25 Replies to “The feds may want Net Zero by 2035, but Moe’s not having it”

  1. Sorry to break it to you but net zero can only be accomplished by throwing us in the stone age. Regardless of how stupid and delusional Liberal voters are they will change course when they start getting cold and hungry.

    1. Even then the few that survive will still need to light fires in our caves

    2. I think even the stone age there was a carbon problem.
      The fires that the people made to keep warm and cook food made carbon products that went into the air.
      Plus, the amount of carbon from all the wildfires that had to be going on during that time also.

      Well, everyone have a nice Mother’s Day and of course May the 4th be with you.

      1. the year without summer in Europe was caused by the natives in north America who nearly burnt the place down. a few buffalo bladders of water did nothing to stop the flames even if they are at one with nature ,

    3. Not true, scar.

      Net zero is not actual zero. You can get net zero by buying “carbon credits”, so if we can’t cut emissions enough, we can somehow achieve the same result by giving billions of taxpayer dollars to China, or third world countries. Apparently that negates the ability of our emissions to trap heat.

    4. scar, even that will not achieve the impossible. We can all die, every living creature on the planet, and there still will be no such thing as net zero.

  2. It’s not going to happen anywhere, unless the feds plan on impoverishing or killing their citizens

    1. I guess that you missed the Malthusian pseudoscientific protestations that accompany the WEF’s Great Reset. It is a feature, reducing the population of the planet to a mere 500,000,000 as a means of saving Gaia (humanity be damned). So yes, the goal is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time and concentrate any wealth and resources in the hands of the WEF elite and their corporate allies like Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street as well as the central banks and their largest allies.

      1. Nope, I’m well aware of what various lunatics are demanding, and at some point they will need to be dealt with.

        I’d like to see the likes of Trudeau live a net zero lifestyle for 5 years, before he tries to inflict it upon the rest of us.

        1. “I’d like to see the likes of Trudeau live a net zero lifestyle for 5 years…

          – Yes but he doesn’t have to, comrade! He’s the Great Leader, inspiring us all with his noble, far-seeing vision. He works hard every day and night on our behalf – he’s entitled to his Zil and dacha!

    2. It indeed isn’t going to happen. Notice that the objectives are all to be achieved long after the current term of office has long since passed. None of the current gang of clods will be in office to be held to account for what they promised which then failed upon attempting to achieve it. Lying scum like Dalton McGuinty fled the country, as did Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson.

    3. Don’t think the feds can’t impoverish or kill their citizens without a plan.

  3. Personally, I’m proud to live in Gavin Newsom’s CA where we will be Carbon Zeroed by 2025! I look forward to burning my furniture for warmth in the winter of 2025 … although Al Gore promises that winter will be like summer … all balmy and whatnot.

    1. That depends on how fast the out-migration from California continues. At the rate California is losing working population, it’s not all that long before California resembles Detroit.

    2. Just can’t stop talking about California, can you Kenji? Didn’t you see the title and the reference to Moe? Is Moe from California? Why does America have to be the subject of every single entry?

      1. Seems to me that when the ” Great Reset ” takes place that it will be in California as well as where ever you live and also in the land of MOE. So everyone should have a horse in this race cause we are all gonna be affected by the WEF and its sycophants such as Turdeau,so keep posting Kenji!

      2. The parallels between the Communist State of CA and the Communist Country of Canada are manifest. We share nearly identical problema

  4. From Scar

    “Regardless of how stupid and delusional Liberal voters are they will change course when they start getting cold and hungry.”

    A way to speed up this process of getting the Eastern population to wake is turn the valves off for a month or two. They will come to their senses and demand the Federal Politicians get Real in their thinking.

    1. And with no customers, you will be freezing in the dark. By all means commit suicide if you feel so inclined.

    2. Yup.
      We must shut down Line 5.
      The Witch of Michigan has told us how unsafe this pipeline is and who are we mere Westerners to doubt such an expert exhalted person?
      So we must shut down this line and all like it,until we can identify and remedy these safety hazards.
      Immediately,then we must hire Aboriginal Ground Penetrating Radar to search these lines for evidence,no shovels can be used as AGPR is too excellent to doubt.
      Then,after decades of consultation,we must seek a consensus as to whether Westerners feel good about gas flows in such archaic systems..
      Preferably with much burning of sweetgrass alongside all gas vents.

  5. The only way to be optimistic about the future of the West is to stay stoned on legal or illegal drugs, washed down with plenty of legal booze.

    Justin Trudeau is quite likely going to be our PM in 2035.

  6. We are the carbon they want to reduce to zero. Wake up people. The planet was greener and healthier with higher co2 levels. It’s a good thing. It’s plant food ffs. They’ve been telling lies for decades now. Remember Al Gores little movie that was pushed in schools? All bullshlt.
