13 Replies to “In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Nazi For 15 Minutes”

    1. “Only we call them Liberals.” YES.

      Ever increasing government bureaucracy funded with borrowed money.
      Destroy free market enterprise through ever increasing, unobtainable government regulations.
      Government control of the remaining favored monopolies.
      Control of all media including censorship.
      Persecution and destruction of those with opinions that differ from government ideology, or are perceived to cause all of societies problems.

      Interesting what one can learn from pre WWII Germany documentaries…….

  1. This vicious and untoward bias against Zorb lizard mutants is very unbecoming, though!

  2. You wanna call me a Natzi … because I insist that we are all born MALE or FEMALE? That’s like calling Issac Newton a Natzi because he believes gravity produces a constant F = G [m1m2/r squared] … Damn! Newton … you Natzi Fascist!

  3. These days if you’re not being called a Nazi by these commie weirdo freaks, you’re not trying hard enough.

  4. I am impressed with JK Rowling, more every day.
    Haven’t read those wizard books, but just might have to try them.
    Harry who?

    1. They work best if you’re eleven. Good on her though. I have a friend who is a hairy potter. He makes lovely pots and things.

  5. Travis @Travis_in_Flint

    Sai Varshith Kandula, the man who smashed a U-Haul truck into the White House gates, had a journal with a speech prepared after he took over the US government. In his speech he would announce that the US would no longer be a Democratic nation and anyone who opposed his new government would receive the death penalty.

    He also stated he would declare Martial Law and civil unrest would not be tolerated as (we) rebuild this world.

    He had no weapons on him in his attempted “takeover” and only rammed the gate. The only item in the U-Haul was a Nazi Flag. He now faces possible deportation back to India.

    Is anyone buying this? H/T @jonesville

  6. Nazi – National Socialist German Workers Party
    I wish to state that I am not now or ever have been a socialist.
    I prefer systems that work
