83 Replies to “No One Is Coming To Save You”

  1. Too true. Not pointing out that something is stupid, not right, idiotic, is really the problem. Mental illness has to be ridiculed if it is not going to be treated.

    1. We have effectively dismissed the entire concept of mental illness. And what’s replaced it? Two things:

      1). Moral relativism: In which ALL things are equivalent, if you simply want them to be. Hence … what you call mentally ill… your leftist friend will call *ahem* … “creative”
      2). “The Spectrum”: Today, everyone everywhere is on some kind of a “spectrum”. There is no longer a concept called mental health … nope … just degrees of mental “wellness”

      1. Yep. That’s the mantra now of all good lefties. It’s amazing how they all get the talking point at the same time, isn’t it? However, unlike Christianity’s “We are all sinners”, we are not all murderers.

  2. I don’t have any problem at all with a man who *truly believes* he’s a woman competing with other women.

    The only proviso I have is that the man demonstrate his commitment to his femininity by having his testicles removed prior to competition. After all, the testes are the source of 90% of a man’s testosterone; removing them would level the playing field between men and women. That’s the question we should ask of every man who’s pretending to be woman – “When are your balls coming off?”.

    Because if they’re not, we’re dealing with cross-dressers, not trans-genders. And they should be labelled as such.

    1. KevinB
      “Because if they’re not, we’re dealing with cross-dressers, not trans-genders.”
      NO, they are mentally ill, there is NO such thing as trans-gender!

    2. There are only two sexes – male and female. Anything else is make believe. Anyone who believes otherwise is part of the perversion.

    3. That’s false. Testosterone is only part of the equation, for the same reason as geldings aren’t allowed in races for fillies and mares.

      1. Same with dogs. A dog born a male still grows larger and stronger than a female, even if it was a puppy when it transitioned.

    4. Castrating a bull doesn’t make a cow, it makes a steer.
      And castration doesn’t alter the physique and physical advantage a man’s developed body has over that of a woman’s.

      If women athletes don’t stand up for themselves and put an end to this nonsense, they are truly proving they are the weaker sex. And not just physically weaker, but mentally weaker. They need to learn to stand up for themselves and quit trying to be so agreeable. Those people are never going to like you for accepting them. You are just self-identifying as inferior if you let them treat you this way.

      1. Actually I think castrating a bull makes it an ox (but I grew up in the city so maybe I’m wrong), but the principle is the same. Even an ox (castrated bull) retains all the strength that the bull did before the big snip.

        1. A steer is a castrated bull. An ox is a bovine (usually male because they’re stronger, and has been castrated) that is being used as a draft animal. It is the use as a draft animal that makes it an ox.

    5. Why are you stopping at the berries? What about that twig? And what about the hips? I have managed top level competitive boys and girls soccer teams … and one of the most noticeable difference between the young pre-pubescent kids? Their hips … which create dramatic differences in running style and quickness. Sorry, but the boys are far quicker, faster, and better balanced than the girls … and as any top level coach will tell you … for elite athletes it’s all in the hips. And yes, some boys (and girls) have “better hips” than others. And yes … the muscle to fat ratio too. Sorry gals, but your ratio is not nearly as lean as boys.

      I have even scrimmaged my U14 girls against U10 boys … the girls were nearly twice as large and mature as the boys … and the very little boys wiped the floor with my girls. Virtually ran circles around them.

      There’s FAR more differences between men and women than JUST testosterone. But the feminists have spent nearly a century trying to convince everyone of the absolute equality of the sexes … and have therefore TRAPPED themselves in the transgender dilemma. They simply CANNOT suddenly backtrack on the First Commandment of Feminism. Sorry girls … you did this to yourselves. You wanted to ERASE all differences between the sexes … and now you got your wish … in spades!

    6. I don’t have any problem at all with a man who *truly believes* he’s a woman competing with other women.

      The only proviso I have is that the man demonstrate his commitment to his femininity by having his testicles removed prior to competition. After all, the testes are the source of 90% of a man’s testosterone; removing them would level the playing field between men and women. That’s the question we should ask of every man who’s pretending to be woman – “When are your balls coming off?”.

      Because if they’re not, we’re dealing with cross-dressers, not trans-genders. And they should be labelled as such.

      EDIT: Thanks for all the responses. Perhaps I was too subtle.. my real point was *IF* you make this argument to a cross-dresser, watch him bluster and obfuscate the fact that, while he *says* he wants to be a woman, he wants to hang on to his male equipment, just the same. Then you can just slam into him for ‘not being committed’ to his ‘transition’, which is apparently a huge sin in the TG world.

