28 Replies to “How’s That Marketing Plan Working Out For Ya?”

  1. I’ve never understood the appeal of that piss-water in the first place. There’s real beer out there for the drinking. If I want something lo- or no-cal, I can always swig a can of flavoured spring water.

    1. I suspect that is the real reason for them making Dylan Mulvaney their spokesperson.

      They were looking for to target another market of those who already liked the taste of piss.

    1. Yeah … the Bud backlash
      Just like the Muzzie backlash after a Muslim mass murder.

      And if you believe that? … you’ve made an RCMP Agent happy.

    2. That one is retards trying to roll somebody for their beer, and -failing- because of terminal lameness.

      This is the type of thing we used to settle with knuckle sandwiches, before that became a hate-crime.

    3. marc – Smells like a false flag operation to me. This is where you wait several days for the whole story to come out.

      Hmmm… by any chance, was one of the victims named Jussie Smollett?

    1. Yes, I know, but…


      3 of 3
      noun (2)
      plural taints
      vulgar slang
      : the area between the anus and the posterior part of the external genitalia : PERINEUM

  2. I say keep it up, seems to be having an effect. The effect I like most is, I don’t see that skinny freak’s face anymore.

  3. Neil Young sang, “This note’s for you”, as an up yours to his record company contract.
    Prescient, no?
    Sometime after Sweet Alabama…

        1. Hence no one has been recruited into the 2sLGBTQqAI+/- by the TiKTok community?

    1. Sweet!


      And I LOVE the flame-thrower at the end. Sanitized for your protection. That was the funniest part of Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” … taking out Sqeeky Frome or Patricia Krenwinkle … I forget which one … with a WWII flame-thrower. Perfect 1969 revisionist history … the way Hollywood SHOULD do revisionist history.

  4. Great sale. Save 30C a can/bottle.
    I’ll bet they can’t even that orina de caballlo away for free,

  5. I keep buying no cans for $0.00, saving even more money ( which I can spend on real beer if I like.)

  6. So…. because I’m bored, I looked up Vonda and was startled by the Ukrainian connection, (not by Sig’s)
    Bud Light Ukrainian Air Lift!
    All will be forgiven!
    It’s better than giving it to the homeless, (which was done by InBev in England and was not appreciated.)

    1. The Ukrainians could drop drone-drop it on Russian AFVs… watch the Russkies bail out. 😉

  7. I’m wondering if a lot of large corporations are looking at the current marketing directors for their brands, checking their alma maters, checking their social media posts and in certain cases very quietly “internally posting” them to smaller, lesser known products or failing that finding that those positions are surplus in this downturn economy. Anheuser-Busch is a huge conglomerate and will probably be able to weather this loss–but most companies regardless of market/product can’t afford a 20%-25% decrease in market share…The last time that happened was in the mid to late 70s when oil went from $4 a barrel to $16 a barrel and Japanese companies named Honda, Subaru and Toyota took 25% of the automotive market from the Big Three in “fortress” N. America. And we all know how that turned out for The Big Three. (For you young ones, GM/Ford/Chrysler = The Big Three)
