49 Replies to “We’re only going to be able to buy electric vehicles: Trudeau”

  1. There are much better uses for Lithium than in car batteries, like in the needed medication for Liberal Party politicians and supporters.

    1. I’ll make the assumption that Trudeau will just claim all the trees that BC plants as part of his number and declare victory, given that BC plants about 300 million a year

  2. The picture says a thousand words. In SK doing a “town hall” in Regina. The people behind him are majority bIpoc (emphasis on the I, formally known as Indians or Natives) and womyn (I may be misgendering them but I don’t care).

    Good for you Trudy. You go gurll.

  3. That will make it very easy for some other country, one using gasoline/diesel vehicles, to overrun Canada in the winter of say, 2036…

  4. I am hopeful that people will figure out the scam somewhat before 2035. I believe Trudeau will be gone by then also. Let us pray.

    1. It’s not just Trudles gone, but the Liberals as a whole and their unholy alliance with Meathead and the Commies.
      If Pepe doesn’t toss the Carbon Tax away, we are all fecked, if/when he gets elected. And he will be fecked too. Pepe has a lot of promises to live up to, I’m not holding my breath.

      1. Shut your disingenuous trap. You will be voting Maxipad and enabling Potato (like you have done repeatedly already), no matter what Cons do.

  5. Meanwhile a rare earth plant in Saskatchewan is on hold for lack of funding. Did Trudeau even know it exists? Why money for a corrupt German car maker but not a homegrown industry? Oh yeah, it’s not in Ontario or Quebec.

    1. Truck Fudeau was in town about 5 or 6 weeks ago at the site of Vital Metals plant that’s now “on hold”…too bad Jazz-kereet Singh(aling) Nai-Doo didn’t take out Trudy with an 18 wheeler at that event.

  6. Everyone in an electric clown car is the promise. Booming sales of serf style walking boots and high priced public transit travel will be the reality.

    1. The notso Smart car was the prelude. I watched as five people crammed into one, doh. (Not students)
      Work from home and insane fees have killed transit use in Calgary, but the city is too stupid to drop prices to raise use. Walking is healthier and sometimes faster too. Add the drug lusers at stations, puts a virtual wall around downtown zombie zone.
      Max 2 term limits for all politicians.

  7. Think I’ll buy a battery powered model car and virtue signal that I have an electric car, staying with ICE
    for actual mobility!

  8. Go ahead and mine the lithium, what about all of the other resources that will be needed. Silver is essential for the electronics for EVs and Solar Panels. For the last three years the silver needed has exceeded the amount mined during the year by millions of ounces.
    The dangers of allowing stupid ideologues to make decisions.

    1. Naw. In 2035 China and India will still be using coal (along with other high density energy sources). The real World will move to South Asia (and Eastern Europe if they can hold out). Possible way stations in Texas and Florida.
      Unless the Anglosphere can find enough people to sweep the green thugs aside. Not looking good right now.

  9. Electric cars are perfect for a consumption oriented automobile industry. Guaranteed Customers. The batteries only last about 7-10 years, and then you will throw the entire car away and buy a brand new one. None of those 20 or 30 year old clunker cars on the highway anymore.

  10. It’s ironic that Blackie’s policies have darkened the complexion of the population and soon will blacken everybody’s nights.
    Somebody might want to tell Justin Jolson that the feds, just like with housing, don’t produce energy.

  11. That the government tells you what kind of car you may be “allowed” to own is on par with another one that told us what kind of light bulbs we are “allowed” to use. What was more interesting was that the Spawn Fuhrer was speaking at a white funded (anti-white) racist university where he groveled with the mythology of the noble savage as stewards of the environment. I wonder if the Indian ladies with their (grievance industry required) requisite scowls on them have any idea that their roles in the “stewardship” era would have been to produce babies, haul camp supplies, and chew hides until their teeth wore out as they followed the buffalo, elk, and deer herds and lived to the ripe old age of perhaps 40.

    1. If I have my way about it…

      An Independent Republic of Buffalo and whatever they want to call the leftovers. Shit onna Stick, for all I care.

  12. And the cobalt for those lithium ion batteries is coming from where again, Justine? If you don’t know, ask your pal, Stephan the Gullible. With your single digit IQs, you couldn’t light a fire. From this address:


    “The majority of modern electric vehicles use these battery chemistries in lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt-oxide (NMC) batteries which have a cathode containing 10-20% cobalt.”

    Yes, there may be non-cobalt replacements coming down the pipe, but they aren’t in production yet. So my question remains the same. And what about the ethical issues of using cobalt from the Congo produced with child labor, oh, great fiend of the people?

    1. The bad news for the eco-lunatics is there is no supply chain for the quantities of rare earth metals needed for a 1:1 transition from fossil fuel powered cars to EV’s , and on top of that there is no electricity infrastructure to support all of the fantasy envisioned EV’s … even if you could actually build them in quantity.

      The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the EV insanity push is THEY want to rid the world of automobiles.

      1. The eco-lunatics in charge know that the regulatory process couldn’t see a required doubling of grid capacity in under twenty years even if they wanted one which they don’t. The bad news is actually for the serfs that will no longer have any mobility that they are allowed or can afford, but thanks to high protein insects, they might not starve but hey, they voted for it.

  13. It will be fun to watch all the Moronto liberals trying to get to their cottages in Muskoka driving their filled to capacity EVs in the summer and getting stuck half way. A three hour trip will now take a day.

  14. Well, with any luck, much of the West will separate from the fascists in Ottawa by then.

    1. Keep dreaming. By then you are going to have so many enrichers imported to Redmonton and Nenshitown that you will lose the fight before it begun.

    1. We will not, that’s a feature not a bug.
      Access to charging stations will be rationed. Depending on your social/environmental credit score you will or will not be allowed to charge. And forget about charging in peak times, just take a bus citizen, it will be easier that way. Of course there will be no limit for essential publik sektor employees, the rest of us are $hit out of luck.

  15. Funny how stupidity spreads.
    The Soviet Union,supposedly collapsed because of economic reality running opposite to The Grand Directive.
    Those magnificent 5 year economic plans that ran polar opposite to human nature.
    Yet now,the same wits who informed us of the above…
    Inform us that Government,the bureaus of incompetency,shall decide what we may or may not purchase 10 years in the future..
    The same people who cannot balance the budget are so how competent to choose the transport of the future,for the private citizen..
    That same person who has no rights nor freedoms if their government is in a state of panic.
    Government calls that state of mind a “National Emergency”..
    We are far past the point of inviting such parasites to “pound sand”.
    The people Mr Trudeau umms and ahhs on behalf of,have declared war upon the tax payer..
    Accept them at their word.

    For it is impossible to parody a society in which such fools and bandits run loose.