    7. Kevin – that’s not enough; having been bathed in testosterone since before birth gives any XY person a distinct advantage in muscle development, etc. And those muscles don’t just evaporate when an adult male becomes an eunich.

  3. Merely removing the testes will not level the playing field. An individual who went through puberty with male testosterone will have greater height, muscle mass and bone density than an individual who did not. Strange that the IOC used to disqualify female athletes for elevated testosterone.
    Best solution is to segregate athletes by chromosomes – XX and XY.
    Women do need to take a stand. Especially feminist women.

    1. Feminist women gave up on the real struggle for equality when they went completely silent on women from certain cultures and religions being forced, by males, to wear specific items of clothing which concealed the fact that they were women.

    1. I don’t even know what that means. It sounds goofy to me. But maybe that’s just me.

      There is so much in the English language that I simply cannot grok.

  4. Maybe if more men start competing in women’s sports the wage gap in sports will shrink.

    1. Then we would have men’s sports and mentally-ill-male cross-dresser sports. Women’s sport will be no more.

    2. No change, women athletes will still need a Government cheque to survive.

      Want to see entitlement?

      Read the new Woke Hockey News.

      Lots of articles now about the best women hockey players in the world.(like this month comparing a 14 year old Slovak girl to Crosby)

      Who play at the level of 17 year old boys.(which is whom the Olympic women practice against. No checking of course.)
      But still get enrolled as “peers” in the Hockey hall of Fame.

      Pregnant men, math doesn’t matter, climate scam and women beating everyone up while the men cower are not the only obvious lies we are regularly asked to believe.

      Tis hilarious though, how many of the world’s best female hockey players believe they should be paid like the men.
      Bottom lines etc be damned.
      Entitlement or just obtuse?
      Hard to tell in this all lies all the time world.
      Or is it just Equity don’t you know.

      Speaking of which, now that Hockey Canada has been Government-Approved, I predict that Canada will never win another Olympic Gold or World Cup.
      Affirmative Action Countries like Canada get affirmative action results.

      Why do Liberals (mostly women, Liberal men don’t exist) hate White people?

      How is Racism against White people officially allowed in Canada?

      And encouraged by Liberals, Government, Media and the embarrassing Constitution?
      Big Surprise.
      A Trudeau Constitution not worth the paper its printed on.

      Can’t imagine what they are doing to young White people.

      Obviously, no one, including their parents, care.

  5. Chalk that under – don’t force me to share in your lunacy. You can be nuttier than crunchy peanut butter and I’m happy for you. Just stay away from me.

    Women who willingly compete against men cause the whole problem. It is a self inflicted wound. Go cry somewhere else sweetheart – you did it to yourself.

  6. The women athletes who are not boycotting their sport are just plain stupid. A smart women knows that if you continue to support it ,…. it will remain and get worse.

    No one said women athletes were smart. They are proving that they aren’t smart by continuing to compete.

    It wouldn’t take much to end this farce.

    1. And this is why Western Society is dying or perhaps already dead. When we cannot even understand what a 4 year old can understand, we are done.

      We are going to be taken over and I’m not certain that most people will even care.

      Better start learning Mandarin.

      Takeover in 5, 4, 3….

  7. What’s been left out of the equation in this discussion, are the governing bodies of these sports. They’ve been the primary obstacle to shutting down this farce. If your ‘full ride’ Uni scholarship depends on your continuing to compete in whatever your sport of choice is, and the guys that make the rules say males can compete, what’s your real choice?

    1. “what’s your real choice?”

      Women up! Were they supposed to roll over when men told them they were too stupid to vote? Were they supposed to agree when men told them they should work for less pay?

      Like minded people and schools should organize XX leagues. Start with Christian schools that believe in Christ. Making our daughters compete against men is cruel and stupid.

      1. A hundred years of history shows they are too stupid to vote. Why do you thing Pretty Boy Trudeau keeps getting reelected? How do you think Clinton and Obama got elected.

        1. Switzerland only gave them the vote in 1971. Didn’t take long to screw that place up.

      2. No argument from me, Scar. What I was getting at is, aside from not competing, there are serious financial penalties for women if they refuse to compete. It likely would mean not continuing with Uni if the scholarship money is withdrawn; that’s harsh.
        It certainly affects women as individual competitors more so than team sports. I’m thinking here of that male swimmer that’s been creating all the noise at swim meets (I can’t think of his name and I don’t see that as a problem… 😉 )

  8. Just as the ‘Gay Games’ provided an alternative for those who wanted a different event the ‘transitioning’ should set up their own sports competitions. Otherwise it appears they want to gate crash the traditional events as a political statement. Man and women competitors (we know who you are) should boycott any stupidity forced on them by the woke.

