Breaking up with coal is hard to do

One of the coal units we just can’t seem to shut down, even though we’re supposed to, according to the feds.

By federal regulation, one coal unit at Boundary Dam Power Station was supposed to shut down in 2021, another in 2024. Well, we’re not going to do that. Because we can’t. We still need them. Turns out all those wind turbines can’t be relied on, after all, can they? Like on April 4, when they put out less that 4% in Saskatchewan.

28 Replies to “Breaking up with coal is hard to do”

    1. A holes who think we can live without fossil fuels need to die before before they KILL us.

  1. Be thankful (enlightened, insightful, lunatic) government hasn’t yet torn them down.

    In any case, emissions reductions by Canada are pointless in the face of India and China’s relentless installation of more coal-fired power plants. Western citizens are to be impoverished and live in permanent energy-starvation for absolutely no reason.

    1. Oh, there’s a reason roaddog. There’s a reason.

      It’s been tough going for the GEBs (Globalist Evil Bastards). They can’t seem to switch to wind and solar fast enough because we proles are dragging our feet. We have been complaining. But the reason is to have us serfs huddled in the dark, freezing, and eating what bugs we can catch.

      P.S. It would be nice to have some rat-atouille, but I’m pretty sure all the big cities will be rat-free inside a month +/-.

  2. So going from the obvious”Because we can’t” when do we deal properly with the fools demanding we defy reality?

    Death by cold?
    Death by food poisoning from a unfed refrigerator?
    Or death by stupification?
    From listening to too many morons.
    The era of Unicorn farts and Unobtainium are reaching their natural end.
    Can we banish the Cultists?
    They do deserve a nice new home.
    One where they can live the dream..
    Free of..Fossil fuels..Carbon..Plastic..Mockery from saner people..
    The Gang Green Utopia.
    Fortress North America,the coming hermit kingdom,can spare some land for Gang Green..
    Coats Island is big enough.
    It will hold all our Progressive Comrades,for all the time they will truly need.

    1. JR, I have to agree with Coats Island. I’d thought Baffin Island might be better as it’s about 100X the size of Coats, but apparently there are 13,000 residents including about 7000 living in the city of Iqaluit, so they’d just gravitate to the big city and become street people. We already have enough of those in Canada.

      Now to tender some housing contracts to a good Liberal contractor, SNC?

      Was there EVER a bloodless revolution?

  3. My favourite Professor use to say the study of history gives a path for the future! Germany is about 15 years ahead of us and like I’ve said are basing their systems on “Clean Coal”!

  4. It’s not coal per se. It’s whatever delivers the most energy at the best price point. This is the main driver in human development and it always will be. No amount of angst from Guibault’s wet dreaming will change that.

  5. “Breaking up with coal is hard to do”

    I suggest those concerned get some counselling and move on. We do not yet have the technology to run the world without the fossil fuels that make modernity possible.

    1. Get in the habit of calling then hydrocarbons.

      Fossil fuels has been made a pejorative

      1. we too are long chain hydrocarbons when the liberals get around to burning the detritus of the concentration camps. when the deaths are considered a health hazard

    1. Ontario Power Generation is in the process of building the first Small Modular Reactor at the Darlington site. It should be on-line in about 7 years (after the first one is built they should be relatively fast to put in place). Here’s hoping we don’t elect a government that shit cans it halfway through construction leading to billions in cost overruns like we did when Darlington was being built.

  6. Maybe the feds would look more favorably on these turbines if we painted them red and orange, instead of shades of blue.

  7. It should be noted that all the current wind towers are placed in the absolute windiest landscape … with the strongest and most persistent winds. Every succeeding wind tower will be placed on terrain that is less and less and less windy. The energy return on each succeeding wind tower array … will fall … lower and lower.

    1. Try explaining kinetic energy to anyone. When you transfer the kinetic energy from the wind into electricity, there is no longer any energy in the wind, ergo no wind….
      At least the gravity on the water stays constant through successive hydro dams.

  8. If you can’t beat them, join them, just ask John Horgan, the of late but not great former anti-pipeline activist BC Premier:

    “Horgan points out that Elk Valley supplies coal for metallurgy. Unlike coal-fired electric plants, there is currently no viable alternative to coal for operations like steel-making. So it’s like, say, you’re a cow on the board of Maple Leaf Foods but it’s OK, you’re a dairy cow, and besides there’s probably only a few hoof shavings in those hot dogs anyway.”

    But Horgan’s new employers were fined fined $60 million for polluting Elk Valley waterways in 2021. That was when the company was known by another name, Teck Coal Ltd. Hey, you’d probably change your name after an incident like that, too.”

    This development certainly opens the door to new possibilities and interesting career paths. What might be next? David Suzuki has announced this will be his last season hosting CBC’s The Nature of Things. Might he pop up next as host of The Amazing Race Canada? Or replace Kevin O’Leary on Shark Tank?”

    Most fascinating of all are the potential new horizons for Premier David Eby and Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon. Eby is free to explore future opportunities in the oil and gas sector, while Falcon could one day entertain job offers from Greenpeace or the Canadian Union of Public Employees.”

    Apparently even The Tyee is not pleased or is at least poking fun at the illusions and hypocrisy that is modern cash-me-out statism.

  9. New bumper sticker: “I am tired of people who cannot do basic math”. Maybe tired is the wrong word, maybe scared is better. No one is more dangerous to themselves and others than a bonafide certified moron.


    1. Engineering motto of the 21st century: “Everything we build falls apart in days, but look how diverse we are!”

      …and that’s why I’m joining a cult and praying for a meteor strike to reboot civilization.

  10. These green energy people are trans intelligent. Stupid people who identify as smart.

  11. Alberta coal power plants are now Alberta natural gas power plants except one or two. Switch the burners to make half-wit retards like Turdeau happy.

  12. Burn baby burn
    Drill baby drill
    Ignore the green scamsters
    Cheap energy and cheap food are drivers of humanity.
