
I’m working out of North Carolina this month. After working 13 hours on Friday and 6 hours on Saturday, I needed a break, so I drove up to central Virginia and captured a whole lot of photos. You can view them all here. Incidentally, the National D-Day Memorial, which you’ll find inside the Bedford folder, is a marvelous place which I had not heard of before. Well worth a visit!

6 Replies to “Photoblogging”

  1. Thank you – I really enjoy your photographs – always an unexpected treat –

  2. We winter in Florida….the rural part, no beaches. We make our twice annual trek off the interstates, on the old thorough fares from north to south and back. This is the heartland of everything American as your photos suggest, the small often semi-vacant towns, the abandoned service stations and motels, the once thriving diners….mostly gone, yet the people remain. And great people they are.

  3. Those are great pictures. Makes me want to travel again in the fascinating US South — beautiful country, rich history, rich culture.

  4. Great photos as always, Robert. Little late I know, but do you know the name of the church by any chance?
