain’s Rishi Sunak

      Sunak is a lightweight, and an idiot. He’s much more like Junior than he is to Carney. But Sunak isn’t as much of a malignant narcissist as is Junior.

      Carney, on the other hand, is a very smart, experienced operator. Freeland is a dope, and totally unsellable as a leading politician outside of the GTA. But it’s probably a tie between Freeland and Carney for being the most malevolent Edmontonian alive today. What has the government been putting in the North Saskatchewan drinking water?

  13. I hope shits being flung all across shitty Ottawa.
    Maybe CRA can go after the Prime Phag.
    There has to be a few cons in the Finance Dept who hate his fckn guts.
    Despite their professionalism, at least half the military are probably only a six pack of beer away from launching a mortar at the asshole.
    And does any thientitht really appreciate that Shit-for-brains was spouting crap about light being a particle and a wave when he can barely do grade 3 math?
    Hopefully Hag Telford gets it in the ass as well.

    1. There has to be a few cons in the Finance Dept who hate his fckn guts.

      His old man had some people who were personally loyal to him, although he was too cold a fish to inspire warm feelings among his close subordinates or colleagues.

      Junior’s personality is even more dysfunctional than the old man’s. Malignant narcissists have no close friends or truly loyal colleagues. They repel people rather than attract.

      Junior’s life has been a series of transactional relationships. He uses others to get what he wants, and people have been exploiting his celebrity and power to get what they want. There is no personal sentiment on either side. Except perhaps disgust.

      To know Junior well is to despise his guts, and that’s irrespective of political viewpoint.

      1. This is one of the reasons why Justin’s implosion will be great to watch.

  14. With the exception of Robert Fife, Canadian legacy media has done zero investigative journalism on the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government. The Wall of Hatred for all things conservative completely blocks their view of the rather obvious signs of Trudeau’s malfeasance and conflicts of interest.

    …and, of course, the ever increasing bailout money Trudeau gives the legacy media ample incentives to ignore the overpowering stench of corruption that has been emanating from the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government for quite awhile. I guess being on the take themselves makes it difficult to call out the government’s bribes and kickback rackets.

      1. Yes! I was astonished this took so long to come out on this thread. I was afraid I’d have to post it.

  15. Big city liberal voters cheer for Trudeau when he cheats.
    They support political parties they same way they support sportsball teams.
    A Toronto liberal cheers for the Leafs and cheers for the Liberals using the exact same mentality.

    We see the lies and evasions from Liberals in government as bad, they see it as a cool move by one of their team’s players.
    They cheer for the stupidity and lies and corruption by the Liberal Party because that helps their team win.
    Watching news reports of the Liberal corruption is like them watching the highlights of a Leaf’s game that they won.

    Canada isn’t broken, Canadian voters are broken.

  16. I’m beginning to think that Gerald Butts is the new stand in for Maurice Strong, one of the fathers of the global warming fraud. Strong was actually a Maoist who lived in China while hiding out from the U.N. oil for food scandal. Of course, you can bet that Power Corporation is somehow involved in this as well.

    1. Time for another nation-wide lockdown and Parliamentary motion giving him budgetary expenditure for another two years without oversight.

  17. Not plausible CSIS had no whistleblower until now, smells like a script.
    Q: Who’s receiving bribes today which CSIS/Arse EMP will ignore for 10 years?

    If CCP, in open alliance with Russia, is turning from their US/CAN/WEF moles (uniparty appears to have chosen Ukraine for their hill to die on), Trudeau and others will be merely caught in this international-re-alignment wake. He’ll get a soft landing since it’s not the people throwing him out it’s themselves.

  18. Hey, if showering your media cronies with $1.8 billion dollars every year can’t buy them to rat out whistleblowers against the government, what’s the point? Didn’t they read the fine print?

  19. Filed under ‘Journalists Are The Last To Know’:

    “Trudeau warns journalists that questions about China’s election interference are racist and should stop”


    The slow brained liberal journalists finally noticed that the Trudeau Liberals have no responses beyond calling anyone criticizing them a racist.
    It only took them 8 years to notice.
    Very impressive!

  20. Okay,

    Here’s my conspiracy theory. The Liberal party must survive and retain power next election so here is the plan:
    – make Justin the face of all that is wrong with the Liberal party
    – get the opposition to focus on Justin instead of the Liberal party
    – make a show of “rejecting” Justin, tossing him out and let him take all the ill will with him
    – call an election before the opposition can retune their messaging and run on a platform of being a “new” Liberal party

    Tie that in with the Kinsella style attacks against the Conservatives recently and you can see a pattern taking shape.

  21. If Justin doesn’t get in front of this, the Chinese will turf him.

    It takes foreign interference to install him and foreign interference to remove him.

    Consider that.
