I Want A New Country

And by golly, we’re getting one.

Governments at all levels and their multitude of agencies, Crown corporations and departments employ a large chunk of Canada’s labour market. According to the Fraser Institute, as of July 2022, Canada’s public sector represented 21.8 per cent of all jobs in the economy — and growing.

That means that nearly one out of every four Canadians works for the government — a staggering percentage, which is nearly double that of the United States and almost the same as communist Venezuela.

Nearly the same percentage as the Trudeau voting base.

RelatedThe Wheat Growers Association says it was stunned to learn that striking federal workers had intentionally targeted the Cascadia Terminal in Vancouver – a major port for grain exports. However, before that grain can be exported, it needs to be inspected – that inspection is normally done by Canadian Grain Commission inspectors that are part of the PSAC Union.

17 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Tame the beast?
    No, it needs major surgery to remove the malignant growth.
    Of course the danger of the malignancy isn’t to government, but to everything not the government.
    But who is going to do that?
    I doubt there is One Single currently elected politician willing to perform the operation.
    And then there’s the brutal ignorance of the typical voter, the mendacity of public service unions, the idiocy of economists and the barking press.

    1. A real Conservative Party would take a scythe to the “Public Service”, not a scalpel.

      But, just like at least the last 50 years, we’ll at best get Faux Conservatives governing just like the Liberals(graft included) with a little bit of fake Conservative camouflage strewn aboot.

      Don’t the DummyCons realize that they may soon be passed by the Leafs and therefore will solely own title of “Canada’s Biggest Loser Ever”!

      It appears that your new country will be much like the old one……….NDP anyone?

      Maritimers are dumb, but not elect an NDP government dumb.

      Heck, that’s dumbness personified.

      1. I just rec’d a text from somebody asking if I’ll support PP. In a nutshell, I told them, you bet. As soon as the Conservative’s start acting like conservatives & not Liberal Lite, they got my support. Until then, FOAD.

        So far, no response.

    1. Then you of all the government-funded are the group who give us the best value for the money spent.

      In almost a quarter century since I returned to Canada I haven’t detected an improvement in the quality of service we get from the Goverment of Canada.

    1. Recovery is not possible. Venezuela and Argentina are excellent examples as to why recovery will never happen.

      1. IMO, they haven’t hit bottom yet. Bottom hits just prior to when the revolution begins.

  2. Does anyone remember when all Tim Hudak wanted to do was simply not replace retiring public sector workers? He was then forced out.

    I remember that.

    Had there been a Ronald Reagan type of leader here, those leeches would be fired and replaced in short time.

    But no …

  3. Kleptocracy death spiral.
    This is how it always ends,the theft increases until there is no one left to rob.
    Watching the PSAC and their elected minions fighting over the scraps is amusing.
    Every 80 years a cull has occurred,why would now be any different?

    When does Dear Leader declare a state of emergency?
    And will the “Protest Organizers” be able to get bail?
    What kind of “Mischief” are these slackers up to?

    The comments,on every “news” article about this strike,must be humiliating and frightening for the PSAC crew..well that is assuming they can read English.
    Strike! Harder! Longer!.
    On strike or at their desks.?
    How do we tell the difference?

  4. Do not forget that all supervisors and managers must speak French at quite a high level, so the federal government is mainly now francophone.

    Also, as a federal public servant, I always voted conservative. I also went to work during the 1991 psac strike, as I did not belong to their union nor support it. Ditto this one. Employers must decide hours and places of work.

    How, pray tell, does a receptionist effectively work from home?

  5. Employees of the government (including crown corporations, agencies, etc) should not be allowed to vote. There is too much of an incentive for the government to pander to these employees and increase their wages and benefits way beyond what the private sector can afford.
