22 Replies to “Yes, It Is”

  1. I had thought of that. The PSAC demonstrators are also encouraging horn honking and have their own air horns. Well, is that Chinese lady who is taking the Convoy leaders to court for a class action suit going to sue PSAC? Opps, I guess not as she is one of them. Protest is ok for me . . . but not for thee. As an aside, I don’t think anyone misses the services of the Federal Public Service (maybe people trying to get passports, but it just is not clear what else they do that is in any way meaningful to oridinary citizens.)

  2. ” So 155,000 government workers ( lol ) are on strike. Let’s say their average pay and benefits per day is $250. 155,000 x 250 = $38,750,000 per day. If they can stay on strike for a few years this could really help our deficit, not like most people will notice they are gone. “

    1. I read something earlier that noted they are receiving full pay until May 10. Nice work, if you can get it.

    2. When the government settles this, they will all get retroactive raises, including for the time they were on strike. They are making money on this, and they don’t give a damn about the public.

      Since the Federal government does nothing but waste money, I hope the strike lasts for years.

  3. They are the sum total of the Libetal voter base. Well them and few aboriginals and some immigrants.
    So now action required. Its not like they trickers amd actually contribute wealth to this society.

    1. “They are the sum total of the Libetal voter base.”
      More likely the NDP voter base seeking to displace the Liberal Party.

  4. I’m getting PTSD from reading about all of these PSAC acts of terrorism. These violent insurectionists don’t even have a bouncy castle FFS. I say it’s time to bring out the war horses (again) and trample them!

  5. Dear Leader is experiencing it differently this time, although he did flee the capital again today and even left the country.

  6. In Victoria the bastards are slow walking at a controlled crosswalk on one of the major commuter thoroughfares causing huge traffic backups every morning. If it were up to me I’d pull a Reagan and FIRE. THEM. ALL.

  7. The Liberal-NDP government would never bring in the Emergency Act on the two unions. The two unions receive grant money from the government, so the pickets can do anything they want. Trudeau only brings in tyhr Emergency Act against people not on the take. Money and power count.

  8. Remember – when Doug Ford wanted to do something similar, he was attacked as a tyrant.

    It is not WHAT is done but WHO does it.

    1. At Harry Hays Bldg in Calgary 90% of picket line is wimmen of color (WOC includes white & black as both are absent of color on the wheel of color)
      PM BlackFace is abusing wimmen again, though they may experience it differently.
      OTOH does anyone really know what time it is, does anyone really care?

      1. Now, now.

        Whatever people call themselves now can be greedy and useless, too.

  9. All a game, people.
    Federal politicians are inherent cowards, morally bereft and economically retarded.

  10. The good (?) burghers of Ottawa filed a class action suit against Freedom for all the inconvenience and mortal trauma.
    Maybe PSAC needs a couple of lawsuits against them.
    They have lots of money.

    If nothing else it might make the liberal judges a little less horny to hang the Freedom convoy.

  11. Has anybody noticed yet? Mainly because a robot can do most of their jobs at a fraction of the workforce. Oops, better go back now?

    “The Angus Reid Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan public opinion research foundation, found that 65 per cent of those surveyed supported the union’s ask for wage premiums for night shifts and overtime hours. Fifty-five per cent support federal employees’ right to work from home, the survey showed.

    Members of PSAC who work at the Canada Revenue Agency, Veteran Affairs Canada, Service Canada, the Canadian Border Services Agency and other departments and agencies have been on strike since Apr. 19, as bargaining between PSAC union leaders and the federal government ground to a halt, the union said in an email to members Tuesday evening.”

    The survey found that political affiliation had the most impact on support for PSAC members’ demands. Those who said they supported the Conservative Party in 2021 are “overwhelmingly opposed to four of the five demands, though a slim majority (52 per cent) support union calls for wage premiums,” Angus Reid said.”

    The majority of survey respondents who said they supported the NDP and Liberal parties were in favour of all five of the union’s demands.”

    Quebecers and Atlantic Canada residents showed the highest overall support, and Alberta and Saskatchewan residents showed the least. Men over 55 years old showed the least support, while men 35 and younger and women between the ages of 18 and 54 showed the highest support.”


    Quelle surprise. But they better watch it before Justin the cabin boy Grit PM decides they might be from Alberta, so foreign funded zealots, separatists (the wrong kind) or other rednecks radicals who insist government like us live within its means and who vote.

    Raises the private sector never gets, yet with more pay and benefits already, already demanding the right to (not) work from home.

  12. I wear hearing aids, so I wish they would hire some bitches who can speak broadcast english, so I can understand them!!!!!

  13. Clearly an insurrection. Send in the army, freeze the bank accounts. Beat the shite out of them.