  9. I think feminism has convinced a lot of female athletes that they can still win against trans athletes…. until they lose. That’s why women don’t rally together up front and fight it. It’s only ever the real woman that just finished in 2nd place complaining.

    1. The Media today must have 90lb girls believing they can handle a couple of dozen big guys easily.
      Real life must be eye opening.
      Or closing.

      1. It’s not just the media. It’s TV, movies, everything. It ain’t reality.

        My lovely bride has had nearly the same amount of training I’ve had in a particular art. If she came at me in a full blown frontal attack, she’d be on the ground before she knew what hit her.

        Years ago I watched a black belt karate final match on Wide World of Sports or some such. Tall guy, 6-2 or something, 200 lbs vs this little slip of a girl, 5-4, mebbe 105 lbs, soaking wet. She was fast, had great technique, but didn’t stand a chance against an opponent twice her size, stronger, more reach (arms & legs).

        Even a halfway competent male athlete will wipe up the floor w/ a female counterpart. That’s reality.

  10. At last someone stands up to the woke misogynists. I’ll bet politicians will take notice if this turns into a general strike of sorts.

  11. I agree with the statement, but there are a few problems/challenges.
    1. Some of these women have been told all their life that they can do anything as well as a man if not better. I firmly believe this is true except in cases of physical strength.
    2. Many of these girls/women may have worked all their lives to get a chance to take part in a specific tournament or championship. It is hard to expect them to walk away from the opportunity.
    3. Don’t underestimate the power of brainwashing. These young ladies have been told time and again that they are terrible people if they don’t accept these freaks into their sport.

    We have to look at the young ladies and decide what tools they have in their toolbox. Are they confident enough to make this stand and is it reasonable for them to make that decision. If the answer to that is “no” or “maybe”, then it is incumbent on their coaches and parents to either help make the decision or outright make the decision for them. By not supporting them, we are equally as guilty.

    I coach football and we are constantly evaluating players, girls included, on their physical ability because it is a matter of safety. It is easy to look the other way when there is no safety risk, but the unfair aspect of the situation can be just as damaging.

    Finally, how many of these young girls feel they have to compete to not let their team, school, or parent down while, in the back of their mind, they are saying I wish someone would do something about this.

    We have to let them know that it is okay to say no.

    1. Trevor; in response to your comment, an ideal tool could /should be the Alumni. If they start making noises about withholding contributions I’m pretty sure that’d get some serious attention from everyone involved.
      In fact, why hasn’t that already happened? Are the Alumni in general OK with this crap?

  12. Two points:

    1. For six decades, Feminist activists have been spouting nonsense about men and women being equal in every capacity. No one called them on it. Instead, they developed the delusion through reinforcement that what they were saying was true. Granted, their primary and fundamental basis was to highlight the inequality of rights between both sexes which I deem to be valid to some extent. But, with every liberal narrative they went toooooo far, and are now reaping the detriments of those acts.

    2. The second point is relative to female athletes not showing up to compete and leaving the men at the starting line alone and sad. Well, if you think that would end the debacle, you are sorely mistaken. These transgender athletes aren’t mentally all there and neither are their lemming supporters. They would just continue as nothing had changed. A lot of these mentally ill folks really truly believe that growing their hair, wearing a dress and tucking their privates is all that you need to do to “identify” as another sex. Critical thinking, and common sense never come into the equation.

    So, if you really want to go to the source of our current situation, return to the true unwitting architects. Gloria Steinem, Susan B. Anthony, Simone, de Beauvoir, Bell Hooks, Angela Davis, Grace Lee Boggs etc… KARMA in all capitals.

  13. “Castrating a bull doesn’t make it a cow, it makes it a steer.”

    That’s a great line, gotta remember that.

  14. Females must stop competing against males and woman who don’t like men in their change rooms must pull their memberships in the woke organizations.
    People must get involved and say no more to this nonsense. Get involved run for boards cancel memberships and stand up for your rights. A few years ago these men would have been charged with indect exposure now they are tolerated, stop it now.
    RUN for office. Enough navel gazing DO SOMETHING!

  15. A recent column suggested that many young women support/would vote for the Boy Blunder again – this mindset is likely rife throughout the Western World, (only the Blunder’s name differs).

    So, no sympathy here for self-inflicted wounds.

  16. Perhaps it’s just my perception but many of the so called “Transgenders” appear to suffering from serious mental health issues or learning disabilities? I watched several episodes of “I am Jazz, and I was astounded at how abnormal she appears to be, she is surrounded by people that parrot the liberal mewl-aid but she appears to be a sad angry over weight angry person?

