6 Replies to “A Pivotal Moment in History”

  1. Another example of the Left, following Saul Alinsky’s advice, of hypocritically ridiculing their political opponent:
    RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
    RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

    @5:30: Lara Logan: “Ask any Satanist if they think Satan is real…”

    1. I am in agreement with Greg Gutfeld. It’s not about left and right anymore. That’s an illusion. It’s about who’s in and who’s out. Democrats and Republicans both support the same stupidity with no exceptions from the Democrats and few from Republicans. This is why Trump had to go. He threatened the grift that insiders on both teams profit from. If you’re an insider you can burn down your city in a “mostly peaceful protest”. If you’re an outsider they will come at you with all the power of the state merely for disagreeing with them.

  2. We’re at the part where a criminal gets charged with one of his crimes. Here’s hoping that’s a prelude to more charges for more crimes. Should’ve happened decades ago.

    1. Unme, whatever Trump is guilty of, if anything,it is obvious to most (though not you) that the authorities are very selective about who they will prosecute. Justice for all? I think not.
