ClownWorld U.S.A.

Gold, Goats and Guns- Indicting Trump is the End of US Politics

And that’s what’s at the heart of this Trump indictment. Trump is the distillation of everything they need to tear down to validate their envy. He’s white, male, politically connected, a little corrupt, very cheesy and the antithesis of what middle-class bicoastal midwits believe they should be.


They hate Trump not because he’s successful but because our society allowed for him to become successful.

12 Replies to “ClownWorld U.S.A.”

  1. You mean Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib or Adam Schiff, haven’t yet demanded that Trump be indicted on a Capital crime?

  2. All those things yet more importantly, Trump is the turd in the globalist punch bowl.

  3. I have no doubt Trump will be told to shut up or risk contempt of court, but don’t be surprised if Trump sends out surrogates to speak and campaign for him. If Biden can campaign without leaving his basement, Trump can win without uttering a word.

  4. This was bound to happen.

    Liberals/Democrats/Left have, as a deliberate political strategy, been criminalizing the conservative opposition for over 30 years.

    Conservatives, true to their sobriquet the Stupid Party, have been slow to realize that the worst parenting generation in history, the Boomers, have raised 3 successive generations, with a fourth on the way, that can’t do anything useful, can’t deal with reality or even grow up.

    Worse, thanks to Media, Government, Schools and You, they are all a bunch of little Commies.
    Mathless, brainless, moral-less little Commies coming for all the “Far Rightests”ie, everyone right of Mao.

    Repubs better scorch the Demorats good or get used to being a target until “disappeared” when the Libranos finally remove the veil on their Great Reset and reveal their One World Communist nirvana.

  5. The Problem,as I see it,is that this goes way beyond Trump.
    For Magna had a very narrow window of hope.
    The failure of the System to control the corrupt and limit the criminal fools is now exposed to every citizen.

    Can “faith and compliance” with the current system be sold to a taxpayer?
    It is rotten to the core and sending its stench into every aspect of life..
    Making America Great Again is viable?
    For the structures are infested with rot and mould..

    The sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome have not been shy,in showing us all how low they will go to stay at the trough..
    Better to rule in Hell than share power in Paradise..

    There are no patriots amongst the Demon Rats or their RINO comrades.
    The basic things that define a Country are all being ignored or destroyed by these parasites.
    At its most basic;
    We the people do say,that within these borders,these laws shall apply.

    Trump can win the next “Election”,this will confine the war to mostly words and court cases.
    If such a thing is fairly held.
    But based on what we have seen so far,such a “Fair Election” is “Too Important” to be left to the citizenry.
    And this is why retribution will come.
    War has already been declared by the Parasitic Overload.

    It is too late for an elected saviour,no tax paying citizen can trust their government.

    CONSENT to be governed is gone.
    “A more perfect union” will be sought.

    1. DeMarxist dystopia defined and collectivism generally.

      They assert, without evidence, (aka ZERO COURT CASES) that Trump “stole” the 2016 election, indeed mounting a “resistance,” with myriad frame ups and other abuses of power, unsubstantiated investigations and accusations, media slanders daily, which themselves become the “smoking gun,” complete with riots, burned down police stations, exhortations to violate Republicans – so are heroes saving “our democracy,” aka their rule and wealth, to save democracy by denying it to 50% of the electorate, along with rule of law.

      But, with mountains of evidence the 2020 election (YES, PLENTY OF COURT CHALLENGES STILL UNDERWAY, SCOTUS ESSENTIALLY SAYING THE CLOCK HAD RUN OUT) was altered by hook (circumventing campaign laws) or by crook (hiding/censoring Hunter Biden’s laptop which would surely have changed votes, definitely arguably changing the results, with a 3 hours, not 3 month riot, with Trump impeached for telling people to protest peacefully (ON THE RECORD TDS MORONS) – is an “insurrection.”

      Progressives tell us we must alter the climate before it gets catastrophic, as they jet around, as former Premiers who self-identified as the saviours of stopping polluting pipelines outside their jurisdiction, NOW ARE ON THE BOARD OF A COAL COMPANY, AS CANADA EXPORTS $BILLIONS IN COAL TO CHINA AND INDIA, as carbon taxes declared just transfer wealth from poorest to richest.

      …. Just a small sample, this is a long list. For further reference read 1984 – you will now find it in the non-fiction stacks.

  6. Trump may not be the nicest guy, but he was a very good president. Unlike other US presidents, he was worth less money when he left than when he got in, he took no salary, he did not start a war, he was respected on the world stage. He did not massively run up the debt, he tried to close the southern border, etc. etc. He actually did win the last election until the crooks got hold of it and changed the results, and their judges and courts are too corrupt to accept the facts. Biden has been the worst pretend president ever. Trump may well win the next election, but what is to stop them changing the results again. It all seems hopeless. Canada, too. When the digital ID and the 15 minute cities are forced upon us, Canada is finished.

  7. You can’t win a cold civil war with people who are changing the rules of existence so they can legally kill you.
    And they can’t win a hot one because, well, guns. Lotsa fckn guns.

  8. When is the Canadian Government going to warn its traveling citizens about the banana republic legal system in the USA!

  9. We’ve got him this time (I hope)!!

    We MUST jail him, otherwise he could steal another election with his pal Putin.
    I rarely got a good night’s sleep for FOUR YEARS, tossing and turning, wondering what kind of mean tweet was awaiting me when I logged onto Twitter.
    It was horrible and he must be stopped!

    Variety Magazine recommended Republicans select Chris Christie, who appeals to moderates. He’s okay, at least he is not dRumpf

  10. “They hate Trump not because he’s successful but because our society allowed for him to become successful.”

    …the same way the Nazis demonized the Jews.
