12 Replies to “They Got Everything Wrong”

  1. The obvious question that remains the elephant in the room is were these ‘errors’ due to incompetence or malevolence?’ I lean to the later option since it is very hard to get EVERYthing wrong. One mistake I can accept. But every one of their choices was wrong and did vast amounts of damage. This goes well beyond incompetence.

      1. Well, if you accept these people self-identifying as ‘experts’, you have to kinda conclude they were acting intentionally, don’t you? On the other hand, if they are not actually experts, why were they lying about their expertise? One way or the other, they were lying.

  2. Stupid?
    Or Evil?

    Like Notta A Canadian says below,it does not matter.

    Either they knew,which means MALICE,or they have been lying all along about their expertise and are as STUPID as their public announcements indicate.
    And stupid is evil,for you have to be insanely stupid to believe in your evil ways.

    And because we know them to be liars,at best, we can only examine the results of their actions to judge them.
    For,as liars,their “intent” is without meaning.

    Hence the public officials who orchestrated Dread Covid Theatre are damned either way.

    So why would they apologize?

    The mob will turn on them in a heartbeat..Or the lack of a heart beat in deceased loved ones, as the case may be.
    The mob is turning on them.

    What is obvious,is these fools and bandits cannot be trusted in any position of authority.
    They are too small,to be allowed power over another human being.
    When faced with a choice,they went Full Authoritarian Thug..


    There will be no apology and there will be no relenting or relaxing of that boot stomping on our necks,until we break them.

    The useless and clueless have backed themselves into a corner..They face certain ruin,from millions of betrayed,poisoned trustees..Who trusted authority.
    Cannot buy their way out,they have already bankrupted the public purse.
    Cannot surround themselves with loyal minions,cause they poisoned them preferentially.

    The Dear Leaders will bring down Nuclear Armageddon to save their asses.
    As they are attempting to orchestrate right now.

    Now as “The Next New Thang” fades from public interest,what will the Cockatoos of the Media Party come up with next to focus the hatred and insanity flowing loose??
    Are the “talking Points ” ready yet?

    We are abandoning the Ukrainians,exactly as expected,their betrayal and abuse just another stain in the rearview mirror as Our appointed Leader of their war,will retire to his Florida mansion and become a CNN expert on “Corruption in the “New Ukraine” as that broken region cannibalizes itself.
    Another “Great Success” form the Parasitic Overload.

    Time to clean house.
    The Party of Retribution,with a simple rather primitive message..
    “You really shoulda left me alone”.
    “Welcome to ……”

  3. Cornhole 19 was a deliberate release by the CCP China. All the A-holes knew it but continued to push the POLITICAL science FICTION.
    Time to put street lamps to good use.

  4. They’re missing the elephant in the room … transmissibility. What begat mask-hysteria? Transmissibility. What begat lockdowns? Transmissibility. What begat Police State actions and the suspension of BASIC civil and constitutional rights? Transmissibility.

    We were SOLD a giant pack of FAKE and non-existent science that claimed this was the MOST transmissible virus EVER in the HISTORY of the planet. A real planet-ending, wrath of God kinda pathogen. Made The Andromeda Strain seem like a children’s book. We were told BY MIT PROFESSORS that the COVID could live on your countertops for a week or more. We were told that breathing on your grandparents would kill them DEAD … instantly! So the mask and the cancellation of all church services was for THEM … not YOU. Because, because, because … CASES!! As recorded by next-to-worthless testing.

    But anyone with even a modicum of common sense would have or should have questioned the transmissibility LIE. Why weren’t airline pilots and stewardesses all dropping like flies for their hyper-exposure to hundreds of COVID-carriers per flight … in a tight, enclosed space for hours? Why weren’t supermarket checkers dropping like flies for their exposure to hundreds of “unclean” patrons per work shift? Yeah … those were our “brave, brave” “essential” workers … somehow surviving the most transmissible pathogen EVER in the history of the world. So let’s give them all a $100 bonus, an award plaque, and viral TiKTok dance video.

    Dr. Fauxci began weaponizing COVID against the FREE people of the planet who he derides as “clingers” and “Trump-voters” from the minute he engineered the release from the WuHan Lab. All according to plan. All to keep you … “safe”. And to “save your life”. Yeah, right.
