34 Replies to “The Libranos: Below The Belt”

  1. She was #1 on my ballot, Pierre #2. Vindicated.

    1. We had Pierre as #1 and Leslyn as #2 – strictly because we felt at the time that he had the better chance of becoming P.M.

      1. I also had Pierre as #1 and Leslyn as #2 , but only because I felt Pierre might (at the time) carry more financial and business acumen than Leslyn.

        Here is the Liberal-defined “racist” MEP Christine Anderson being interviewed by Rebel News … which according to Liberals is also a Nazi racist news organization. It’s unfortunate Leslyn didn’t have the opportunity to replay this interview as part of her response in the House.

        German MEP Christine Anderson weighs in on Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, and the attack on freedom

        1. Agree. I was hoping Lewis would call out the Lib for her lies about Anderson.

          That Jennifer sounds like a grade 12 dropout. Listen carefully to her double negatives and incorrect words in her word salad.

    2. Firstly, Jen O’Connell wouldn’t know a Nazi, if one put a boot in her posterior.
      Secondly, Christine Anderson MEP isn’t anywhere close to Nazism, in fact has consistently lobbied for Pfizer contract details to be revealed by Ursula Found Her Lyin’ (von der Leyen); so the full extent of the Nazi clot shot damage could be revealed.

      Lastly, for the record, Leslyn Lewis was #1 on my ballot.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. She did apologize (coerced?) for meeting with Christine Anderson, unfortunately. It put a crimp in my support for her.

        1. Agree!

          And I just realized the blond illiterate bimbo O’Connell reminds me of the blond in “Friends”, except she was endearing and was paid to act the part.

  2. When I hear the blonde stick talk, it’s in the voice of Jan Brady. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Nazi, Nazi, Nazi.
    Canada is a joke. I’m also for a new rule that won’t allow MP’s or Congressmen to talk crap and be immune, especially when they are actively controlling what I can consume.

  3. “Come, Mr. Talleyman; tally me banana…”
    OConell’s gonna need some aloe vera burn ointment.

  4. Double standard on full display.

    Too bad she didn’t chastise O’Connell for falsely labeling Christine Anderson a Nazi just because she’s ringing the alarm bells about the muslim invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by “woke” whites like herself.

  5. Scorching hot!

    That liberal might be suffering some “retromand” herself!! Once she figures out what that means……(“if”)

  6. C’mon now Leslyn, the only reason the banana was visible in Juthtin’s pants was because he farted.

  7. Don’t think that O’Connell knows the meaning of the words she spit out at random. She only has heard somewhere that they are bad words so why not spit them out..
    Lewis can handle herself with power and clear speaking.

  8. She signed on with the rest of PP’s CPC to denounce Anderson.
    “But she only did it so she wouldn’t get kicked out of the party like Sloan!”
    Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

  9. Black conservatives MUST be DESTROYED … Black female conservatives MUST be DESTROYED … ABSOLUTELY. By some mean white girl

  10. Tomorrow, bring in a giant photo of Freeland posing with the NAZI batallion banner, an easel and a crate of bananas.

  11. The very best part is that this exchange will be duly entered in Hansard.

    Every time the Libs open their yaps in Parliament, they need to be reminded that their Dear Leader is Canada’s Only Blackface Prime Minister TM.

  12. Nazis? There is only one National Socialist party in Canada… That up to recently claimed they were for the workers.

  13. Christine Anderson = Racist
    Christine Anderson = Bigot
    Christine Anderson = Lieberal Stooge

  14. Libranos: “How dare you talk to someone we have cancelled and deemed unclean?”

  15. Pitting Leslyn Lewis against Jennifer Stupid-face was a trifle unfair.

    Let’s see Lewis against Chrystia.

    It must be on. It simply must.

  16. I thought Pierre was the better choice because he would handle the press better. Previously Leslyn had been my first choice. After the Anderson affair, I was clearly wrong. When you are defending, you are losing. LL has some fire.
