We’re going nuclear, but will handcuffs be involved if we keep burning coal?

Regarding this impending Clean Electricity Standard, which would force a massive energy transition in Saskatchewan in just 12 years:

Without committing to nuclear, Saskatchewan is pretty much committing to nuclear

Asking Scott Moe: What if the feds order power plants be shut down, and the Supreme Court backs them?

It turns out Steven Guilbeault has an answer for that: He said burning coal would be a violation of Canada’s Criminal Code. So will the feds be arresting the premier, SaskPower minister, SaskPower CEO, coal miners or power plant operators? All the above? And will they be arrested the same way Guilbeault was, when as a Greenpeace protestor, he scaled the CN Tower?

40 Replies to “We’re going nuclear, but will handcuffs be involved if we keep burning coal?”

  1. So the eco Nazis will go around arresting democratically elected representatives who are ensuring the the health and safety of the citizens by making sure the lights are on and homes are warm? Sounds like we know who the enemy is.

  2. The Supreme Court will back them. Covid exposed the way things are, the courts in Canada share the underlying leftist beliefs.

    1. Exactly.
      Boomer cucks like Moe are going to what? Whine more? Then launch a court case that will be lost and then shrug and be like, “Well, nothing we can do about it.”

      They’ll nice guy us into the graves and be like, “Well, at least we’re respecting the rule of law! The constitution after all!”

      1. Why don’t you do something about it then you whining——— complaining clown

    2. The courts already ruled that despite what the constitution says, the feds can interfere in matters that belong solely to the provinces, such as the environment.

      1. Mostly wrong. Environment is a shared responsibility. That’s why both federal and provincial governments have environment ministries.

  3. Would be great if Danielle Smith and Scott Moe find some balls and a spine for FlubberDougie, AB+SK+ON would have really good chances in a legal fight against Turd’s feds.

  4. “German auto giant Volkswagen cited Ontario’s abundant clean electricity as one of the reasons it opted to build a new electric-vehicle battery plant in that province, for example.”
    That and the $13 Billion in fed subsidies and $700 million in grants. But hey, keep talking to us like we’re stupid.

    “illegal” huh. You know what they say about bullies, Moe.

  5. The federal Liberal-NDP government will huff and puff but it’s all a big bluff. Does anyone actually think they’ll invade Saskatchewan’s government (citizen) owned generating stations and shut them down? Will they even be governing Canada at that time?

    Maybe some legal maneuvers but shutting down reliable, affordable electricity in Saskatchewan, a province with 6 months of winter and lows of -30C to -40C, is close to democide. Add in that the Liberal Party of Canada has no seats in Saskatchewan and it looks like politically motivated threats against the province’s economy and citizens, especially when other climate change conscious nations are embracing natgas.

    The only silver lining to the scenario above is that threatening to kill off Saskatchewan’s reliable, affordable electricity supply will turbo charge separatist sentiments in the province.

    Anyway, the funniest comment I saw was the suggestion to reclassify all of Saskatchewan’s coal and natgas generating stations as Chinese CCP police stations…because we know the Trudeau Liberal government can’t find and won’t shut down Chinese government police stations in Canada.

    1. Agreed, LC. It’s all “sound and fury signifying nothing”. The prospect of using police or military to shut down working generating stations is zero. This is exactly why Guilbeault is ramping up the empty rhetoric. Given that none of this will happen, all he has left is mindless screaming and shouting.

      You are also correct about “politically motivated threats”. This has little to do with Saskatchewan and only another verse in the eternal Liberal song-sheet of “divide Ontario from the west. Anyone in Alberta-Saskatchewan who takes this seriously is being played for a chump by Telford and Butts. Your shrieking hatred is exactly what they want to hear.

    2. Good reason for SK to get a jump on kicking out the RCMP. We’ll see if SK Party cares or not.

    3. I also heard most roads in SK are provincial (or municipal which are controlled by province). Hate to see feds trespassing on those.
      Oh and the Trans Canada is a provincial highway.

  6. Handcuffs would be a good start for these Liberals, who are criminally beggaring our economy with their half-baked ‘green’ agenda while pandering to ethnic and religious groups for votes. Off to jail with the bunch of them.

