You get carbon capture, and you get carbon capture …

Boundary Dam Power Station

When the SaskPower Boundary Dam 3 carbon capture project opened in 2014, nobody followed. The tech looked doomed as recently as a few months ago. On May 11, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed that all coal and most natural gas power plants have carbon capture applied by 2038, or shut down.

Interestingly enough, last year, when I asked Crown Investments (and SaskPower) Minister Don Morgan if we would be doing any more carbon capture on coal, he said it was “not an option.” So, in Canada, it’s not an option, but in the US, it looks like it may soon be mandatory.

8 Replies to “You get carbon capture, and you get carbon capture …”

  1. “Carbon capture”. What a laugh. This is all SO STUPID. Do we want our crops to suffocate? Our trees? Our flowers? Just another grift operation by the globalists, progs, Satanists, demons, etc

    1. Yes Sid V but Don Morgan is nonetheless a scum bag.
      I know, I know … sure he is scum bag but he is ‘our’ scum bag.

  2. L – The U.S. acknowledges Carbon Capture projects on coal fired
    electrical generation. The Canadian fed. gov’t. does not.

    We stay and freeze in the dark or become 1.) independent as province or 2.) Wexit if required, and survive. Then we live long and prosper.

    Tough choice…, not really.

    (3.) Real Canadians prefer rainbows in the sky, not on their passports.)

  3. The ridiculousness of “Carbon capture” just bought coal workers more time and who I’m sure thought it was a godsend. Sorry Estevan.
    Best get used to it: Coal isn’t coming back…it certainly would if I were King but it simply isn’t.
    Any UMWA union members in Estevan? I have a question: Why are you still paying dues? Intl President Cecil Roberts sold you out two years ago in exchange for promises of “good paying green jobs”. No such thing exists…it’s a god damned lie.!

  4. Carbon capture? Stupidity. Mother nature takes care of everything. High CO2 – then plant growth goes insane solving the problem. Nobody ever said the water cycle is creating too much water. The problem is at some point they started handing out PhDs to idiots.

  5. Those who believe they can tax you for air..are Oxygen Thieves.
    Deserving one fate only.
    Denial of air.
    Strangulation works for me.
    Although I will accept permanent banishment to Coats Island for all Gang leu of Hanging.

  6. And your post is another perfect example of “you can’t fix stupid”.
    Your ideology apparently trumps the facts.
    Your renewables are your unreliables.
    You would like to kill most of us.
    De-arranged minds belong in a nut house.
