26 Replies to “SEND MORE NEEDLES”

  1. But the experts of the DTES Harm Reduction Industry know better. Don’t believe me? Just ask them!

    1. Van has gone the way of all leftist-run cities. In the future I predict that the Chinese and East Indian/Sikh populations of the lower mainland will be fighting over control of the metropolis. Meanwhile, all the white folks will have fled to Alberta, the Okanagan and Mexico.

      We are witnessing the eradication of the Caucasian populations of planet Earth. We can run but we can’t hide. All white western countries are being invaded by wogs of all color, but white.

      Weak, guilt-ridden white folks are helping that along… the bastards.

    1. Absolutely. The only ethical response is rehabilitation and treatment. Anything else is a complete waste of effort.

    1. “Paging Larry Campbell…”

      Yup. Remember the much vaunted ‘four pillars’ plan, supposed to fix Vancouver’s drug problem once and for all?

      Problem was, they only ever implemented three of the four ‘pillars’…the *enforcement* component was left out completely.

  2. How many of them are repeat OD’rs?

    ” So far this year, there have been more than 8,500 calls regarding overdose poisoning province-wide.

    An average of six people die per day in B.C. from illicit drug use. ”

    So 510 deaths this year, out of 8,500 calls

    1. Your math is off. 6 deaths per day would equal 2190 overdose deaths per year.

  3. Lived in Victoria for almost 20 years, very familiar with YVR’s downtown eastside. With all the $$ tossed at it over that 20 years you’d logically expect some positive results, but tossing money that just enables more and fixes less….well that’s the Liberal way isn’t it. If 10 million doesn’t work, let’s do 20, or 30 or 500…it’s always the same story.

    Here in Abq, I work on the outskirts of what is called the “war zone.” Much like the downtown east side. Losers everywhere, discarded needles on the streets, almost daily shootings over the usual fallout from failed policies.

    FFS, stop killing people with your coddling “kindness and compassion” – anyone with even a half functioning brain can see what you’ve accomplished – less than nothing.

  4. So, nothing has changed since the early 1990s, when I lived there, except they now have working homeless, because the cheapest places are now $2000+/month, and the idiots on the right in Canada blame drugs, and want to send in bulldozers to “clean out those scum.”

  5. Everything Proggs touch turns to crap.
    The Lower East Side is glorious example.
    I am amazed some enterprising character has not set up their “Safe Injection Zone” under the Loins Gate Bridge..Then the outgoing tide could cover all their failures.
    Oh wait..maybe they have.
    Vancouver has always been a corrupt port city..
    It is their heritage.
    Only the fact it houses our major western ports has prevented its neighbours from fencing it off and then damming the delta.

  6. The ‘safe injection’ sites may sound like a good idea to some people, but try asking the people who live near them what they think.

    If you ask firefighters about the crazy levels of drug overdose in the Downtown Eastside, the guys at 2 Hall just shrug their shoulders and say that it makes the time go quicker, and people actually *request* to be posted there. When asked, they will mention their record of nearly 200 calls answered *in one day* . The place is insanely busy, especially on Welfare Wednesday. At 8 hall (just outside the DTES), they joke about tattooing their ‘clients’ with every call…”three strikes and you’re out!” (heh)…working there, it is not quite as busy as 2 Hall but you do notice the same addresses coming over the PA over and over.

    By contrast, at 12 Hall (out west, almost to UBC), they might get 2-3 call-outs per day…once when I was working there they had no calls at all. That place they call the Country Club, because they have high vaulted ceilings with kayaks, showshoes and camping gear hung on them…they also claim it is a ‘punishment’ hall (probably due to the boredom factor). I noticed that women were always posted there.

    In other words, Vancouver is a large and diverse city, and not all areas are inhabited by scumbags and vermin. Where I live we have the odd homeless guy but no drug problems and very few break-ins.

  7. Evolution in action.

    Those incapable of controlling substance addictions that make them less than “the fittest” are not, generally, going to survive long enough to reproduce.

    It’s not sad, it’s not bad, it’s The Law.

  8. Why is it that the more they enable drug addicts, the more of them there are, and the more overdoses there are? Are not their polices suppose to be help cut this down, or are they just set at creating more jobs and money for the poverty/drug industry.

  9. Harm reduction, my backside, more like coddling drug addicts to ensure lots of “Progressives” get hired to administer harmful policies for a salary. If someone wants to do drugs fine,I should not have to pay for safe injection sites or drugs to stop an over dose.
