I, Napoleon

Stunning And Brave:

A transgender runner on Sunday defeated thousands of women in the female category of the London Marathon after competing as a man in the New York City race just months prior.

“Girl power!,” Frank said to a reporter after the London event, flexing his biceps and abdomen muscles for the camera. Frank listed all the other races he’s participated in recently. For all of those, he was referred to as “Glen” rather than “Glenique.”

“My beautiful son stood there” on the sidelines to support, Frank said. “He’s having a baby, so I’m going to be a granny.”


30 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. When I clicked on the ‘More’ link, I thought I was going to land at the Babylon Bee, but no…

    It’s getting so bad the the BEE may have to close shop because the actual stories are more bizarre than any parody they can come up with.

    Where’s an asteroid when you need one?

  2. The Tranazis have already gone way to far, like all fascist groups. The backlash has started and will continue

    1. A few years ago, most people were likely sympathetic towards transsexuals, hoping that they could live their lives with dignity and respect.

      But the issue has become so polarizing that this good will has all but dried up, even for those trans who are mortified by the actions of transactivists.

    1. That’s what I thought too. I’m convinced the huge breasted shop teacher in Ontario is pulling the same stunt.

  3. Pity the article didn’t publish who came in second, so we could congratulate her on her victory.

    1. This person did not win anything.

      “I did [the race in] four hours 11 minutes. There’s lots of women that beat me,” she noted of the more than 6,150 ahead of her in the category.

  4. In related news:
    “Motorcyclist who identifies as a cyclist sets world record.”
    (stolen form Babylon Bee).

    1. Because men let them.

      I treat this topic with sarcasm and dark humor. Because that is all it deserves. It’s idiotic at best.

  5. Women have screamed for decades that they’re “equal” to men in every way. You know … the women’s US soccer team is so, so, good that they’d crush the US Mens National soccer team. I hear that claim repeatedly. So let ‘em play … let’s see how “equal” the women are. Women have nothing to complain about … they’re getting what they’ve always wanted … a “level playing field”.

    1. Ken Gee my girl, bark for your self, and don’t inflict yer stupidity on my daughters and grand daughter!

    2. The women’s soccer team lead by Megan lost badly to an U15 boys team 5-2, perhaps they should be paid as much as the U15 boys team was…

  6. This story stinks, and not just Glenique’s crotch.
    Since its’ inception in 1981, the winning womens’ time has been in the 2 hours 20-30 minute range every year.
    In 2023 the winning time is 4 hours 11 minutes 28 seconds????
    Maybe in the tranny 50-55 age category, mid weight division.
    There is NO WAY Miss G was the FIRST woman to cress the finish line.
    Oh look that was a real woman in the 18-39 age category in 2 hours 33 minutes 40 seconds in 234 place overall.

    1. The story’s fine, the problem is people are idiots and don’t read before rushing to the keyboard to Express! Their! Outrage!

      Glenique Frank, a 52-year old male athlete who now identifies as female, finished in 6160th place out of 20,123 entrants, outpacing 14,000 women.

      Second bloody paragraph.

      1. It’s the “I’m gonna be a granny!” part that had me gobsmacked, Daniel.

        I clicked the link to the article and the dude’s responses were surreal. I didn’t even care about the race times. (Thanks to all who pointed out typical results and to you, Daniel, for actual finish place.)

        I came back for the additional comments, as there were none when I posted, and I think Kate may be onto something. The over-the-top interview might well have been an intentional absurdity. Sand in the gears stuff.

        The interview was definitely off the charts looney. But with trannies, it’s hard to tell sometimes.

      2. DR. Thanks got it now. Got confused about the 6160 place out of 20,123 entrants. 20,123 number is female entrants not total entrants, At least 6159 women kicked his ass. I’m sure Miss G still got a medal for being in the top 20,000.

  7. As long as women agree to compete against fake men, they will continue to lose women’s sport.

    Women belong in the kitchen anyway, do they not?

  8. Skipped a line:
    Glenique Frank, a 52-year old male athlete who now identifies as female, finished in 6160th place out of 20,123 entrants, outpacing 14,000 women.
    Sifan Hassan lays claim to being greatest female distance runner with thrilling London Marathon victory
    […] Hassan recovered and had enough energy to outsprint Ethiopia’s Alemu Megertu and Kenya’s Peres Jepchirchir,
    the Olympic marathon champion, in the shadow of Buckingham Palace, breaking the finish tape in two hours, 18 minutes, and 34 seconds.
    […] Consider her buildup for Sunday’s race and Hassan’s victory is even less believable.
    She said she hadn’t done much marathon-specific training as she was fasting for Ramadan
    and therefore unable to fuel and hydrate sufficiently for long runs.

  9. I think this guy is just pulling some chains.

    The women he beat shouldn’t be angry that he’s declared himself a woman……

    They should be chuffed that a 52 year old man beat them.

  10. Now they’re saying Mothers’ Day is “triggering.” To whom nobody knows, but somebody so therefore it must be cancelled.
    Feminism has fused with radical gender ideology, along with collectivism generally, to obliterate sexual differences.
    Destroying girls, women and motherhood in the process. What is the endgame? Generic Androgyny enforced by the amoral state?
    This is the same bunch who blame those whose policies they reversed for subsequent disaster – “we don’t want to return to that.”
    “That” apparently was low inflation, a secure border, defanged despots deterred from invasions, Israel/Sunni peace isolating Iran.
    Instead, China, Russia on the march, US allies having zero confidence in its leaders, with India and Japan defying Russia sanctions?

    With zero credibility and capability, there is no cooperation , Biden cannot summon a coalition or utilize US energy because he is beholden to radical collectivists chasing windmills of renewable political power – intermittent so useless, backed up by misery.

    That’s what we can never go back to, but Biden has circled his wagons to cut off his word salad VP and Newsome type ambitions.

    As VDH opines, outsourcing his campaigning to sycophantic Demmedia. rogue DeMarxists law enforcement and changing how elections are conducted to terms favourable to their abuses of vote harvesting, mail in fraudsters and voter nullification and one party statist status quo.

  11. Glenique Frank, 54, from Northamptonshire, previously insisted she had not cheated by entering the race but apologised for entering in the female category.
    […] Ms Frank has since insisted she will give back her medal if necessary.
    “If they want me to give my medal back, I’ll say, “OK, fine. No problem,” she told the New York Post.
    “If they really think I’ve stolen the place [of a female runner], I don’t mind giving the medal back, because I’ll run again next year for charity.”
    “But I don’t want to apologize, because I didn’t do anything wrong,” Ms Frank added..
