Run For Yer Lives!


Bottom story of the day: Jagmeet Singh will support #Budget2023

Deloitte: “Canada is heading into a mild recession…

It’s Garden Gnome Barbie Helicopter Money day. Open thread.

71 Replies to “Run For Yer Lives!”

  1. I’m sure that inflation will “cool” as stats can makes more adjustments to it’s inflation model

    1. Step 14, Or “Why I Won’t Believe the People Who Told Me There Would Be No Inflation When They Say The Recession Will Be “Mild””:

      1) there is no threat of inflation due to the government borrowing then “spending” a trillion dollars
      2) there is no inflation, like we said
      3) there is some inflation, but not everywhere, and its not bad, so point 1 stands, please ignore point 2
      4) there is some inflation in some minor areas such as fuel, housing and food, but its manageable
      5) its only for a short time, just like two weeks to flatten the COVID curve, remember then?
      6) inflation is actually good, Colbert says so, and who would know better than a celebrity millionaire?
      7) the government has a plan for inflation if it ever really becomes a for real problem for real people
      8) you’ll love wage and price controls…
      9) its corporate greed that somehow didn’t exist two years ago, just started overnight
      10) no, increasing taxes isn’t inflationary either
      11) did we mention the inflation that isn’t happening, but would be great, is Putin’s fault?
      12) overturning Roe will damage the economy
      13) CTRL/H inflation/stagflation
      14) CTRL/H stagflation/recession
      15) CTRL/H recession/New Great Depressio

      1. You forgot to blame Trump, I’m sure that should be included.

        And global warming. Global warming causes anything and everything bad.

  2. There will be troughs filled for all Liberal friends and family.

    The rest of us get oppression and hate.

  3. “…bring in another temporary boost to the GST rebate to help pay for rising grocery prices”

    If only it was possible to remove the GST from groceries, instead of just doing yet another government money washing scheme to redistribute after taking a large cut

  4. Is the Liberal Party now a cult?
    Serious question.

    Something has to explain their utter refusal to think.

    1. No, the Liberal Party is organized crime.
      And, like Al Capone and his soup kitchens , they maintain power by spreading taxpayer money through their home turf. The red/green component certainly has brainwashed cult members, but the leaders of the enviros are just hardcore Stalinists, and hope one day to have the power to knock the Libranos from their position of control, something which the Liberal don and caporegimes are acutely aware of.

      Hope this helps.

      1. The cult blossomed in 1968 with Trudeaumania, and it germinated in 1965.

        Judy (“we’ve got to stop the bastard”) LaMarsh noted in her memoir that Trudeau carefully cultivated a “mystique”, and encouraged acolytes. LaMarsh was a senior minister in Pearson’s cabinet when Trudeau was brought in at the behest of Quebec luminaries Marchand and Pelletier.

        LaMarsh was underwhelmed. She recognized Trudeau to be uninformed about issues outside Quebec, incurious to learn anything outside his narrow interests, intellectually lazy, disengaged from cabinet discussions, and extremely arrogant, petty, and insulting. As with Trudeau Junior, PET was threatened by women he viewed as “strong”, i.e. women who saw through his BS and refused to wilt in adoration.

        She believed the mystique he carefully cultivated disguised a very shallow personality. She was astonished that so many were taken in by what she viewed as an obviously defective personality.

        1. And next Stanfield fumbled the football literally.
          Then came Joe Who over a few cents gas tax.
          Deliberate or stupidity I will let you decide.

  5. “Mild recession” – Worked out well with inflation.

    But I’m sure Freeland will use it as an excuse to further open the wallet.

    Grocery rebate cheques? Tell me, is there any other way a government can secretly implement UBI?

  6. Likely the biggest driver to Canada’s recession is the massive, sustained increase to carbon taxes.

    1. Well then you’ll be glad to hear that…”…and incentives to reduce carbon emissions.”

      That ALWAYS grows the economy.

  7. What to expect?

    Raise the inclusion rate on Capital Gains.
    Raise the rates on tax brackets.
    Implement Capital Gains on a personal residence.

    There’s lots of room for these miscreant, communist Liberal tyrants to fleece this country. Debasing the dollar is already underway, so why not go full in on being a welfare state? It is already by means and practice. “ Vote for us, we’ll throw you another $40 a month!” No doubt it goes to pot, smokes and Starbucks already for the millenial Liberal base.

    1. Raise inheritant taxes cause why leave anything to your spawn when you can leave it all to the Black Spawn and his Band of Theives.

      1. Raise inheritant taxes

        Stop whining. If you don’t have the wherewithal to create your own charitable tax-free foundation, and have your father’s elite law firm incorporate numbered companies for your family trusts in Cayman, you don’t deserve to pass on generational wealth.

        1. Might be easier to just give 10% to the Big Guy.
          In the case of the Bronfmans it may have been more.

          1. I remember back during the Mulroney regime there was a foofaraw about a secret meeting between Reichman family representatives and a senior Revenue Canada tax official where the government agreed to allow the transfer of approximately a billion dollars, (I seem to recall an $800+ million figure which was real money in those days).

