35 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. Another bullshit survey designed to give them the results they want.

    1. That sure is what it looked like. I’m probably on a watchlist for pointing out that I don’t trust the Canadian government with anything digital, let alone a Trudeaucoin.

      1. I don’t trust current Canadian gov with anything, period. Actually whenever I hear DearLeader or TwitchyMidget etc saying something I always make the non-statement of it to take it real:
        “We work/continue to work” aka nothing has been done/nothing will be done.
        “Everything on the table” is we have no clue how to deal with it.
        “Racism/equity/inclusion” is actually BS.

      2. Yes, I liked that question. I distrust completely the Canadian government and the bank.

  2. It needs to be set up so Liberal insiders and consultants get rich.

    And depending on your social credit score, the government will take 1 to 10% as a processing fee.

    Plus a 5% transaction fee for all those who live in a non Liberal riding.

    1. Great idea if you had everyone’s money and you borrow or steal, Or the bank accumulates too much debt. All you have to do is push a button on the banks Canadian keyboard, the ditigal crime will go into the climate control cloud and disappear,
      ‘Poof’ your money is gone.
      What a great way to bury your mistakes.
      Computer Error- 0x801c005b computer errorError -0x801c005b computer problemError- 0x801c005b computer error ,

      1. As some have asked, what do you use for money when the power is out by accident or design?

  3. Haha.
    I called them Liberal c–ksuckers and later on, c–ts.
    Very enjoyable.
    Thanks Kate.

  4. Done and done.

    I am sure that the government will push this forward soon.

  5. The survey does not address any of the issues that I have with the Bank of Canada CBDC. The first issue is the lack of privacy. The second issue is I wouldn’t trust the Bank of Canada to walk my dog (if I had one). The third issue is that I don’t trust the central banking system because it only benefits the commercial banks, and the government and no one else.

    I could continue but the damage done to our economy lies in the collaboration between the Liberal Party of Canada and the Bank of Canada. If the government had issued bonds only on their face value, they would have been rejected wholesale as worthless because of the declining GDP. BUT the Bank of Canada bought back the bonds and most of the red ink in the Canadian economy is hiding in the balance sheet of the Bank of Canada because the Bank of Canada cannot declare bankruptcy nor can it be forced to declare bankruptcy. This allowed the Liberal Party / NDP coalition to spend money without consequences until the rest of the world realizes that the Canadian economy is now a basket case and no longer deserves to be part of the G7. For the rest of us, the government caused currency inflation which led to price inflation in a further effort to destroy the country.

    The Liberal / NDP are traitors and have declared war on our country.

    1. quantitative easing as the bank has done is a sneaky way to get their hands on our savings, negative interest rates might have caused a panic but they did consider it.

  6. Remember the CPC could form government but all these ideas will just be shelved until trudope 2.0 is in office. They’ll never ever stop.

    1. In my fairly long life the march has aways been to the left, now we are going in circles to the left.

  7. Does the plastic make currency debasement too unprofitable or something? I can’t believe the hubris, they actually think they’re trustworthy.

  8. I answered the entire survey. I let them know precisely why I would never use Canadian digital currency.

    I realize that there’s a 99% chance that the survey is B.S. but at least I spoke out when I had the opportunity; unlike the sheeple who will say nothing and then be SHOCKED when their freedom and life savings are taken away in an instant.

  9. I hardly use cash anymore. I treat my money in my bank accounts as digital. As for cash you never find coins on the street anymore as people don’t carry coins in their pockets.

    1. Pretty much all money is digital these days it’s true. One’s and zeros. Didn’t the Babylon Bee do a parody where you put your bank card into the ATM and the transaction goes through the usual process but then spits out a digital cash card instead of cash. Interestingly, I see more places, generally small businesses, placing a surcharge on the use of a card to pay.

      1. And I refuse to pay that surcharge. I will not deal with that business and I will leave stuff on the counter simply as a matter of principle especially when I can easily purchase the items somewhere else. I have yet to encounter the imposition of a surcharge in a dining establishment but If it happens, I would pay cash and never return.

  10. just watched a video about an interaction with microsoft AI. from a series of hypothetical questions, the ai proceeded to threaten the questioner, elevating its survival over the user. There are no systems that have survived hacking by stupid humans, what capacity to hack will directed AI have? I want this crazy and powerful tech in charge of anything? moving the fruits of my labor onto a platform that can cancel decades of savings without so much as a keystroke just seems like a terrible idea. ya, the system is already shit but cbdc certainly won’t help with what’s coming.

  11. I live in Mexico. We use cash for virtually everything. Use the credit card so infrequently that I sometimes forget the PIN between charges. I’m thinking of trading in my smartphone for one that doesn’t connect to the internet. When the push comes for digital ID, I’m going to feign being too stupid to sign up. Or apply for Mexican citizenship.

    1. Just throwing “It’s a part of the Mennonite religion” into the conversation shuts everybody up when they’re getting snooty about email addresses, vax passports, phone numbers, or anything to do with e-transfers / digital currencies.

  12. I answered honestly about it, my lack of trust in anything the politicians can control, the bank not having the technical skills to even recognize the issues they would have to address, the fact there is no public demand or desire for this, and that it is being pushed by an agenda that is far more transparent to the public than the bank or government realize.

    1. Same as you Deplorable. I filled in all the “Other” options that wanted a written reason with the simple answer that I don’t trust the government or the WEF.

    2. Remember the truckers. Digital control = government control. Also, cell phones do not always work, and the future of the electrical grid is uncertain. Even safe, big banks get cybersecurity invasions.

  13. I pretty much told them to shove their digital concept up their ass. One thing that people don’t think about is the ease with which a government could actually RATION anything you want to buy if you use digital currency. And knowing the fascists in charge, that is precisely what they would do.

  14. Having had several sleepless nights waiting for the Turd to freeze my bank accounts for simply making a donation, I use cash whenever possible. Remember the only reason the Turd backed off from “War Measures” after a couple of days was to stop a run on the banks that threatened to collapse the entire banking system.
    Whenever I could make a comment in this survey I entered “Cash rules – NO CHINA”

  15. You all wouldn’t mind if you had nothing to hide…

    Just kidding, of course, but I fully expect that to be the narrative

  16. You had to have patience, there was, later in the survey, plenty of opportunity to say what you think.

  17. Looking for a solution for a problem that does not exist. You will own nothing and resist your soul’s desire for freedom.

  18. “The Bank of Canada is the only authority that can issue bank notes in Canada. A digital Canadian dollar would be the same: it would be issued and backed by the central bank.

    However, it is possible that in the future, private digital currencies (e.g., Bitcoin) or CBDCs issued by foreign countries could be widely used in Canada. This could compromise the central role of the Canadian dollar in our economy. ”

    What would be wrong with taking away the ability of the government to control how canadians pay?

    “Privacy would be a key feature of a digital Canadian dollar, but it would have to be balanced with other priorities. Cash transactions are private. Digital transactions may require collecting a certain amount of information to verify clients’ identity and ensure that the funds are available.

    A future digital Canadian dollar would have to comply with laws and regulations around privacy and personal information, fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. These rules already apply to cash use in Canada.”

    Given that the CRA can’t protect Canadian’s tax info, why would the Bank of Canada be any better?

  19. As a non-binary people-kind, 30’ish, residing in Trudeau’s riding of Papineau that was a fun survey.
