20 Replies to “Moe on Guilbeault’s ‘social cost of carbon’”

    1. And this is why I consistently advocate for Alberta and Saskatchewan to separate from the rest of Canada.

      1. Good idea, except they have no seaport. Get Manitoba and/or B.C. to join and you’ve got a powerful and very rich country.

        1. If Alberta and Saskatchewan separate, Canada would cease to exist within a decade. If we stay in Canada we will cease to exist.

        2. Why are we so damned concerned about a seaport…?? if its for our oil, Why Da hell can we not build pipelines North – go thru NWT/Yukon – hook into the Trans Alaskan Pipeline system…… straight to Valdez, a yr round ICE FREE deep sea port that can handle VLCC & ULCC Crude carriers. Screw BC & the East. The Alaskans have said as far back as 2014, they would welcome this initiative BIG TIME..!!
          We could easily pay NWT-Yukon enough to join in…

          Do it Scott Moe
          Do it Danielle Smith

          Show some REAL Goddamned Leadership for once…instead of kissing Eastern ASS.

      2. The social cost of Carbon is POSITIVE, not negative:
        1) Warm Homes
        2) Hot Food
        3) Good nutrition (mobility of goods)
        4) Strong Communities (Starving people make bad neighbours)
        5) Good Health (Starving people tend to die)
        6) Strong Economy
        7) Good infrastructure
        8) Actual Rule of of Law

        You know what, might just be easier to figure out the social cost of a LACK of carbon, or where the ideology that supports a lack of carbon leads, then just look to pretty much any large North American City controlled by lefties these days.

        That is the social cost of a lack of carbon.

  1. “Concerned” ?
    “could lead” ?

    Don’t get too excited there Moe.
    Nothing to worry about at all.
    Hirsute Steve would never raise the carbon tax that much.
    Neither will Honest Juthtin.
    Or any other future Liberal.
    Like Mark Carney…

  2. There is no cap on Trudeau’s carbon tax, because the government really doesn’t have any limits to how much it can tax canadians as long as it’s not visible to them.

    The convicted criminal masquerading as the federal finance minister probably thinks of $260 being the floor, not the ceiling.

  3. Someone should confront the government with a simple question:
    What good will it do? Is this our highest societal priority?

    As proposed, the original Federal carbon tax was supposed to reduce annual Canadian emissions by 90 Mega tonnes. The impact of this on global temperature is theoretically 0.00015 degrees C, or one degree C per 6667 years.

    The physical impact on an average Canadian is this: Air temperature decreases with altitude (adiabatic lapse rate) and average temperature cools between the equator and the poles. The temperature impact of the theoretically lower emissions are the equivalent of stepping on a thick carpet or moving a half block further North.

    Knowing this, would Canadians vote Liberal?

    1. Yes, they would.

      This will not stop until easterners and those in cities feel the pain caused by this. This does not stop until those people cannot afford to drive, heat their homes, or feed their families.

  4. New Country.
    Where reality holds sway in the citizens attention span.
    With or without a sea port,we will still be able to buy up the useful parts of bankrupt Can Ahh Duh,in very short order.
    And we can use Ottawa as the dump site for our own freeloaders and parasites.
    “Better benefits ,for true”..

    1. Wishful thinking. Western provinces brought socialism into politics, and they will continue to do so. A considerable portion of these provinces electorate support left wing principles. Those freeloaders and parasites are not going anywhere, and separation would only give them more political power. Unless you plan on going full Nazi, with your own “final solution”.
      Your new country would be bankrupt within 5 years and begging to join the US, replacing a Notley with a Pelosi and becoming another blue state. “Free Stuff” is a powerful incentive.

      The battle as commentator Ward has stated, is stop giving ground to the climate frauds and globalists in the hopes of them leaving your Oil and Gas Industries alone. They will not. The battle starts with bringing facts to everyone you know, of the absurdities of the fraud which is the current global warming science, the globalist agenda and DEI corporate plague sweeping western countries.
      There are more of us than against us.

  5. “Moe is concerned it could lead to much higher carbon tax, and pave way for Clean Electricity Standard impossible for Saskatchewan to meet.”

    That’s the point.

  6. There is a very serious social cost to have insane unelected people like Guilbeault making decisions on just what you can and cannot do.

  7. “Social cost of carbon” is just absolute Blarney Science. If anything, the social cost of carbon hasd been very much in the profit, rather than loss, column. The benefits to humanity of fossil fuels is immeasurably positive over the past 300 years. This is why we have billions more healthy, fed humans now than then. Of course, for the dirty misanthropic Rousseauist, Guilbeault, this is a bad thing. For all those living humans, though, a definite plus.

  8. Hard to believe that Moe just doesn’t call this whole issue a scam and move on. JHC, he is a climate cultist in the finest degree. Sponsored a luncheon for this “CON”servative premier a few years to speak on the issue of the carbon tax. First words out of his mouth were “dont get me wrong climate change is real” Dam near spit my soup out and immediately grabbed my MLA and verbally undressed him out in the hallway.
