4 Replies to “The Useful Veneer”

  1. The democrats are dangerous, period. They are evil just like the canadian liberal, n d p, greens, blockheads, and damn near all the rest. The dearth of honest moral people in government should be of concern to the populace as whole, sadly it is not. The slide downward will continue until there is extreme suffering across the board and none can deny it.

  2. Our progressive Comrades have much in common with the Jihad.
    They follow the same rules.
    Practice the same ethics.

    Parasites,but organized ones.
    The first rule is “LIE”.
    Deceit is their natural position.
    Uttering lies the default mode.

    Poor creatures have no place in a sane and honest society.
    So they spread chaos,confusion and criminality..creating an environment most suited for themselves.

    Honesty and an ethical approach to living is hard enough,to be a life long challenge..
    Trying to be so in a society based on lies and reward of the most corrupt,is possibly a step too far.
    For we are herdbeasts that easily adapt.

    “Normal” As in Canada,is going along to get along..mouthing the platitudes and ignoring the theft and abuse inherent in State Control.

    Hence the veneer of lies our Progressive Comrades surf along on.
    Reality is simple,yet infinitely complex.

    Murder,theft and destruction..different when “we do it”.
    Arguing for more honest ways,is arguing for the wealth destroying Parasites to be culled and their take reduced.

    That is “Hate Speech” in the eyes of the Parasitic Overload.

    Recognizing Life as a sexually transmitted terminal dis ease..is “Too radical”?
    For only by confusion,misdirection and utter fraud can an entire subspecies live for free on the backs of their hosts.

    Only by the truly big lie technique can “Good Government” be seen.
    As real as the clothes of the Emperor.

    Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.
    The tools of Parasitic Men.

    The freeloaders have imposed an enormous load upon those who produce.
    So much so,that producers have re-evaluated their action.
    And so every Kleptocracy ends.
    You run out of suckers,dumb enough to produce abundance.
