39 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. There are two polls on that page, you’ll notice. Is it me, or is the phrasing of the second (taken with the choice of answers) weird?

  2. Many on the left are great fans of the notion of unconscious bias so it seems appropriate to label the CBC as government funded. Its believable that if someone is paying 70% of your budget that they might receive a certain amount of favorable judgement from the recipients of their largesse, either intentional or otherwise. And it is what it is. They are in fact government funded. If some draw unfair conclusions about their content based on its funding well its just the downside of being funded from the public purse. Reject the handout and make it on your own then. One needs only to listen to the content and read CBC based headlines to see that the organization leans left for what ever reason. I’m sure twitter is shaking in its boots over the pause. CBC represents only a tiny percentage of Canadian viewing. The original intent of protecting Canadian content is long lost in the plethora of easily available content from other sources. And Canadian artists have long made it on their own, many of them garnering fame elsewhere before recognition by a Canadian audience. Witness the resistance of many artists to Bill C11 which many view as a barrier to their creativity and not protection as claimed by our government.

    1. Yeah CBC is protecting Canadian contents by adopting every left-wing US talking points. “Emolument”. “Not exhonerated”. “Russia”, kissing BLM asses, St George Floyd. etc etc.

    2. For all we know, maybe the CBC is truly at arms length from the government. True or false, that doesn’t change the nature of the CBC being a mouthpiece of the far left. And all Canadians are subsidizing it, with zero representation of any views right of centre. (Unless you include mocking and belittling any conservative-ish views as “representation”.)

      And whether it is unconscious bias during hiring, or the end game of the long march through the institutions, or both… the fact is the CBC represents a minority view with majority funding. And there is something to be said for the fact that with decades of this… there still are many in Canada who aren’t NPCs.

      Which made me realize WHY the progs are freaking out about this Twitter label thing. As many have said : “How can anyone disagree with this? The cbc ITSELF states it is funded from the government $$$.”

      They are freaking out because the CBC holds the illusion of power which states “we represent all Canadians. If you don’t think like us, you don’t belong, and must be cast out into the wilderness.”. The Twitter label makes it abundantly clear that the CBC doesn’t represent Canadians as a whole.

      As a wise woman once said:
      This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio – “You don’t speak for me.”

      Feeling like I need to hit the tip jar dear Kate.

    3. Heretofore, the CBC will be referred to as “Legs Fully Spread” media in my household.

  3. I suspect the poll is not working properly? It now shows 630 votes with no change in the percentages.

    1. Perhaps the software used to collect the votes is the same as Dominion Voting machines use.

  4. Some loon says she uses twitter to access cbc news and now she is denied her news…..Just go directly to cbc news…..Boy some of them are dumb.

  5. With 800 votes, it now shows Yes 79%, No 17%, In the Middle 2% and don’t know at 2%

  6. CBC has been “LEFT” Since the early to mid ’60’s and Ramped up their BS upon Pierres ascendance.

    We used to call it Social Engineering…now..?? Pure Racist PMO DIRECTED Commie drivel ad nausea.

    Good on Elon and Pierre.

    The only way to be sure of its demise is to nuke it from orbit or sneak in one of Vladimirs Hypersonics….make our day Mr Putin..I wouldnt so much as bat an eyelash at the demise of an org pushing for the abject sexualization of very young children..Evil MOFO,’s

  7. The CBC can stop being labelled “government funded media” when they stop taking funds from the government.

  8. What’s interesting is CBC’s reaction to it. No matter what they say, they know it shows they are a propaganda tool. And they resent having their noses rubbed in it.

  9. Can anyone find a published list of which major media companies get government juice? They should be similarly labelled on twitter…and their websites should carry a disclaimer!

    1. They go out of their way to conceal how much is spent on each government funded media site… and you’d have to spend lots of time looking through contracts to see where they are spending taxpayer advertising money.

      most of it is concealed because it’s “commercially sensitive” which is utter bullshit.

  10. I’m a little stunned that it’s even in question or doubt. All you have to do is … shudder … listen to it for a day. There is zero respite from left wing talking points and loonieness.
    Climate change doom, Indigenous stuff and anti-Trump/ American/conservative narrative.

  11. I’ve probably been as entertained by this as anyone, but the whole thing doesn’t look good on Polievre, since it makes him seem thin-skinned and also hypocritical, since he’s as government-funded as they are.

  12. Help me out, name one corporation that advertises on CBC that is not a Liberal entity of some sort?

  13. Priceless in so many ways.
    After the CBCs “reporting” on the Truckers Protest,is anyone so ill-informed as to consider them anything but Pravda North?
    “Is that true?
    Or did you hear it on CBC”?
    A Crown Corporation insists they are not Government Funded.
    An organization with decades of demonstrated activism on behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada,going so far as to sue the Conservative party over using CBC footage in political adds then openly cheering for our latest Dear Leader,claims to be “Publicly Funded and Impartial.
    Publicly funded versus Government funded?
    Can I voluntarily Not contribute to CBC?
    So government funded.
    Exactly as described..
    That talking heads and CBC are still amplifying this issue,means either they think we are really stupid..Or they really do believe their own lies..
    Both I suspect.
