Brokeback Covid

Even though the medical justification for nearly every Covid abatement measure has fallen away like the layers of an onion over the past two years, a few stubborn holdouts still remain.

The prohibition against lunchtime speaking varied depending on the teacher, according to Stein’s two children, and the parents of current students. (The school has no cafeteria, so lunch is eaten in classrooms.) Stein’s 13-year-old daughter said that, last year, her seventh-grade teacher often played movies like Elf and Coraline while the students ate. But, she said, there were also plenty of days where they simply ate in silence. If the students had to ask the teacher a question, she told me, they had to first don their masks, and then take them off again to continue eating.

During a parade in spring 2022, the band members were all masked. This meant the wind instrument players wore masks with openings in the center so they could blow into their flutes and trumpets and clarinets. Stein told me she felt embarrassed as the children marched by hordes of unmasked townspeople lining the streets.

11 Replies to “Brokeback Covid”

  1. Never mind the school…this is more about parental dysfunction. The school gets away with it because you’re letting them. If you haven’t got the steel in your spine to pull your kids out of what to me seems like an upscale cult, you’re the problem.

    1. 1000% agreed.
      COVIDIOTS need to be SCORNED as the utter Freaking Morons they are.
      Particularly the medical, political & Media LIARS.
      NAZI bastards the lot

  2. It’s no better here, I am required to wear a face diaper in the dentist’s waiting room. Ditto at the optometrist. Are the staff at these places the kind of people we still see driving their cars, alone and masked?

  3. They called off mandatory face masks in Saskatchewan last Tuesday. On Wednesday I walked into the local blood testing office that I usually go to (standing order for INR) and did not wear a mask (for the first time in over 2 years). I was the only one in the office without a mask (staff and all other clients) and there were no comments from anyone. It was glorious. There was an opinion piece in the local newspaper about all the people decrying the removal of the mask mandate. When I commented, making mention about the lack of science to back up masks, one person replied to only say that I sounded like a far right individual….I responded by thanking him. 🙂

    1. If someone calls me “far right” , my standard response is “it’s better than being far wrong”.

  4. I think the high school down the street (Wilfred Laurier University) from my alma mater (UofW) only recently got rid of their mask mandate. Not sure if they still have a vax mandate to attend in person. Probably. Definitely not interested in hiring or working with anyone from Laurier, but I don’t think HR agrees.
