Literally the Dark Ages

When I visited South Africa in 2015, two hour power outages were a regular occurrence most evenings in the suburbs, but unheard of in townships which voted ANC. Not so anymore. Even ANC strongholds are now experiencing 12 hour outages, which is finally threatening the ANC’s stranglehold on political power.

But don’t get your hopes up. The main beneficiaries might be the overtly Marxist Economic Freedom Front, whose Stalinist leader thirsts for the mounting chaos which he believes could open the door for a dictatorship of the Proletariat.

19 Replies to “Literally the Dark Ages”

  1. the MEFF won’t be able to provide any more power than the ANC will, given they are both gangster governments only interested in their own enrichment…

    It’s entirely possible South Africa will devolve like Rhodesia into a Zimbabwe

    1. Entirely possible?
      It’s a dead cert. South Africa is a failed state, courtesy of black tribalism.

  2. Sure, go ahead and laugh at what your seeing in SA, but this is actually Joe Biden’s, Justin Castreu’s and Klaus Schwab’s ultimate vision for the West, with the endgame being the imposition of a worldwide communist dictatorship.

  3. “overtly Marxist Economic Freedom Front”

    What a wonderful name! Brought to you by the same people who named the Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea. South Africa is rapidly heading towards that same level of economic prosperity, infrastructure, and perpetual near-famine too.

  4. Institute Kleptocracy..
    Act all surprised when you run out of people of wealth to pillage..
    That same future is coming here.
    Already the parasites are fighting evermore vicious battles over rapidly diminishing rewards.
    Takers gotta take.
    It is their nature.
    Just as here,the Mugabe Clan gave “Free stuff” to their supporters..
    Until there is no more “free stuff” to be had.
    Farmers call this “Eating your seed corn” and our parasites all party hard as they ensure there will be no future .
    We are no different from South Africa and we will refuse to learn from their “Bad Luck”.
    The Road to serfdom is paved with “Good intentions and pretty lies.”
    And we love them pretty lies.
    Almost as much as our parasitic overload loves Other Peoples Money..

    It is addictive.
    The junkies will do anything,say anything to get a few dollars more of that OPM..
    And we thought Crackheads were despicable..

  5. Blackrock, Vanguard , JP Morgan, success story in the making, destroy it so you can control it later.

    1. Destroying a country is one of the few things blacks can do without whites helping them.

  6. The breakdown of public services started with the police. When people couldn’t depend on police response they turned to Private security and armed response, an industry which is now much larger than the police force. With the breakdown of the grid, those who can afford it are turning to solar to power their homes. Big business has put in generators the size of city blocks to power the office towers. It’s somewhat doable if you have the means and are prepared to scale back on your electricity needs (don’t run the washer or dryer during load-shedding, for instance). Yet, even that is becoming more difficult as they go into winter and the solar is not as robust.

    The new challenge is water treatment. 22 people died this week semi-rural area 50 kms outside the capital Pretoria from a cholera outbreak which seems to be spreading to other areas.

    1. I was speaking with a South African a month or so ago. He said “when they lose the water, they lose the country”.

  7. Let’s put black welfare immigrants in charge of everything. Would that be better than Quebeckers in charge of everything? I think the direction of downward would be about the same.

    1. We could put fourth generation white welfare recipients in charge. I’m sure things would improve.

  8. I can’t tell you how much this breaks my heart. I was born there and spent my childhood and teen years there. This was in the forties, fifties and sixties. In those days the roads were superb, the power station Eskom was one of the best, there were fewer people of all races, and you could go into the center of Johannesburg in safety. I know, I know, Apartheid. At least the infrastructure worked, and there was hope for the future. What hope now ?

  9. South Africa is way ahead of Africa’s time.
    Needs to be dragged back to, let’s say, dark ages of Europe to start over again.

    You will notice that in Europe, the countries that jumped from serfdom to industrial age have problems to this day,

    Evolution of civilization is a fact of nature of things, you try to jump over a period, you will end up two steps back.

    Can’t fool, nature or you may be a fool.

  10. Inconceivable! Nobody could see this coming. Actually there should have been a pool started as soon as the whites relinquished power to the gingers for how long before the inevitable collapse and ensuing hilarity.

  11. Laugh all you want.
    Blame Racism and Reverse Racism all you want.

    Do you think that Canada and the United States will be any better off when we De-Carbonize our civilization in 2035?

    I look at South Africa and see the future.