    1. The recent social contagion trend has muddied these numbers, but in over 90% of cases sexual dysmorphia is a self-destructive coping mechanism for childhood sexual abuse. It’s no different from drug/alcohol addiction, cutting, or bug chasing.

      “Jazz” Jennings is more likely a victim of Muchausen’s-by-proxy.

  17. My opinion is straightforward. We are all familiar with the X Games (for extreme sports). I suggest the formation of the XX Games – the qualification being the XX chromosomes. If the trannies don’t approve, to hell with them.

  18. The evil spawn of Title 9…I doubt when the bill was drafted some 45 years ago legislators didn’t see this coming down the pipe. It only applied to those athletic organizations who receive fed funding but no one wants their asses dragged into court for discrimination.

  19. Don’t care. Aside from ice dancing and gymnastics, no one watches or cares about women’s sports. The only reason women’s sports exists at all is the poor little darlings whining about muh soggy knees and voting for politicians that will give them free shit they didn’t earn.

    Well, now it’s their ox being gored by cultural Marxism and they don’t like it. Too bad.

    1. Don’t forget women’s beach volleyball. Also attractive women curlers yelling “Hurry! Hurry! Hurry hard!” Is quite compelling. (;)

      1. Yes, I used to say that they called it the “Tournament of Hearts” because they couldn’t fit “Tournament of Atomic Sex Foxes” on the signs.

  20. There’s a really simple solution to this. It would cost more, but it would be EMINENTLY FAIR – and would cut the legs right-out-from-under males who proclaim themselves to be trans , just to get smaller, weaker (i.e., female) competitors so they’d win easier – there would be literally, nothing they could say or do about it. QED – Checkmate – Game Over. All we need to do is declare FOUR genders, instead of the current two:

    1) Females
    2) Males who identify as females
    3) Females who identify as males
    4) Males.

    A male who identifies as a female? – GREAT, you compete in League #2. “But NO FAIR, I’m actually a GIRL in a MAN’S BODY – I INSIST it’s my right to compete against REAL girls, not THOSE posers!” – “Are you saying THEY aren’t real girls? Are you denying THEM their trans rights? And for that matter, THEY say YOU aren’t a “real girl” – how do you respond to that, ‘Miss’?” “But BLAH BLAH Yak Yak Yak…” – it all sounds the same; you go in League #2 – and you’ll be expelled from the League and arrested for gross indecency if we catch you going into washrooms #1, #3 or #4.

    The beauty of this, and why we formalise it with four genders, is that it can be applied universally and it’s unarguable. “Hey, why are you sticking me in a prison full of GUYS, I’m a GIRL!” “No problem – we’ve just built a new prison for guys who say they’re girls – you’re going there!” “NO, I wanna’ be in jail with REAL GIRLS!” “You WILL be – right? And an automatic five years’ extra sentence for misgendering – right?”

  21. Given that women voting for human viruses like Biden et. al. who caused this, well ladies, sorry, but you are on your own. I kept my daughters out of competitive sports for this reason. And they are much happier, still fit and active, and don’t have to worry about having 15 years of training stolen from them by a dude in a dress.

  22. Once we have mastered the art of successfully herding 1000s of cats, maybe then we can get 1000s of women to agree on something.

    1. How about we start with maybe 10 and work up from there, assuming we have success with the smaller group? 😉

    1. Huh. Interesting.

      I don’t know what their purview is, but if they have any reach at all…

  23. “If all women athletes refused to compete against these men and forced them to stand alone in the starting gate, this obscene farce could end. But they won’t, and so they legitimize it.”

    I’ve been saying this for months. Don’t complain just let Mr. Thomas dive in by himself.

    1. “I’ve been saying this for months. Don’t complain just let Mr. Thomas dive in by himself.”


      This is the one and only way that this farce ever ends. It would only take one incident, in one sport to put a quick end to all this nonsense.

  24. How about accepting the fact that our society has become so immoral they are unable to see the truth of any matter.

    1. Actually it’s only a few people. The trick they employ is to make us think it’s everyone.

  25. BTW … these are mediocre male > “female” athletes. Just wait until the GOOD male athletes decide to crowd out the girls on the podium.

    What if Christian Pulisic suddenly decided to be a “woman” soccer player? The US team would be invincible, and Christian would shatter every female soccer record. Oh! The US woman’s team would be invincible … UNTIL … Neymar and his newly minted girlfriends on the Brazilian National soccer team decided to play for the women’s team.

    This whole “trans” thing is a joke. A very bad joke.

  26. Why doesn’t a country like Kenya have their whole team put on dresses and win every running medal? Only a racist trans hater would object.

  27. These sports athlete women should join the military where they are the equal of any man. They get promoted fast, and the men protect them. While men reinforce courage in each other, they do not hold women to that standard.
