16 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I looked through the pictures, the one they used was the most poignant. Sad part is, there are other pictures where both black people and white people can be seen mourning together. This is most likely a fully integrated community. Unfortunately, events like this can tear that apart.

  2. There seems to be a violence gene in the Negro population … else, why so much violence? Way out of proportion to their numbers in America …. Feeling sorry for some of their ancestors who were sold into slavery a few hundred years ago by their own people doesn’t cut it … feeling sorry for the current crop of Black people in American is just plain, stupid.

    It’s a huge problem.

    Just sayin’.

    1. They’re after something that none of us have, same with lgbetc. Remember Eddie Murphy’s routine about when the black people leave the bus, the white people enjoy chamber music and champagne?
      Deep in their hearts, I think they still suspect this, despite the efforts to politicize it.

    2. Totally a creation and product of the Democrat machine. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture. Convince people they’re helpless victims, that they are never at fault for their situations but actually owed reparation for being victims, then reward bad behavior and voila!

      1. Yes you can believe it’s the culture,but that doesn’t make it true.

          1. That racist stick has worn pretty thin. The internet has brought the truth out like television never could.

  3. Another mass shooting by cis white males. Sad. As Prime Minister Trudeau & and the most popular President in US history have said, the biggest danger to society are white supremacists.
