27 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Wasn’t the Lord Mountbatten blown up by the IRA an alleged pervert/pedo? Colour me shocked that his inbred offspring followed in his footsteps.

  2. Best thing ever happened to the Indians was the European Settlers.
    That was the day they won the lottery.
    Best they could manage to stay warm, was some sticks and a couple of deer hides with 2-3 fatties huddled in there to keep warm. Most of them did not live all that long.
    They were a stone age culture, who until about later years ago had invented nothing.

    They have thrived approbiating the White Mans culture and lying about how they created and own everything.

    Could not even get out of their own way.

      1. Considering the post nationalist state of Canada boasts a massive non-eurowhite demographic it’s unlikely the future rulers of the new state will worry too much about obsolete First Nations treaties.

        The First Nations should worry, as that gravy train is eventually sailing away.

    1. Just keep in mind that you are standing here and complaining about your easy life in Canada because that Aboriginal way back in the day shook the hand that was offered by that voyaguer, the Aboriginals could have easily let them freeze and starve to death instead they offered peace and friendship. Contemplate on that for bit before you spew hate.

        1. They certainly were. It was standard practice. They also slaughtered all other tribes that encroached on their hunting grounds.
          They finally met a superior culture and lost.
          They were very fortunate that they were not all wiped out by the Europeans.

      1. Bullshit. It is not hate but fact.
        Wake up from your Disney dreams of how superior Indians were. What a load of BS.
        They love everything they stole from us.

      2. You were there, were you?

        I see no hate. The fact is that Canada has, to it’s shame, a race-based system of laws, and a race-based system that holds the land on which it’s aboriginals live. THEY do not own that land, the Crown does, and gov’t administers it.

        This is the very definition of Apartheid. To our shame.

        Contemplate that before you accuse us of hate.

          1. @xena the dog

            Exactly – Canadian Apartheid, The Liberal Laurentian Elite residing around Ottawa with their militarized RCMP and EVERYONE else with varying degrees of benevolent or malevolent rule.

      3. So, xena, I’m legitimately curious. Which part of Watcher’s post can be construed as, “hate”?

        Be precise.

        1. Perhaps my using the word hate was too strong, perhaps I should have used the words mendacious and ignorant in answer to his, watchers, statement.

      4. The proof is that the Beothuks refused all friendship or assistance to the Newfoundlanders, and as a result all the Newfoundlanders died off.

        Seriously, didn’t Danielle Smith just get shit on for daring to peddle that crap about the natives helping us out? You want to watch your step. You’ll get yourself cancelled talking this shit.

        1. And EBT you are GUTLESS. Repeat the LIES. Live the LIE because I Refuse. Tug Your Forelock and bow down and kiss their ass.

          All the big bad stories from Indians about Whitey are mostly BS and lies taught to them by Liberal White people.
          Murder of thousands of Indian school kids. LIES.
          White men killing Indian Women the trail of tears LIES, 95% Indian men killing those women.
          You can not cancel the truth.
          They don’t own Canada and never did, the only reason they spout this BS is because very Liberal White Judges say the same lie.
          At some point they will cross a line and we will have civil war.

          1. Me? Gutless? Nonsense! Why, look at the strings on this violin!

            We don’t actually disagree. I was just pointing out to native friend there the perils of taking that friendly-native line and expecting automatic support from the left, as it sure looks like he expects it.

            I have my own views on the natives, but I don’t repeat lies. When I need a lie, I make it up myself, like a gentleman. I have standards, you know.

  3. ‘I believe there is a day coming when the contributions of Canada’s Indigenous peoples to both history and the present will be truly celebrated and valued,’

    A stone Age society without the wheel or an alphabet? Celebrated for what? Less than 1% of Canadians are more Indian than white. Let them celebrate what empire builders their ancestors weren’t. Don’t involve me.

    1. And most of the Indians are mostly mixed blood anyway. Many of them as White as me.
      All racist bull shit all day long on the cbc and Canadian Fantasy Land.
      The Metis would not exist but for the White man.
      My one French ancestor a Coure de Bois had 3-4 Indian wives back in the late 1600’s in Quebec.

        1. There is a book about him. When he finished his Military service to the King of France. He became an Independent SOF and fur trader. He would paddle his trade canoe from Quebec City to what is now Detroit and back buying furs and trapping. Sometimes gone 2-3 years hence the multiple Indian wives.
          His motto was “We were Caesar’s Then There Being Nobody To Contradict Us”
          He fought many times for his scalp and won until his last adventure.
          He died somewhere in the wilderness on his last adventure in his 60’s, very old for his life style.
          Some of his family exist to this day. It was his kind who opened this land in Canada and the USA.

      1. The push to the great plains was done by taking Aboriginal women by force to be the keeper of the camp so to speak.
