Down The Primrose Path

“… they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now”.

A trove of leaked Pentagon secrets included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau privately telling NATO that Canada would never meet the military alliance’s targets for defence spending, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

One document in particular, unsigned and undated, includes that blunt assessment among other “widespread” military deficiencies in Canada that are causing friction with security partners and allies, the newspaper says.

The Post report, published online Wednesday, describes it as a Pentagon assessment and does not include any direct quotes from Trudeau himself, nor many from the document beyond single words.

NATO, for instance, is “concerned” that Canada hasn’t added to its battle group in Latvia. Turkey was “disappointed” by Canada’s “refusal” to help transport aid after an earthquake earlier this year. Haiti is “frustrated” by Canada’s reluctance to mount a security mission.

“Widespread defence shortfalls hinder Canadian capabilities,” the Post quotes the document as saying, “while straining partner relationships and alliance contributions.” […]

Defence Minister Anita Anand rejected any suggestion that allies are expressing concerns about Canada’s contributions, as she prepared to meet with around 50 counterparts this week at the Ukraine Defence Contact Group in Germany.

16 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

  1. Probably Prime Moron was in one of his Dalai Lama/pacifist moments when he uttered those things. He has this tendency to talk before thinking, and I doubt he’s able to ‘think’ at all.
    Anyway, the gullible horde of ever-voting fans of theTurd will not be phased a bit by this. For ex, I heard this morning John Moore at 1010AM (probably in top5 worst/most evil presstitutes in Canada) blaming the kid who leaked the info, not the imbecile who actually said it.

  2. With a Fuhrer like the Spawn-Fuhrer and his vice-Fuhrer, it’s likely a blessing that he has dithered away the military as he wouldn’t know what to do with one if he had one and it would likely be the wrong thing.
    “Everything government says is a lie and everything it has, it has been stolen”. – Friedrich Nietzche

  3. The Liberal Party of Canada has cultivated an anti-military, anti- American crop of lies for over 50 years.
    The USA is well within the boundaries of self-preservation to “disassemble” the LPoC and all its leading members including but maybe especially, PM Shit-for-brains.
    With friends like Canada, your enemies grow bold.

  4. Nato was created to keep the U.S. in Europe…keep the Soviets out and making sure Germany wears a leash none of which matters a whit to me at this time. Now it seems they’re positioning themselves to be the U.N’s police force which makes me care even less especially when it comes to tax dollar funding.
    And what is going on in Haiti that it constantly needs Western nannies?

    1. Agreed. NATO should have been disbanded after the demise of the Soviet Union. I doubt that we would be witnessing the disaster in the Ukraine if that had happened. On that file, everyone at the top of the US leviathan knows it’s a disaster but all they can do is lie about it. These leaks proved it.

    2. Haiti is the definition of “bad luck”

      It’s a failed state that will likely never be anything other than failed.

  5. Warmonger Biden dragged out the Two Michaels thing to let us know that only big spenders get big favours from the big guy. Since Prime Minister True-ho has no business sense, he made it seem like he was asking for the biggest favour in Canadian history. That’s why the crazy clown ended up trying to buy himself time by asking the Chinese to hold off on letting the Michaels go. The Chinese had a good laugh about that, and of course thought nothing of threatening him in public later on for telling lies. They knew that Biden wouldn’t defend him.

  6. On the bright side, there’s a lot less Army to use on Canadian civilians. I’m starting to view that as a feature, not a bug.

  7. Let us see now ….

    Of the population of 39,570,000 million of this country, there were 20,032,000 employed people, of those there are 3,600,000 that are working for all levels of the governments.
    Nonworking population of Canada is 19,538,000.

    For all practical purposes those working for government on every level are not producing anything, they consume working peoples’ taxes.
    Public sector plans added over 60,000 participants (+1.7%) to their membership, while private sector membership edged down, falling by just under 3,100 members (-0.1%) in 2020.
    On June 2022 there were 5,748,000 retired people getting Canada pension, 325,000 on disability benefits and 1,180,000 survivor benefits.
    5 percent of the Canadian population, about 1.7 million people currently rely on public social assistance programs, 65% to 85% of refugees in Canada who apply for welfare get it.

    How is the working population of this country going to pay for all the damn problems of the world?
    Yeah …. There are those fine people that are tax consumers that would like to virtue signal to the rest of the world how generous they are.
    Then there working people that are left with paying for it.

    Have to add that the numbers are roughly speaking in the sense that some are from 2020, 2021, 2022 estimates for 2023.
    Of course, there are changes to all the variables every month so take that into the account and add always possible error in my calculations.

    1. PM Turd’s government will spend 20 billion on consultants this year.
      That’s more than enuff to get to 2%.
      Foreign aid spending is at least half that.

  8. But there is money so that Justin can go to Jamaica, right?

    Every country in the world should refuse to host the frat-boy. His taxpayer-funded plane cannot land. No trade deals. Nothing.

  9. But but..we stand with Ukraine.
    Stand where we can get a great ringside seat as the bear disembowels the idiot.
    After spending a whole bunch of Canadian Tax Payers money,convincing the idiot that it could poke the bear with impunity.
    Perverts and Sadists run Can Ahh Duh.
    Betraying the Ukraine is just baby steps along the path toward the total betrayal of Canada.

  10. I’ll add, if were King, I’d pull Canada out of NATO & the UN and make 2% the floor for spending and then add 100 portable nukes just for giggles and shits.

    1. Canada made a gruesome mistake in 1948 when the government decided it would not pursue the development of nuclear weapons. Canada was the only country other than the United States which had both the infrastructure and the technical knowledge of how to do so.

      The politician responsible? That insane lug-nut William Lyon McKenzie King who made most of his policy decisions by holding seances with his dead mother.