  7. Dear Liberals, see if you can imagine the honk honk if you shut off electricity to Saskatchewan.

    Do you think there will be bouncy castles and hot tubs this time? I think there will be.

  8. History is rife with psychopaths like Guilbeault who have rationalized mass murder, concentration camps, inquisitions and other horrors due to a morality over-riding zeal. He is a product and example of “screw Canada” Quebec politics. The Spawn-Fuhrer is another. Why else would seemingly rational people elect people of such low character.

  9. Let the games begin ! We have not had a civil war but separation is past due. I. hope that it is seamless and peaceful. The taxation of our resources via a carbon tax should be the last straw. Louis Riel was a hero.

    1. What idiocy. Separations are never peaceful and seamless. Where were you during the 1st and 2nd Chechen wars? Where have you been during the decades of Basque terrorism in Spain? Where were you during the breakup of Yugoslavia?

  10. I am not a lawyer but I’m under the impression that the criminal code is enforced by the provinces and only by the provinces. The feds have no enforcement power in this matter.

  11. All this stupid talk about coal and carbon credits….what is the Canadian government doing about all the carbon that’s being wildly pumped into the atmosphere now?

    Is your federal government paying carbon credits for all the uncontrolled wildfires affecting most of the US midwest? There must be millions of tons being emitted right now.

    I’m in Michigan, I can hardly see the sun from all the carbon in the atmosphere from Canadian sources. I demand that Canadian Federal government take responsibility for this carbon catastrophe!!

    1. “what is the Canadian government doing about all the carbon that’s being wildly pumped into the atmosphere now?”


      Planting two billion new trees.
      * Fuel For Future Fires

  12. In the end, it will likely come to armed conflict between those who wish to impose their tyranny upon us in the form of climate laws or vaccine laws or whatever way they devise to control our lives and those who wish to live free lives. In this world full of authoritarian socialist bullies, one must take a stand and perhaps shed one’s blood for the cause of a free and open society.

  13. Since when have the Liberals and the Crime Minister concerned themselves with either truth or rule of law? I would love to see Justin prosecuted to the full extent of the law for his actions at Point Grey Academy. That would be a good start. Or Guilbeault for the fraud of the carbon taxation scheme for an issue that is not demonstrably proven, and which the government can do nothing about.

  14. Like I said in post below,Great Plan Liberals.
    Please make it so.
    For,longer than Canada has been a country,coal veins have been burning unchecked by man.
    On Crown Land.
    For which Liberals have been responsible for the majority of Can Ahh Duh’s short history and for which this moron from Quebec is now the minister Responsible..
    So make it a crime,make the death penalty the proper punishment..
    Then we can apply their law,to every Liberal.
    Fires on Crown Lands,responsibility of The Crown.
    Minister “represents” The Crown..
    Which fate is most appropriate?
    Or being cast into a sulphurous burning hell..fire down below?
    We must act..to save the planet..

    Sorry Steven..thems your rules..

  15. The Supreme Court. 3 judges from Quebec, 3 from Ontario and three from the rest of Canada. All appointments by the “crime minister”!
    Moe better consider, accept as reality, and sell a UDI before wasting money and time going down the legal path.
    Free the West

    1. AGREE. The legal path is a total waste of time.
      Pols in the West advocating for it are disingenuous; making a show of pretending to do something.
      We all know with complete confidence that the SCOC is as corrupt as every other institutuion in the country.

      YES, why are there no pols who are capable of saying, unequivocally, WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

  16. It seems difficult for Premier Moe, Premier Smith, to simply say “we will not comply” and when pushed on this issue, we’ll hold a provincial referendum on staying within Canada’s confederation, or leaving.

    And, we won’t be negotiating from a position of weakness.

  17. Don’t worry, all the woke crap will resolve itself soon triggered by a massive defeat in Ukraine followed by the knock-on consequences.

  18. Marc

    You’re bang on with that statement.

    Why indeed is it so difficult hmm.??
    The feds have something on em or the threat of losing Health Care $$$ and the removal of such scares em off.

  19. To many liberals in the SaskParty…
    The Devine coalition.
    Liberals think history starts every morning.
