Sure, let’s give instruction manuals to eco-terrorists. It’ll work out well

They actually made a movie called “How to Blow Up a Pipeline.” It opened April 7.

As a side note, when it comes to giving unhinged people bright ideas, the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, appear to have been closely modelled on the plot of the Tom Clancy Novel Debt of Honor, a 1994 book. The conclusion of the book saw a bereaved airline pilot fly an empty but fully-fueled Boeing 747 airliner into the United States Capitol Building during a joint session of Congress, killing the president and nearly every member of Congress as well as the Supreme Court. Seven years later, 19 Al Qaeda terrorists attempted a very similar attack, with the last plane, United Flight 93, widely believed to have been targeted at the U.S. Capitol. It was brought down by its own passengers, who fought the terrorists for control of the plane.


20 Replies to “Sure, let’s give instruction manuals to eco-terrorists. It’ll work out well”

  1. With so many conspiracy theories turning true, it’s hard to find new ones. After watching Mark Groubert and Robert Barnes on Locals, the reach of the CIA is fascinating. Many failed screenwriters find employment with the CIA.

  2. Ever since 9/11, I’ve said that the plane destined for the Capitol should have been left, and the others shot down. America would be a far better place if everyone in the Capitol on that day would have been immolated. Or, frankly, on any other day.

  3. “This was an act of self defense.”

    Behold “moral relativism” in its most destructive form. Because environmental destruction by wind towers, and hectares of solar panels, EV materials mining … is “good environmental” destruction. But extracting oil and natural gas from deep underground is “bad environmental destruction”. It takes a special kind of brainwashing to arrive at that dichotomy.

    In Bidinh’s America … the Unabomber is a genius. A hero. A brilliant example of a man … on the spectrum somewhere.

  4. Wellm Clancy is usually ahead of the curve, ala Rainbow Six:

    After a raid on a Phoenix compound in Idaho that reveals unethical human experimentation, Rainbow learns the Phoenix Group is a front for Horizon. Viewing humanity as an environmentally destructive “disease”, Brightling plans to exterminate most of humanity using a highly contagious manmade strain of the Ebola virus called “Brahma”, sparing only his chosen few (including Lang), who will rebuild Earth into a scientific environmental utopia. To achieve this, Brightling has engineered terrorist attacks to exploit heightened terrorism concerns and secure a contract for his private security firm Global Security at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Global Security’s personnel, led by William Hendrickson, will then release Brahma at the Olympics, spreading the virus across the world when the athletes and spectators return home.[15]

    1. This must be the movie version of R’Six? In the book, it’s even closer to prediction… Brightling knew they’d only get a small part of the population with the spread disease from the Olympics. The idea was to cause panic that would get everyone to take the vaccine they produced. There’s 2 vaccines, one of which you wouldn’t want…. it lies dormant for 6 months, then releases the killer disease.

    1. If anyone watch the credits when it was shown at TIFF2022, they’d be able to answer how much “Film Tax Credits” were provided by various canadian governments.

  5. I really don’t understand why the oil, gas and pipeline industry don’t give the brain dead urbanites a taste of life without fossil fuels by simply shutting down all shipment for two weeks to the east and west coast of the U.S.

    1. Art

      I totally agree.
      And I work in Oil n Gas – Suncor site…been in this industry for over 30 yrs..
      Fk the EAST 1000%

      What Alberta should be doing is this.

      Make a Deal with Yukon & NWT for a section of land (Right of way), for X # of dollars per yr…say 500mil or 1 Billion annually between the 2 of them..(Peanuts compared to what we send those Eastern Bastards every yr no.?)

      THEN…..We Build 2 or 3 42″ X70 grade Pipelines (and maybe a railway too.?), from Hardisty/Ft Mac/Ft Sask & Edmonton up through their respective territories and into ALASKA. Have said pipelines join into the Trans Alaskan pipeline system – Which goes DIRECTLY to VALDEZ: A Yr round ICE FREE Port that can handle ULCC VLCC crude carriers – we sell to whoever wants it.

      We become a very rich Fossil Fuel Superpower overnight one that could EASILY afford its own fleet of F-35’s AND FIELD a very well equipped army to boot . And to Hell with the rest of this totally fkd up country.
      I’d bet that we would see our population dbl in 5 yrs time should that ever come to pass.

      This was originally floated back in 2014…and at that time the ALASKANS WERE MOST INTERESTED in the proposal. I would argue that today they would love it..!!

      What is stopping us from moving forward on this.???

  6. It doesn’t take a lot of brains to derail a train, fck up a hydro substation, bring down a cell tower, or whatever floats your terrorist boat.
    Mailboxes, pipelines, fuel terminals, heck a gas station. Not exactly evil genius stuff.
    I saw a thing on Youtube about a lot of power substations in the US getting shot up.
    If you know what to aim for a chain link fence and a locked gate are useless.

  7. An electrical engineer told me at a particular national park entrance kiosk renovations included reinforcement against bullets for the facilities.
    It’s closed offseason, hence locals target practice. Stop signs are boring.

  8. “Malm’s book is a work of nonfiction that uses a history of social justice movements to argue that property destruction should be considered a valid tactic in the pursuit of environmental justice.[5] The film, set primarily in West Texas, revolves around a group of eight young people who decide to blow up an oil pipeline in two key locations”

    And the film premiered at TIFF2022…

    of course Weibo Ludwig beat them to it

  9. Seriously, you believe the official government lies about 9-11? Wow. Do some more research. And the CIA or related blew up Nordstream, not some foreign terrorists.

  10. Read this book and thought 9/11 paralleled the story line. I always thought all types of terrorism acts would be studied and no restrictions on blue skying the various methods of destruction. One thing that jumps out at you is why the US didn’t have armed fighter jets in the sky to shoot down the planes if they ever became a danger to the country like flying into buildings or nuclear power plants.

    1. “Peace dividend”. Ten years after the fall of the Soviet Union, there were no bad guys and it was the “end of history.” How’d that work out.
