Tuesday On Turtle Island

Trudeau’s Canada:  CBC explains that Islamophobia is running rampant in Canada.  Looking to hire a transgender, black, Muslim tree pruner, at Ontario school board.  Trudeau supports his accused CCP backed MP.  Shania Twain praises drag queens.  Performer cancelled over “Justin” puppet.  Feds spent millions on TikTok advertising.

Biden’s America:  The border.  Some crazy California bills.  America’s new woke museums.  Joe Biden denounces Joe Biden.  A partisan judge.  Biden a white boy, but not stupid.

China Virus News:  The pandemic treaty.  Your morning meme.

Pervert News:  Sex education in the UK.  The end of women’s sports in Canada.

15 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Funny how these created businesses and associations are given mainstream media attention when they promote the crap that they are pushing…I’d go see that black performer just because he’s trying to break the mold and stereotypes that the politicians love to label racism.
    Eat poop Trudeau…ya damned hypocrites!

  2. Of course Newell doesn’t want to compete with men because it would get it’s ass kicked. Figuratively, and then literally if it acted up.

  3. So Trudeau is a truth teller then? We just take his word for it.

    Point Grey, Kokanee Group, Blackface, Elbow Gate, Aga Khan, SNC-Lavalin, WE, Trucker Convoy, Hang Dumb CCP… he must think we’re the retards?

      1. Nemo2 – I suppose you are correct. There’s tons of idiots running around with blinders on supporting our Honourable Cunning Stunt of a PM.

        1. Ham
          The “educated” in here that cgh was whining about, and the bible bangers are a HUUUUUGe problem. Why the hell do you think ET vacated the premises , and why did old burin leave. Think about that. Look at JOJO’s post, he/she/it has bullSHIT in it’s title, and then uses poop in it’s post. Must be the result of a lot of edumakashun!
          Self awareness is in low ebb in SDA.

  4. Also in the news:

    Joe Biden has no cognitive decline. (According to pro covid poison administering doctors.)

    He says he’s not a dumb white boy. But I have an old pair of shoes that has a higher IQ than the entire dementiacrat party. They are mostly white.

  5. I am glad to hear that Reem Elawad has added journalism to her school courses.
    I love seeing Muslim womyn wearing burkas in Saskatoon. It empowers and uplifts Muslim womyn and adds diversity to this racist city.

    1. I like it when they have their clitoris removed because, Allah knows, being a Moslem is no fun for anyone.

  6. There is no such thing as Islamophobia, as they use the term. A Phobia is an irrational fear. If you won’t leave the house because you are afraid Muslims will fall out of the sky and land on you, that is Islamophobia. If you are wary of a religion that preaches, and practices, death to unbelievers, that is Islamorealism.