            The transfer was to a tax-free jurisdiction and the Reichman trust would not have to pay taxes, when normally taxes would have applied. Saved them tens of millions of dollars. Maybe hundreds of millions. The whole incident would have remained secret but I think someone on the inside leaked it to the press.

            The icing on the cake was that the tax official went on bended knee to pay court to the Reichmans, not the other way around.

            Taxes are for the little people. But when I say little people I don’t mean da little guy from Shawinigan.

  8. She is not magically delicious, so that eliminates a leprechaun.

    I have a new theory on deficits and balancing the budget. Every government that gets into power goes heavily into deficit spending during a slowdown (even Harper). The solution is to balance the budget in 4-5 years – yes, conveniently after the next election.

    But the 4-5 year period is not by accident because that is about the length of a positive economic cycle. During the positive cycle they use economic growth to magically eliminate the deficit without having to cut spending and during a slow down they go into deficit again. In other words, the way the government spends your money they will never post a surplus – by design. Maybe everyone has figured this out already.

  9. L – Oracle at Delphi advises Canadian economic growth will
    follow after the Liberal cabinet being sacrificed to a volcano
    deity Gaia.

    1. Oracle at Delphi advises

      highly unlikely. unlike Trudeau-type modern scumbag globalism, ancient Greek religion rejected human sacrifice as barbarous.

  10. It’s different this time . That is what I was told when the Liberals took over and blew through there “small deficit ” caps. Why? Well because everyone is doing it ,or so I was told. Crickets now. Well ,it is different this time by gigantic proportions . We have leading us the equivalents of a sex addict in a brothel with your unlimited credit card and he is giving really big tips – because he is oh so nice!

    1. Let’s not forget either, the addict also has the Media running complete and total interference for him.

      There are no hard questions, only incompetence, from the media, “What did you have for breakfast today, what colour are your socks” typical hard hitting mediot enquiries

      1. Or, the hardest question ever asked:“Dear Leader! How did I offend you? He got to lick your nuts first!”

    2. We have leading us the equivalent of a sex addict in a brothel with your unlimited credit card

      The financial brains behind The Trudeau Family Trust no doubt diversified out of the Canadian economy, out of Canadian banks, and out of Canadian currency a loooooong time ago. Such as just after Harper lost the election.

      Don’t worry, Junior’s good. Hell, Junior’s great-great-great grandkids will be great.

      But you’re totally screwed.

  11. Every time they see a recession coming, the government of the day assures us it will be a mild one, a soft landing. And then they cross all their fingers and toes and pray that it is.

    Meanwhile, some pundits in the US are warning that this could be like the dirty thirties…or worse. I guess that’s why their government is bailing out the failing banks, to prevent a crash.

    It doesn’t matter what Canada does, if the US goes down, so do we, and so does the rest of the world. Our banks won’t fail, but our economy will.

    When I see the numbers on business debt, mortgage debt, credit card/private debt plus the astronomical government debts, I can’t see how it’s sustainable, it has to come crashing to earth eventually. And the longer it goes on, the harder the crash will be.

    We can only wait and see.

  12. We are already in a recession.

    I suspect the numbers are a lot worse than what we’ve been told.

    When do these gnomes leave Canada with suitcases filled with cash?

    1. “I suspect the numbers are a lot worse than what we’ve been told.”

      I’ve noted it all along: take the ‘official’ gov’t inflation rate & triple it. You’ll be far closer to reality. If the bastards now note we’re in a ‘mild’ recession, Nellie, hang onto yer hat.

      1. Haven’t been there for a long time and don’t know if it’s still active but the website was: Shadow Stats.
        The cat is an accountant who analyzes inflation using an earlier official government methodology (before the formula was, er, refined). The Shadow Stats number was typically double or triple the offical one.

        I believe nothing from government and if they tell a little truth it’ll be a limited hangout for a whopper.

        1. an earlier official government methodology (before the formula was, er, refined)

          The Reaganites perfected the accuracy of the government inflation metric after defeating Jimmy “Malaise Forever” Carter and his sad-sack truth-telling about consumer price inflation.

        1. If everyone responsible for this insanity dropped dead tomorrow the world would be a better place.

  13. I think in these times the best play is to go long incompetence and corruption, and short logic, decency, and common sense.


    1. the best play is to go long incompetence and corruption, and short logic, decency

      Is the Liberal Party now an equity trade on the TSX?

      No, that would be sharing their ill-gotten booty with anyone who could buy a share, and that wouldn’t do. It’s a small club reserved for the elite predator-parasites.

  14. To break inflation you need to increase supply and/or decrease demand. Libs don’t want either. They’ll increase demand by throwing around printed/borrowed money. They’ll decrease supply by jacking up taxes (carbon tax aka tax on everything) and increasing regulations.

    1. To break inflation you need to increase supply and/or decrease demand

      Supply-side BS. To break inflation the government and its financiers need to stop monetizing outrageously enormous government debt. Financialization of the economy through debt-based bank credit needs to stop.

