RIP Claudia Rosett

You may remember her reporting from the Oil For Food days;

Much of her career was spent with the Wall Street Journal, serving as its Moscow bureau chief and editorial page editor for the Asia division. She was fearless and passionate, especially when reporting about repressive regimes around the world. Claudia was the only print journalist who witnessed the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989, dodging bullets to get the story out to the world (you can read her first-hand account here). She was also a fierce critic of the United Nations and is widely credited with exposing corruption in the international body. She received several awards for her reporting on the UN’s Oil-for-Food program in Iraq. In recent years she had traveled to Hong Kong to cover protests over the encroachment of China. She was also a foreign policy fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.

They don’t make them like her anymore. (And those that they do are shunted off to Substack).

6 Replies to “RIP Claudia Rosett”

  1. She did great work and you’re right, they don’t make them like her anymore. Still waiting for replacements. Lot’s of folks on podcasts and social media who are doing good work but not to many writers/reporters.

  2. // She was also a foreign policy fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum. //
    Founded in 1992 by Rosalie Silberman, Anita K. Blair, and Barbara Olson, the IWF grew out of the ad hoc group “Women for Judge Thomas,” created to reinforce Clarence Thomas against allegations of sexual harassment and other sex-based illegal behavior
    and in his stance as EEOC Chair refusing to enforce of laws against sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. WIKI

  3. Christie Blatchford is one of the few (only?) Canadian print reporters who I would put in Rosett’s class of those with a fearless commitment to the truth, regardless of the potential blowback from politicians and the media elite.

    1. OttaeasMJ

      She was simply awesome.
      Total Common sense decent woman…and no pushover by any stretch..!!
      Always read her articles…

  4. I used to listen to her on John Batchelor’s show all the time. Great lady!

  5. That’s sad news. She was truly a great journalist that I always made sure to read. The rare kind that actually spoke truth to power.
