34 Replies to “The Libranos: Sharing Is Caring”

  1. Simple – a charity can get permission to spend less than is statutorily required. Is anyone going to turn down Old Black Justin?

      1. Does anyone else get the you are posting to fast notice? I read fast and post fast.
        I used to get the slow down on my golf cart in Florida. How the hell four old farts can be the fastest on the course always perplexed me. Now they could have slowed us down with faster beer cart delivery.
        How’s your day Buddy? Sunny and 23 here and my golf course opens tomorrow.

        1. Hey VOWG
          24 in Ottawa.
          Got a Steam Whistle going.
          I did golf a little bit but I shoot better at the hot lead range.
          Have fun!

  2. This isn’t surprising. A number of years ago, the Canadian Cancer Society, who are too well organized by half, came under fire for spending more on marketing than research. (The pharmaceutical industry is also guilty of this, despite their protestations of the high cost and attrition rate of new products prior to approval.) Also, major publicly funded institutions including hospitals and universities fund raise like they were charities, sucking up every available dollar in the community. Perhaps the solution is only allowing named foundations to administer funds derived from the benefactor and not third party donations. Even then, the tax treatment should be closely monitored.

    1. The cancer society and many like them never have to cure anything, just make money. It is a business.

  3. The purpose of the Trudeau foundation is to take $125 million of taxpayer money, and invest it in things that benefit the Trudeau’s, while paying out a small amount of money each year for “research chairs”, and for keeping Trudeau aligned rentseekers employed.

    There is no surprise that it’s spending is not sufficiently charitable

  4. Does anyone else find it depressingly poetic that in the photo accompanying that article, the Canadian flag behind the statue of PET is a tattered ruin?

      1. Speaking of socialshits, can anyone tell me where a copy of the original communust manifesto could be had?

        Pointing out what marx thought about women serves well in such discussion.

  5. The emerging impression of the foundation is some combination of an organization to glorify the Trudeau name, a Liberal party slush fund, a woke ideology training ground, maybe even a Trudeau family slush fund (is Maggie or Alexandre a paid “consultant”?). The worst part is the willing acceptance of Communist Chinese interference in Canada by Trudeau. Is this treasonous or not? Before we really find out the world will move on to the next real or imaginary crisis and that’s what Trudeau is counting on, that it will all blow over as in every other past scandal of himself and his government.

  6. All this stuff coming out from usually reliable liberal fart catchers. Is there a deliberate effort to ditch Trudeau before the election in favour of Garden Gnome Barbie?

  7. I always give “Foundations” the side eye. There’s one in B.C. with headquarters in Montreal and Toronto that sticks in my craw. The proprietor made his bones studying fruit flies, owns multiple high end, West coast homes yet harranges others to reduce their “footprint” and telling young impressionable children in elementary schools to never vote Conservative. Yeah, that guy. A charity, huh?
    Jim and Tammy Baker has got nothin’ on you Bub.
    Same grift…different sermons.

    BTW, where’s the cops?

    1. When I lived in Muskoka, Sick Kid’s Hospital used to fund raise extensively in the area and rich cottagers would donate in droves. Like there weren’t more pressing local needs that, presumably, they knew nothing about. I found it irritating as hell!

  8. It’s obviously a “Liberal” scam.
    They can do it because they can.
    There is no power in the country to shut it down.
    The taxpayer has deep pockets.

  9. The Trudeaus don’t believe in “charity”. It represents a threat to the notion of the welfare state which nurtures dependency on the state and a culture of free stuff addicted Eloi who vote LPC/NDP. The Trudeau Foundation is, just like the Clinton Foundation, a money laundering scheme but in true deranged dominion character, subsidized by the taxpayer. The Trudeau notion of charity is giving money belonging to others (preferably the yet to be born) to any cause on the planet that will further their political or personal interests.

  10. I’ve worked in charities in senior roles for over 30 years. It’s well known that Trudeau Foundation skirts the rules that CRA insists the little guys follow. They raise ‘suspect’ money and they don’t follow the disbursement rules. They are simply a front for a slush fund for insiders. The Suzuki Foundation is another one. Actually most private foundations are – if it’s a named private foundation then chances are it’s to preserve and grow individual or family wealth and not for philanthropic reasons at all. They are treated very differently than public foundations or charities. As well, they are heavily politically protected and CRA can’t/won’t touch them. Just as it was common knowledge a few years back in my business that WE Charity was a scam.

      1. I was in the charitable gaming business for a number of years, my favorite was always Special Olympics.

  11. Welfare can only work as a local venture.
    Any “National” or “International” Charity is fraud and corruption.
    Based on all evidence to date.
    Case in point.Welfare Canada.
    Fraud,with no interest in prevention..
    Charities,especially Government approved charities, are designed to behave as the bureaus approve..Lie,Cheat and steal to the donors and richly reward the board members..
    Naturally no one is ever accountable for the results.
    The Canadian Red Cross Blood fiasco being representative of what these “Charities & NGOs” produce.

    Perfectly acceptable in Can Ahh Duh.
    Because we are an Institutionalized Kleptocracy.
    Where the norm is robbing the many to reward the few.
    We need that New Country Now.
    NCN Stat..

  12. Laws exist to hold such institutions accountable.

    They are not enforced.

    Three guesses as to why.

  13. The Liberal Party cult is celebrating that it’s been ten years since Justin Trudeau was crowned king of the party.
    But nine years ago he was still part of the Trudeau Foundation that was accepting donations from the Chinese Communist Party.
    A bit of an awkward overlap there..

    But the Liberal cult is happy as Dear Leader has increased the chocolate ration from 5 grams to 3 grams per week.

  14. Who was it that said that trying to explain ethics to the Libs is like trying to teach quantum physics to a squirrel?

    1. Hadn’t heard that one, de Cosmos, but it sounds about right.

      Wait up… at least there’s a small chance to teach a squirrel if you get a bright one. The Libs? Give it up already.