      Government interventions intended to “incentivize” consumers to buy crap they wouldn’t otherwise, (stimulating production and thereby increasing supply), or interventions intended to immiserate consumers by wrecking the economy and throwing them out of work, (decreasing demand), is just crackpot money machinations.

      Get the criminal government out of the economy, get the corporations out of the government, and liberate money from incompetent and corrupt central planners.

  15. I saw the government graphic showing the projected deficit. High this year, higher next year and then … magically … it falls to near zero in the distant future. I am a believer of the garden gnome.

    1. the distant future

      ah yes, that magical mythical never-never land, the Blessed Isles, a land where it’s always afternoon….whither the corrupt and incompetent politicians and their media hangers-on are always leading us.

  16. So Trudy gives the welfare class some extra coin, 200 plus, to help for groceries and we the tax payer foot the bill. The only people who benefit from the Liberal NDP coalition of tax payer thieves are those who are already the welfare parasites who vote NDP? Of course the parasite party aka NDP will vote for the budget their voters get the cash windfall and we’re forced to pay for it.

    1. It’s called the tyranny of the majority. The power loving Liberals figured it out long ago and will always feed their welfare demanding constituents. Feed them from the tax paying middle income minority who will never hold power in this sad excuse for a country ever again.

  17. The federal government exists to serve itself first and its subjects second.
    Canadians exist to serve the federal government first, and themselves second.
    If you’re looking for some magical politician to vote for who will reverse this bizarro world, check your arsehole first because that’s where your head is.

  18. “Deloitte …. says tight monetary policy is set to squeeze economic growth this year. ”

    So, you’re essentially saying, its a bit of pain, but its smart, right?

    So why are you cutting in on The CBCs turf? Do you think turdo needs another cheerleader?

  19. Will the grocery rebate apply to the price of bananas?

    Asking for a friend who likes to dress up in blackface and stuff a banana in his pants.

  20. What this country needs is a little “stimulation”.

    The kind of stimulation that only the importation of another 1M s-hole foreigners per year can accomplish.

    Glory to Trudopia!

  21. The worst PM ever.. Doing what he does.. You would think you would be used to it by now.. All their friends get their cut and you get the bill..

  22. Crush the black market, traitors against the community! Bunch of law-breaking anarchists!
    Can’t you see we’re at war, and that only our betters can save us?
    Do you actually want to live in the same world as Assad and Putin?

  23. Please tell me that she didn’t promise that this was going to be a temporary deficit like Truedope did in his first year as PM?
    If I recall correctly, he overshot is $20B deficit by double.
    “History may not repeat itself but, but it does often rhyme”

  24. Let’s see now. Debt at all time high, interest rates going up so debt servicing costs going up (dramatically), already running a deficit.

    Now’s a good time to add programs we cannot afford, while piling on more debt!

    How about they ditch all of the green initiatives, ditch the useless dental program, defund the CBC and the rest of the media, cut departmental expenses by 10% across the board, and no raises going forward until the budget is balanced…

    1. If I understand you correctly, a bunch of aholes can go into deep debt to fund lavish lifestyles or foist crazy programs on us, and when we say “no deal, molon labe”, that makes us the bad guys, because we don’t comply with law enforcement, who are, by definition, the good guys, no matter how many drag queen child groomers they defend, no matter how many kids they arrest for playing hockey, no matter how many grannies they trample, no matter how many small businesses they shut down.
      …no matter how many minors they screwed for life by busting them for an effin pot seed in their pocket…
      Of course, if not for the cops, conservatives would turn into drug-addled rapist freaks, right? Just ask them what legalization would do.

  25. when we say “molon labe”

    “Molon labe” was said by Spartan king Leonidas, when the Persian Xerxes, King of Kings, demanded he and his 300 body guards hand over their weapons.

    It means, roughly, “sure, come and get them”.

    Canadians can’t say that. They ain’t got shit. More importantly they ain’t got the fortitude required to stand up to anyone. Junior’s pretty dumb, and he runs away to hide in his Winter Palace at the slightest whiff of trouble, but even at that he’s got your number.

    1. Many Canadians are armed. The minute they stand up and use their arms, they become criminals, both in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of the people, conservative and libtard alike.

  26. Jughead has already proved to the world that he is bribable. He is only in it for his pension. Perhaps PP could raise a couple of million [preferably in crypto ] to buy him off with a one way ticket to his homeland where I am told there is a cozy cell waiting for him.
    Then we could see how a free vote in the house would work out.

    1. Perhaps PP could raise a couple of million to buy him a one way ticket to his homeland

      Jughead’s stupid, but even he isn’t that stupid to quit this golden do-nothing zero-expectations gig and go back to his ancestral dog-eat-dog shole. Where the vast majority has to actually do something just to survive.

  27. The only thing that I can think of when I hear the words “feminist economic policy” is an old joke from my time (thirty-four years) in Silicon Valley – “Why get married when you can get the same result by finding a women you don’t like and buying her a house?”
