10 Replies to “A Whole Lot of Hot Air Coming out of Ottawa”

  1. I’ll described it for you; There’s a Canadian MP that looks like the human model used to create Fred Flintstone speaking in parliament that’s half empty and everyone in attendence is fat and their eyes noticeably don’t match. He’s saying “we all know that we all want to kill our oil and gas sector, so let’s hurry it along.”

    1. Now I know why, when I was working the forklift, my idiot-stick slap hand was tingling…

  2. Did you notice how the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc try and convince voters how bad Canada is for CO2 emissions by referring to “Per capita” share of CO2 – as opposed to total emissions as a country?

    They are all in favour of that.

    But don’t you DARE try to show the statistics of crime by the race of the perpetrator.

    then you are just a bigot.

    1. “Did you notice how the Liberals, the NDP, and the Bloc try and convince voters how bad Canada is for CO2 emissions by referring to “Per capita” share of CO2”

      True. And I noticed how many Conservatives followed Scheer-the-steer’s orders a few years back and voted to support turdo on the Paris Climate Accord.

  3. I’m sure you’ve all seen the Federal Fuel Charge rate increases out to 2030. Pay attention to your NG bill, you’ll note the carbon tax is more than the Delivered Energy … and it’s only at the 2023 rate.
    Do the math (sorry, maff), I highly doubt your wages will keep up. Also note there is an energy component in Everything, so the price inflation will occur directly in NG, gas, diesel, propane, electricity (unless nuclear and renewables ha, ha) And indirectly in everything else.

    2019 – 2030 Federal Carbon Charge Rates for Marketable Natural Gas
    Year $/tCO2e* cents/m3
    2019 $20 3.91
    2020 $30. 5.87
    2021 $40 7.83
    2022 $50 9.79
    2023 $65 12.39
    2024 $80 15.25
    2025 $95 18.11
    2026 $110 20.97
    2027 $125 23.83
    2028 $140 26.69
    2029 $155 29.54
    2030 $170 32.40

    Unless some Provincial governments find their balls, we are in for tough times. Caveat, “what can’t happen, won’t happen. That said, prepare accordingly.

